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The study, Perceived Administrative Tasks as determinants of job performance of Indigenous Coaches in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, was conducted to ascertain the extent to which these tasks determine the performance level of Indigenous Coaches  in FCT,  Abuja. To achieve this purpose seven specific objectives and seven corresponding research questions as well as seven hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive survey was used for the study. The research instrument used to collect data for the study was questionnaire. (Questionnaire on perceived Administrative Tasks as Determinants of Job performance of Indigenous Coaches).   The entire population of one hundred and thirty one coaches were used, consequently, there was on sampling. Five experts in the Department of Health and Physical Education validated the Instruments. The reliability coefficient of the QPAT was computed using Spearman-Brown Correlation method. The data collected were analysed using mean while t-test was employed for testing the seven null hypotheses. The results of the study showed that planning is very important in the performance of the Indigenous Coaches in FCT Abuja, that Indigenous Coaches’  performance depended on the good organization that is put in place in FCT Abuja, that staffing is necessary in the performance of Indigenous Coaches in FCT Abuja, that coordinating  is pertinent to performance by the Indigenous Coaches in FCT Abuja, that both Coaches and Sports Administrators agreed that directing is essential in the performance of the Indigenous Coaches in FCT   Abuja and budgeting goes a long way in making the Indigenous Coaches perform well. Based on the results, several recommendations were made: Funding of sports should be a joint responsibility of the appropriate agencies because  of the enormity of the  funding required. The researcher  is of the  opinion that companies and multi-companies and other cooperate bodies be made by law to contribute certain percentage of their total profit to the funding and development of sports in their communities as part of their social contract with them. Indigenous Coach should be given time and opportunity by the Sport Administrators to perform and every support and encouragement necessary must be given to him with the aim to achieving the desired goal with little or no interference. Sports administrators should ensure that all indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja possess mandatory requirement and license to coach any club in FCT, Abuja as it is done globally. Indigenous coaches should be internally motivated by their employers by creating a conducive environment  for them to  operate,  also their salaries, and other allowances be given to them as of when due.


Background to the Study


The game Football is played globally and is arguably one of the most popular sports on earth. The performance of the game has gone beyond a nation or continent dominating it as it were, when South America as a continent (Brazil, Argentina) dominated the game in the seventies and eighties, (FIFA. 2007). Today, there are no minors or majors in football, but the performance of any team depends to a large extent on the administrative tasks that are employed to enhance the performance of football game. These administrative tasks include; planning,  organizing,  staffing,  directing,  coordinating,  reporting  and  budgeting. Administrators who are efficient with these tasks can make their workplaces so inspiring to the employees. In other words, effective utilization of these tasks will enhance the performance of the indigenous coaches even in FCT Football league with good results.

Management of an organization has to recognize the problems, identify the opportunities,  make  the  right  decisions  and  take  the  appropriate  actions  to  operate  a successful business (Anderson 1988; Black & Porter 2000). This is carried out by performing the four basic management functions comprising planning, organizing, directing and coordinating effectively.  The emphasis placed on each function of the management process depends on the managerial level (Anderson 1988; Schermerhorn 1999). At the higher managerial  level,  planning  plays  an  important  role  and  is  exercised  more  often.  In comparison, at the lower managerial level, directing and coordinating are emphasized (Anderson  1988).  However,  at  whichever  level,  planning  is  the  process  that  sets  the objectives and determines what should be done to accomplish the objectives. In organizing, tasks are assigned, resources are allocated and activities are arranged to implement plans. Directing is a process of arousing and leading employees to work towards organizational objectives and goals. Last but not least, besides planning, organizing, and directing, one of the critical management processes is coordinating. ( Schermerhorn 1999).

