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The groundwater quality indices of 12 randomly selected boreholes in Enugu North Senatorial  District  in  Enugu  State,  south-east  Nigeria  have  been  studied.  Using standard  methods by American  Public Health Association,  American  Water Works Association;   World   Environmental   Federation   (APHA-AWWA-WEF)    and   the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), 22 physicochemical parameters were determined in triplicates at monthly intervals for three months in dry season and then  repeated  in rainy  season.  The parameters  and the range of values obtained during   dry   season    include:   BOD5(3.14–6.37    mg/L),   COD(5.8–10.51    mg/L), temperature(29.0-31.9     C),  phosphate(0.12-0.87   mg/L),  nitrate(1.24-8.72   mg/L), sulphate(20.10-24.34    mg/L),   pH(4.900-7.500),    E.C(10.0–410.0    μS/cm),    total acidity(0.06 – 1.24 mg/L), total alkalinity(28.0–22.10 mg/L), total hardness ( 100.0 – 140.1 mg/L), TSS(70.0–270.0  mg/L), TDS(0.00–210.0  mg/L), TS(70.0–390.0  mg/L), turbidity(3.4  –50.0  mg/L),  Na(0.0–21.28  mg/L),  K(0.0–12.03  mg/L),  Cu(0.0–23.01 mg/L),  Fe(0.0–11.03  mg/L),  and  Zn(0.01–3.00  mg/L).  During  rainy  season,  the parameters in the 12 samples revealed the following ranges: BOD5(2.88 – 6.10 mg/L), COD(3.49–7.45   mg/L),  temperature(29.0-31.9     C),  phosphate(0.30–10.60   mg/L), nitrate(1.20–120.0   mg/L),  sulphate(0.0–100.0   mg/L),  pH(4.900-7.500),   E.C(10.0- 360.0  μS/cm),  total acidity(0.10-10.5  mg/L),  total alkalinity(10.0-52.1  mg/L),  total hardness(100-130  mg/L),  TSS(100.0-280.0  mg/L),  TDS(0.0-260.0  mg/L),  TS(110.0- 560.0 mg/L), turbidity(3.80-56.0 mg/L), Na(0.0-21.28 mg/L), K(1.32-15.11 mg/L), Cu (0.03-28.37 mg/L), Fe(0.0-12.29 mg/L), and Zn(0.02-3.61 mg/L). The mean values of the  parameters  were  compared  with  standard  guideline  values  recommended  by World Health Organisation (W.H.O.), Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ),   National   Agency   for  Food  and  Drug   Administration   and  Control (NAFDAC) and the European Union (EU) for drinking water.  Seasonal variations of the  parameters  in  the  samples  were  observed.  The  mean  values  of  BOD5   and temperature  in all the samples  were  above the standard  values. The rainy season nitrate  values  in  some  samples  and  phosphate  mean  values  were  higher  than recommended  values.  There was a drop in pH during rainy season with the range generally acidic in both seasons. Turbidity in some samples was above the guideline value. A rainy  season increase in total acidity (with a corresponding  rainy season drop in total alkalinity), total hardness; sulphate and Zn values was observed. Cd and Pb were  not detected  in all the samples  studied.  The mean  values of Cu and Fe increased in rainy season and were above the recommended guideline values in both seasons.  K  mean  value  increased  in  rainy  season  slightly  above  the  standard guideline  value. Recovery  analyses  were performed  for the metals to  validate  the accuracy  of the methods  and instruments  as well  as the  reliability of the  results obtained. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA; using SPSS Windows Version 20) performed on the data obtained showed statistically significant variations between the 12 borehole water physicochemical  parameters  in dry season as well as in  rainy season. Post hoc tests of multiple comparisons were conducted to specify the patterns of variability between the samples. An overall physicochemical Water Quality Index (WQI) for each borehole was computed and used in the groundwater rating. Levene’s T3   test   revealed   no   significance   difference   between   the   dry   season   overall physicochemical  WQI and rainy season overall physicochemical  WQI t (18.67) = – 1.27, p = .22. Pearson correlation coefficient showed linear relationships in some of the physicochemical parameters studied.