Anthony and Govindarajan (1995) define management coordinating as a process by which managers  influence other  members  of the  organization to  implement  the  organization’s strategies. Anderson (1988) had this to say, that besides being responsible for setting goals and making decisions about how these goals are reached; managers also influence employees to focus their attention on achieving the goals. Black and Porter (2000) also stated that managers  use  coordinating  as  a  process  to  indicate  if  the  current  operation  meets

organization’s objectives. From one perspective, coordinating helps to assure that the current operating systems  meet  what the organization set out to  accomplish (Lorange  & Scott- Morton, 1974; Wheelen & Hunger, 2000). It therefore, plays a part in the feedback loop that alerts the manager to adjust activities to meet the objectives (Schermerhorn, 1999). From another perspective, managerial control process is depicted as deciding what the organization should be doing and comparing actual accomplishments with these plans. Managerial control process, therefore, is an important part in strategic management, which involves a long-range planning and strategy development that affects today’s operation, which determines tomorrow’s success of an organization. Thus, the management control process involves both planning and controlling (Anderson, 1988; Anthony & Govindarajan, 1995; Black & Porter

2000;  Lorange  &  Scott-Morton,  1974).  For  example,  if  profitability  is  the  goal  of  an organization, management needs to take appropriate measures or to control those measures that  could possibly influence future outcome. In doing so, management is able to make adjustments in their plan before it gets out of control (Wheelen & Hunger, 2000).

Planning  and  coordinating  though  separate  tasks,  are  closely  linked  through employees, especially when employees participate in the formulation of the plan from its inception (Anderson, 1988). This is one of the advantages of involving the participation of employees since this allows them to get involved in planning; as a result, coaches are more likely to keep their own activities in line with the intentions of the plan. For example, a coach could meet, negotiate and agree on a schedule for training. All things being equal, this should lead to a more regular and prompt training and reporting than a directive from the sport administrator who may not know what the coach is passing through. As mentioned, management control requires both planning and coordinating activities. Planning involves setting goals and performance standards, and taking action to implement them. Coordinating measures performance against these goals and standards, then actions are taken to correct any deviations if necessary. The purpose of management coordinating is to ensure that strategies are carried out so that the organization’s goals are attained. There are several activities involved in management coordinating. These activities include:   Planning what the organization should do, controlling the activities of several parts of organization, communicating information,  evaluating information, deciding what action should be taken, and influencing employees to change their behavior (Anthony & Govindarajan 1995).

However, the presence of management coordinating does not necessarily mean that results  should  always  correspond  to  a  plan,  such  as  a  budget.  The  stated  plans  were formulated based on circumstances prevailing at that time. In the meantime, external and

internal environments of the organization keep on changing. It is unlikely that management would  be  able  to  anticipate  all  the  conditions  that  are  going  to  happen  in  the  future. Therefore, sports administrators should not be prohibited from implementing ways not originally planned to make the indigenous coaches achieve the goals. Sports Administrators need to use these tasks to enhance performance of the indigenous coaches in FCT Abuja. One of these tasks is planning and it simply means looking ahead and chalking out future courses of action to be followed. It is a preparatory step or it is a systematic activity which determines when, how and who is going to perform a specific job. Planning is a detailed programme regarding future courses of action. This implies that if the sports administrators and the coaches would come together with a well detailed plan to work with the Football clubs in FCT, the coaches would perform better in their league matches. Armstrong,(2004) rightly said,  Well plan  is  half done.  Therefore planning  takes  into  consideration available  and prospective human and physical resources of the organization so as to  get  effective co- ordination, contribution and perfect adjustment. It is the basic management function which includes formulation of one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with the available resources. The sports administrator has to plan well with the coaches in any programme they are carrying on in the clubs to make it perform. For the purpose of this study, planning is a detailed plan to or a systematic activity which determines when, how and who is going to perform a specific job.

Organising is the next important function of management after the planning. You know that in case of planning a manager decides what is to be done in future. In case of organising, he decides on ways and means through which it will be easier to achieve what has been planned. Suppose, it is planned to start a new season, the immediate task for the sports administrator   is to identify and assign the various tasks involved, and devise structure of duties and responsibilities so that things move smoothly and the objective is achieved. All these  tasks  form part  of organising  function.  Thus,  organising refers  to  the  process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and determining responsibility and authority for each job position, establishing relationship among various job positions, determining detailed rules and regulations of working for coaches and the supporting staff in the club.