Water is fundamental  to life as well as nature.   It is not just an  important natural  resource,  it is also  essential  to  all  life  forms.  Its use and  effects  on life, environment, agriculture and industry are extensive so much so that they may never be exhausted.  Starting  with a few  of the critical  roles  water  performs  in life for instance, one can say that water is one of the vital forces that drive life. This is evident in its critical functions  in life producing (as  well as furnishing)  processes  such as organic reactions in the body leading to cell replication and metabolism, respiration (in plants and animals) and photosynthesis  in plants which provides the oxygen for animal respiration, including man.  Also, water is a habitat for all aquatic life forms- plankton,  amphibians,  fish (most  of which exclusively  live  in water),  even  some mammals like whales and dolphins (marine mammals). Since it is a basic requirement

for plant photosynthesis, water is widely used for irrigation in agriculture.1  Apart from

its key role in biological (and biochemical) processes and agriculture, water finds its application in industry to be as central as it is in other spheres of life on earth. It is used in hydro-electric-power generation which is a renewable source of clean energy, food processing,  fire extinguishing,  transportation  recreation  (such  as swimming), laundry and even chemical uses.    It suffices to say that being a universal solvent 2; and with its vast uses, one can say that water is an essential driver of global economy. It is said to be the most abundant chemical compound on the earth surface, covering about three quarters of the earth surface (the total volume of water on earth has been

given as approximately 1,338,000,000 km3). 3- 5

Despite its abundance, only three percent of water (which exists as fresh water and partly as ponds, rivers and streams; most of which are trapped in  glaciers and polar  caps)  is  potable  for  human  use  and  consumption  since  the  other  bulky 97 percent exists as ocean which is highly saline.

Naturally, water is a unique substance that can exist as solid, liquid and  gas forms. 2 At standard temperature and pressure, water is liquid (density: 1,000 kg/m3); it freezes into solid ice at 0oc (density of 917 kg/m3) and at sea level, it boils at 100oc (specific heat capacity: 4181.3 J/(kg·K) and heat of vaporization: 40.65 kJ·mol−1  ). The  maximum  density  of  water  occurs  at  3.98 °C.  6   Its  molecule  is  polar  and composed of a single oxygen atom (16O) and two hydrogen atoms (1H and a little of

2H depending on natural source) with an H-O-H bond angle of about 1050 2.

It has been said that the human body needs between one to seven litres  of water  per  day  to  avoid  dehydration,  7   depending  on  factors  such  as  humidity, temperature,  body activity,  8  and so on.   Pregnant  and breastfeeding  women need extra fluid to keep them hydrated. 9 Water meant for drinking should be safe by being free  of  contaminants.     It  is  said  to  be  polluted  if  foreign  substances  (oxygen

demanding  substances,   diseases   causing  agents,  inorganic  chemicals,   synthetic organic  chemicals  such  as  pesticides  and  industrial  wastes,  sediments  from  land erosion, radioactive wastes or energy such as waste heat) are present in such a degree that it can not be used for a specified purpose. 2 Sources of these pollutants have been classified  as  resulting  from  Municipal  waste  (or  domestic  effluents),  agricultural discharge,  and mining and industry. 3       It is  thus imperative to check the various sources of water supply for drinking and domestic purposes so as to analyse for their purity.

Natural sources of water include  rain-water,  surface  water  (streams,  rivers, sea, etc) and groundwater. Water supply facilities include water purification facilities, water tanks, water towers, water pipes including old aqueducts, water wells, cisterns for  rainwater  harvesting,  water  supply  networks,  etc.    Borehole  water,  (which  is obtained from ground source) is one of the common sources of water for drinking and other domestic and industrial purposes around the world.

In Nigeria,  there are laws governing the use of water resources.  These  are contained in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as “Nigerian Laws Governing the water sector. They include among others: The Water Resources Act 1993, The National  Water Resource  Institute  Act, River  Basins  Development Authorities Act, National Inland Waterways Authority Act, The Various State Water Board Acts, The National Resources Conservation Council Act, etc. For instance, the “Water  Resources  Act 101 of 1993” vests on  the Federal Government  of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, the rights to regulate, develop, and license all water operators in Nigeria. This includes planning, development, and usage of  Nigeria’s  water   resources,   ensuring  quality,  quantity,  distribution,   use  and management of water, ensuring application of appropriate standards and techniques for  investigation,  use control, protection,  management  and administration  of water

resources, facilitating technical assistance and rehabilitation for water supplies etc. 10

It is therefore important to constantly investigate the quality of water from  various sources around us as this will serve as a contribution towards national development.