Delegation is considered as one of the most important elements in the process of organization because it reduces the load on managers as work is successfully shared by the subordinates. This improves the managerial effectiveness because by delegating a good part of work to the subordinate the managers are able to concentrate on important matters which

require their personal attention. Not only that, the organisations nowadays are usually large in size and complex in character, and no manager can claim to have all the skills and expertise to handle all kinds of jobs himself. Moreover, the business activities are spread over a larger area with several branches and units,  which make  it  difficult  for him to  look after  the supervised activities personally at all places. The delegation of responsibility with commensurate authority offers a good workable solution. This also provides an opportunity for subordinates to develop motivates and prepares them for taking up higher responsibilities in future. It leads to creating a healthy work environment and harmony among the employees. Thus, delegation facilitates organizational growth and prosperity. With good planning, organising and staffing, there is need for guidance and that is where directing of the process of the club comes in.

Staffing is to plan the manpower inventory required by an organization in order to match them with the job requirements and demands. Therefore, it involves forecasting and determining the future manpower needs of the concern. The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of the personnel to fill the roles assigned to the employers/workforce. According to Haimann, (2011), Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development and compensation of subordinates. The recruitment of qualified coach or coaches and the supporting staff is key to the performance of the football club in FCT Abuja. The coaches also  need  to  be  refreshing  themselves  through seminars,  trainings  and  workshops.  The warfare of the staff should be attractive to get the attention of the best indigenous coaches to take appointment with the Football clubs in FCT. With all lots to do to improve the performance of the indigenous coaches there should be a well grounded manpower that will coordinate the activities of the clubs. Staffing is the able manpower that constitutes the work force of an organization that are able to direct the affairs of the organization and this will be the operational definition of staffing in this work.

Directing is a process in which the managers (sports administrators) instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers (indigenous coaches) to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process. Planning, organizing, staffing has got no importance if directing function does not take place. Directing initiates action and it is from here actual work starts. Direction is said to be consisting of human factors. In simple words, it can be described as providing guidance to workers (coaches) is doing work. In field of management, direction is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the subordinates to work effectively and efficiently. Accordingly Redmond, (2009)

states that, directing consists of process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out as originally planned. Therefore, directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people towards accomplishment of organizational goals. The people that will inspire, oversee, and instruct the proceeding is called staff and they are very important in any organization such as Football clubs. For the purpose of this study the researcher has adapted the above definition as an operational word.

Co-ordination is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a hidden force which binds all the other functions of management.  According to  Mooney and  Reelay, (2009), co-ordination is orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals.   Worth (2009), stated that, co-ordination is the integration of several parts into an orderly whole to achieve the purpose of understanding. Management seeks to achieve co-ordination through its basic functions of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. That is why co-ordination is not a separate function of management because achieving harmony between individuals’ efforts towards achievement of group goals is a key to success of management. Co-ordination is the essence of management and is implicit and inherent in all functions of management.  Co-ordination is an integral element or ingredient of all the managerial functions. In other words, co-ordination is the very much essence of management. It is required in each and every function and at each and every stage and therefore it cannot be separated.

Co-ordination consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformities with the plans adopted, instructions issued and principles established. Co-ordination ensures that there is effective and efficient utilization of organizational resources so as to achieve the planned  goals.  It  also  measures  the  deviation  of actual  performance  from the  standard performance, discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking corrective actions. According to Brech, (2009), co-ordination is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensuring adequate progress and  also  recording  such experience as  is gained as  a contribution to possible future needs.    The sports administrator has to monitor the coaches to ensure that what they do bring results at the end of the season. This agrees with Donnell,(2009) who says, Just as a navigator continually takes reading to ensure whether he is relative to a planned action, so should a business manager(sports administrators) continually take reading to assure himself that his enterprise is on the right course. The sports administrators can monitor the progress of the clubs through practices and matches played to ensure that the club

is doing what it has mandated to do. The operational definition of co-ordination in this study is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. Management seeks to achieve co- ordination through its basic functions including budgeting.