1.2       Drinking Water Quality

The  characteristic  of  water  supply  that  will  influence  its  suitability  for  a specific use is referred  to as water quality. Quality is defined by certain  physical, chemical  and  biological  characteristics.   These  characteristics  provide  the  basic

parameters for the analysis of water for various purposes.  In Nigeria and other parts of the world, these parameters provide a basic framework for references to be made to globally approved standards. Stakeholders in the water sector and outside the country have reached a consensus on the parameters and standard for water quality (including drinking water and water for agricultural and industrial purposes). For example, the Nigerian Standard  for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ)  established  in 2007 was developed  with  reference  to  World  Health  Organisation  (WHO)  guidelines  for

drinking water quality (3rd Edition), Nigeria Industrial Standard for Potable Water and

Natural Mineral Water and the National Guidelines and standards for Water Quality in Nigeria.  NSDWQ which was approved by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON)    subdivided     the    parameters    for    determining    water     quality    into physical/organoleptic,  chemical organic and inorganic constituents, disinfectants and disinfectant by-products, radionuclide and microbial parameters. 11 These parameters and their allowable limits (maximum permitted limits) are tabulated below:

1.2.1 Parameters and Maximum Allowable Limits

Table 1.1   Physical / Organoleptic Parameters

ParameterUnitMaximum      Permitted LevelsHealth Impact

1.2.2 Chemical Parameters

Table 1.2 – Inorganic Constituents

ParameterUnitMaximumHealth ImpactNotes
Aluminium (Al)mg/L0.2PotentialNeuro-degenerativeNote 1
Arsenic (As)mg/L0.01Cancer, 
Cadmium (Cd)mg/L0.003Toxic to the kidney
Chloride (Cl)mg/L250None
Chromium (Cr6+)mg/L0.05Cancer
Copper (Cu2+)mg/L1Gastrointestinal disorder,
Cyanide (CN-)mg/L0.01Very toxic to the thyroid and the nervous system
Fluoride (F-)mg/L1.5Fluorosis, Skeletal tissue (bones and teeth) morbidity
Hardness (as CaCO3)mg/L150None
Iron (Fe2+)mg/L0.3None
Lead (Pb2+)mg/L0.01Cancer, interference with Vitamin D   metabolism,       affect   mental development    in  infants,  toxic  to the central  and peripheral nervous systems
Magnesium (Mg2+)mg/L0.20Consumer acceptability
Manganese (Mn2+)mg/L0.2Neurological disorder
Mercury (Hg+)mg/L0.001Affects   the   kidneyandcentral
nervous system  
Nickel (Ni)mg/L0.02Possible carcinogenic
Nitrate (NO3-)mg/L50Cyanosis,   and   asphyxia   („blue- baby syndrome”) in  infants under 3  months  syndrome”)  in  infants under 3 months
Nitrite (NO2-)mg/L0.2Cyanosis,   and   asphyxia   (‘blue- baby syndrome’)  in  infants under 3 months
Sodium (Na+)mg/L200None
Sulphate (SO42-)mg/L100None
Zinc (Zn)mg/L3None

Table 1.3 Organic Constituents

ParameterUnitMaximum     Permitted   LevelsHealth Impact
Detergentsmg/L0.01Possibly carcinogenic
Mineral oilmg/L0.003Possibly carcinogenic
Pesticidesmg/L0.01Possibly carcinogenic
Phenolsmg/L0.001Possibly carcinogenic
Poly                       Aromatic   Hydrocarbonsmg/L0.007Possibly carcinogenic
Total   Organic   Carbon   or   Oxidisabilitymg/L5Cancer

1.2.3. Disinfectants and their By-products

Table 1.4 Disinfectants and their by-products

ParameterUnitMaximum   Permitted LevelsHealth   ImpactNote
Free residual chlorinemg/L0.2 – 0.25NoneNote 2
Trihalomethanes Totalmg/L0.001CancerNote 2
2,4,6-trichlorophenolmg/L0.02CancerNote 2

Note 2: For chlorinated water only.

Drinking  water  providers  shall  increase  the  amount  of  residual  chlorine  during epidemics or special cases according to instructions of Ministry of Health.

1.2.4 Radioactive Constituents

The presence of the following contaminants shall not exceed limits specified in Table


Table 1.5 – Radioactive Limits


1.2.5. Microbiological Requirements

Table 1.6 Microbiological Limits

ParameterUnitMaximumHealth Impact
Permitted Levels
Total Coliform countcfu/mL10Indication of faecal contamination
ThermotolerantColiformorcfu/100 mL0Urinary  track   infections,   bacteraemia,
E.coli   meningitis,  diarrhea,  (one  of  the  main   cause of morbidity and mortality among
    children),    acute    renal    failure    and
    haemolytic anaemia
Faecal streptococcuscfu/100 mL0Indication of recent faecal contamination
Clostridium perfringens sporecfu/100 mL0Index of intermittent faecal contamination

SOURCE:       Nigerian   Standard   for   Drinking   Water   approved   by   Standard

Organisation of Nigeria, 2007.