Budgeting in its general sense is the act of quantifying objectives in financial terms. Budgeting assists sports administrators in decision making process in an organization. A budget is a document that translates plans into money, that is, money that is needed to be spent  to  get  the  planned  activities  done  (expenditure) and  money that  will  need  to  be generated to cover the costs of getting the work done (income). It is an estimate, or informed guess, about what you will need in monetary terms to do your work. The budget is an essential management tool. Without a budget, you are like a pilot navigating in the dark without instruments. The budget tells you how much money you need to carry out your activities, for instance the salaries of the coaches, their allowances, bonuses and sign-on-fees. The budget forces you to be rigorous in thinking through the implications of your activity planned. There are times when the realities of the budgeting process force you to rethink your action plans.

The sports administrators are therefore responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, co-ordinating, reporting and budgeting  to inspire the associated efforts of coaches so that the purpose for which an organization(Club) has been established which is primarily to perform or win laurels may  be accomplished in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

It is necessary to also know some operational words in this study, for instance coach, indigenous coach, determinant, performance, job performance and administrative task. A coach is someone with a sound knowledge on the job particularly in the area of his sport interest. He teaches the skills of the game he is coaching to players. Igwe (2006) said the nation should realize that the coach is the most important determinant in any system of sport of which the sports administrators are included. According to him, the best of all facilities, equipment and other materials, the aim and objective of sport may still not be achieved if the coach to handle the technical aspects of the game is incompetent. It is therefore necessary for the coach to be well equipped with the technical knowhow of the sport he or she is coaching. Chukwu,  (2008)  strongly  agitated,  standardization  of  coaching  is  the  panacea  to  high technical quality of the league and the football generally. He maintained that, the Football regulatory  body  (Nigerian  Football  Federation)  should  have  a  list  of  coaches  that  are qualified and licensed for the premier league and those for Divisions one and two. He further

suggested that coaching career should be sanitized and standardized to accommodate only for the trained and certificated coaches. Coaches are the technical personnel who are engage in training players. Redmond (2009) maintained that the coach of an athletic team has within himself the power to build future citizens who possess traits that are desirable and acceptable to society or citizens who have a false conception as to what is right and proper. For the purpose of this study, a coach is he that teaches skills to all kinds of people and organizes people for better performances especially at the club level. Athletic Association for Health and Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD 2009) stated that, a coach that has considerable expertise in a sport will quickly gain the confidence and respect of the athletes. Knowledge, skill, and understanding gained through athletic participation can reinforce studies appropriate to athletics and lead to greater empathy with young athletes. Loloko (2010) lamented that some coaches in Nigeria have not got mandatory requirement and licence to coach any club in Nigeria .It is therefore necessary to grade the Nigerian coaches or any person coming to take coaching job in the country. It is a well known fact that, most of the indigenous coaches were skilled performers during their school years and chose to take coaching as a career. Take for example, Christian Chukwu, Tunde Disu, Henry Nwusu, Ben Iroha, Samson Siasia, Stephen Keshi, Emmanuel Amunike, Moses Kpakor and Austin Eguavoen, all fall under this category. However, exceptional ability as an athlete may not necessarily guarantee a successful career in coaching after active service as has been observed from the performances of some of the indigenous coaches.

Hornby (2006) defined indigenous as native, belonging naturally to or that of people regarded as original inhabitants of an area.  In this study,  indigenous is  being Nigerian. Indigenous Coach therefore refers to that person who must be a native of Nigeria who is employed to handle or manage sports irrespective of where he is trained and where he or she comes from within Nigeria. There are some clubs in Nigeria that have foreign coaches as their managers.

Determinants simply mean factors or elements that  limit  or define a decision or condition. Campbell (2010) suggested three main determinants of performance. These are declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skill, and motivation. Declarative knowledge refers to knowledge about facts, principles, and objects. It represents the knowledge of the given task’s requirements. Procedural knowledge and skill is, knowing how to do it. These include cognitive skill, perceptual skill and interpersonal skill. The third predictor of performance is motivation, which refers to a combined effect from three choice

behaviors-choices to expend effort, level of effort to expend, and choice to persist in the expenditure of that level of effort.