Over a billion people worldwide do not have access to safe water 2 and some of the problems facing the Nigerian water sector include poor water  quality due to pollution  and sanitation  issues.  3  The Federal Government  of  Nigeria through the Millennium   Development   Goals  (MDGs)   Programme   is   partnering  with  State Ministry  of  Water  Resources,  e.g.  the  Enugu  State  Rural  Water  and  Sanitation Agency  (ENRUWSA)  as well  as other  organisations  such  as  the  United  Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF), in finding lasting solutions to the

menace of safe water scarcity.  Through this partnership, borehole water schemes are being carried out in different parts of the country.  For instance in Nsukka, the electro- mechanical systems of the urban water boreholes have been rehabilitated and one new borehole has been drilled along Enugu Road, Nsukka.   Enugu  State  government is committed  to  water  and  environmental  sanitation  to  such  a  degree  as to  compel companies producing toxic waste water to mount plants  that will treat their waste water. A United Nations (UN) report observed that water-borne diseases are endemic

in  certain  parts  of  Africa’s  most  populous  country  (Nigeria)   4    but   UNICEF

emphasizes  that the  occurrence  of diarrhoea,  a major  childhood  killer  in Nigeria, could decline by 15 percent if water quality was improved. It is pertinent therefore to conduct research in the water sector to provide data on the quality of water in parts of the state.


•    In the bid to meet the water demand of the ever-growing population in Enugu North Senatorial District and its environs, efforts without substantial impact have been made by individuals, governments,  and  corporate bodies towards supply of potable  water  for the masses.  Some  of these  efforts  include  the construction of borehole water supply systems (whose purity is seldom taken

serious 4) in communities and urban towns (and as such close to anthropogenic

contamination source).

•   Many people within the urban towns and rural communities in Enugu North

Senatorial District still suffer from lack of stable potable water supply.

•   In 2006, United Nations report stated that “there is enough water for everyone4

unfortunately, only a few have access to good quality water.

•    It has been estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability. 3


The significance of this study includes provision of:

•   Baseline information  on borehole water quality for Enugu North Senatorial

District catchment area.

•    A framework to assess the on-going study of vulnerability of borehole water supply  in  Enugu  State  to  contamination   and  the  major   operational  or infrastructure problems that may make future contamination likely. This will

help to enhance substantial impact in efforts made towards supply of potable water to the ever-growing population in Enugu State.

•    A reference for future planning, assessment and monitoring of progress made in the water sector in Nigeria.

•    More  insight  into  the  existing  water  safety  parameters  with  the  view  to facilitate disease surveillance due to possible water toxins. This will help to reduce the number of people dying of water related diseases as  more than

25,000 people are said to die daily due to water related diseases.6

•    Supportive information towards the ongoing Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)  with  the  view  to  reducing  indiscriminate  contamination  of  natural waters.


•    The general purpose of this study is to assess the quality of borehole water in Enugu North Senatorial District, Enugu State, Nigeria. To achieve this  aim, the objectives of the study shall be to:

•    Determine twenty-two physicochemical parameters in water samples collected from  twelve  boreholes  selected  from  the  seven  Local  Government  Areas (LGAs) in the study area in dry season and rainy season.

•    Compare  the results  obtained  with the World  Health  Organisation  (WHO) standard  for  potable  water  and/or  Nigerian  Standard  for  Drinking  Water quality (NSDWQ).

•    Establish  the  comparative  ground  water  qualities  of  various  towns  and communities in the study area.

•    Measure the strength of association of the water quality parameters.

•   Make necessary recommendations based on the findings of the research.


•    Borehole water samples collected  from twelve different  towns/communities covering seven LGAs in Enugu North Senatorial  District at different  times during the research period.

•    A total of twenty-two physicochemical parameters determined in the samples based on the specific objectives of this study. These parameters were carefully selected to cover the following:

► General degree of water pollution,

► Pollution due to agricultural/fertilizer inputs,

► Parameters due to soil types and geological differences,

►  Heavy  Metals:  possible  inputs  from  water  sources  especially  waste-water percolation from industrial processes.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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