McFarland (2003) noted that performance is a label that describes in a relative way the extent to which an organization has achieved according to its capacities, potentials and general  goals.  He  contended  that  effective  management  is  the  process  of  marrying identifiable objectives of an organization to performance, taking into cognizance the consistency of actions and  accomplishment  of goals. Performance in this  study denotes playing well and winning matches. There has been a general concern over the development of local League performance in Nigeria, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja in particular. Akonji (2011) stated that Nigeria Premier League (NPL) should plan to develop the game instead of just raising teams for competitions. He further stated that NPL needs to develop the League to make it as competitive as those of Egypt, Tunisia, South Africa and Sudan. The researcher observed that performance of the clubs especially  in the  Federal Capital Territory Abuja in the National Division 1, 2, 3 and 4 is not impressive and it is becoming unattractive thereby loosing patronage. The above statement is a fact which agrees with McFarland (2003) that one has to identify with objectives of an organization to performance.

Campbell, (2003) allows for exceptions when defining performance as behavior. For instance, he clarifies that performance does not have to be directly observable actions of an individual. It can consist of mental productions such as answers or decisions. However, performance  needs  to  be  under  the  individual’s  control,  regardless  of  whether  the performance of interest is mental or behavioral. The ability to perform effectively in any job requires the understanding of a complete and up-to-date job description for the position. Job therefore, refers to almost any work or duty, including one’s livelihood, for example, the job of coaching a football club is quite exciting especially when the club is performing well. Karriker and Williams. (2009) defined performance as behavior. It is something done by the employee. This concept differentiates performance from outcomes. Outcomes are the result of an individual’s performance, but they are also the result of other influences. In other words, there are more factors that determine outcomes than just an employee’s behaviors and actions. John, Luiz and Riyas. (2010) looked at performance as an act or process of carrying out something, increase in success, the execution of an action; in other words, the capacity to achieve a desired result. In this study therefore, performance implies how well someone does a particular job with appreciatable   outcome.

Campbell (2003) describes  job performance as individual level variable.  That  is, performance is something an individual person does. The work related activities expected of an employee and how well those activities were executed. Many business personnel directors assess the job performance of each employee on an annual or quarterly basis in order to help them identify some area of improvement. For the purpose of this study, job performance is defined as individual level of carrying out an activity.

A task is a well defined responsibility that is usually imposed by another and that may be burdensome. In other words, an assignment generally denotes a task allotted by a person in authority or a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty.  Redmond (2009) stated that, task is a specific instance or act of work that clearly defined piece of work, usually of short or limited duration assigned to or expected of a person.  This study will address issues on perceived administrative tasks as determinants of job performance by indigenous Football coaches in FCT Abuja.


Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja is the Capital of Nigeria which came into being by the year 1991 after Lagos ceased to be the Nation’s Federal Capital City. Abuja is centrally located within the north central geo-political zone of Nigeria. It is surrounded by four states. On the north is Kaduna, East is Nasarawa while in the south is Kogi and in the West is Niger. The main occupants of the area are: Gbagi, Bassa, Ganagana, Gede, Afo, and Hausa and they are predominantly peasant farmers. According to the National population of Nigeria (2010), the total population estimated of FCT, stands at 1.5millions people. The people are football enthusiasts and the city has ten (10) football clubs that are playing for various National Leagues. Football has become a house hold name in Nigeria and has done so much to this country in term of peace and unity of purpose. One can only be of good service to his Father land by trying to strengthen the game to be used as a vehicle to further promote peace that is so scarce to our nation today. Football has become an industry where youth   can take to as a profession for livelihood to arrest unemployment in the country and especially FCT, Abuja that is the Federal Capital of Nigeria where people come in every day.

Statement of the Problem.

A coach should ordinarily perform well if given all that is required. Ogunsan (2008) stated  that,  Nigerian  coaches  will do  well  if  they  are  treated  with respect  in terms  of remunerations and given a free hand to operate without interference. Deborah and Bucher (2006) defined coaching   as a specialized area of teaching that usually involve the formal instruction of organized sports team   members  requiring  assistance in order to  perform skillfully for personal and organizational purposes.  A coach gives to athletes the technical knowledge that enhances their performance in skill attainment and achievement of the set goal.  Igwe  (2006)  said,  the  nation should realize  that  the  coach  is  the  most  important determinant in any system of sport of which the sports administrators are included. According to him, the best of all facilities, equipment and other materials, the aim and objective of sport may  still  not  be  achieved  if  the  coach to  handle  the  technical  aspects  of the  game  is incompetent. It is therefore necessary for the coach to be well equipped with the technical knowhow of the sport he or she is coaching. A coach cannot work well where there are no good facilities. Isyaku (2003) pointed out that facilities form the important part of a chain which influences the effective delivery and performance of sports. So sports programme can only function well when they are supported with enough facilities and equipment.  Campbell (2010) suggested three main determinants of performance components that will make the coach to perform his job well. These are: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skill and motivation. There are some administrative tasks that can also determine the job performance of the indigenous coach, these are: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. Deborah and Bucher (2006) stated that planning is a process of outlining the work that is to be performed in a logical and purposeful manner, together with the methods that are to be utilized in the performance of this work. It is a systematic activity which determines when, how and who is going to perform a specific job. The coach must organize himself by grouping work and people properly. Here, performance increases, overload of work is checked, wastage is reduced, duplication of work is restricted and effective delegation becomes possible.

It is observed that not all indigenous coaches are certificated; some were once good players and feel that they can be good coaches but this is not a guarantee as this is seen in the indigenous coaches in FCT Abuja. Most of them lack basic knowledge and skills to impact it to the players .If the coach has no knowledge and training in his chosen career, it will be difficult to impact such knowledge and skill to the players. Consequently, players receiving training under such coach must surely have limited skills. This limitation has effect on the

overall performance of a  team.  The  recruitment  of qualified  coach or  coaches  and  the supporting staff is key to the performance of the football club in FCT Abuja. The coaches also  need  to  be  refreshing  themselves  through seminars,  trainings  and  workshops.  The warfare of the staff should be attractive to get the attention of the best indigenous coaches to take  appointment  with the  Football clubs  in  FCT.  To  improve the  performance  of the Indigenous coaches there should be a well grounded manpower (sports administrators) that will coordinate the activities of the clubs.

FCT Abuja football clubs have coaches that are not properly trained and licensed and some not well educated, in other words, some did not go to school to obtain any qualification that relates to coaching so they can’t even read the match plan of this magnitude. This problem can be addressed by taking the issue of training and retraining very seriously. Alabi (2010) made it categorically clear that indigenous coaches should go and train and be licensed else no club should engage them for coaching job. Motivation of    the indigenous coaches by improving on their remunerations can be of importance to the overall performance of the coaches. The principle of developing sports at the grassroots should be encouraged. Some efforts have been made in the past to address some constraints and challenges affecting the performance of the coaches. However, it appears that none has been able to provide the desired answers to the numerous questions hence this study is designed to find out the administrative tasks that determine the performances of Indigenous Coaches in FCT Abuja.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which administrative tasks determine the job performance of Indigenous Coaches in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. Specifically, the study seeks to ascertain the extent to which;

1         Planning determines the job performance of  indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

2          Organization determines  the  job performance  of the  indigenous coaches  in  FCT Abuja.

3         Staffing determines the job performance of the indigenous coaches in the FCT Abuja.

4          Directing determines the  job performance of the  indigenous coaches  in the  FCT Abuja.

5         Coordinating determines with the performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

6         Reporting determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

7         Budgeting determines the job performance of the indigenous coaches in FCT Abuja.

Research Questions.

The following research questions are posed to guide the study.

1    What is the extent to which planning determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

2    What is the extent to which organizing determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

3    What is the extent to which staffing determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

4    What is the extent to which direction determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

5    What is the extent to which coordination has on the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

6    What  is the extent to  which reporting determines the performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja?

7    What is the extent to which budgeting determines the job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT Abuja?


The following hypotheses are postulated to be tested using t-test at.05 alpha level of significance.

1          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on planning as determinants of job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

2          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on organizing as determinants of job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

3          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on staffing and job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

4          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on  directing  and  job  performance  of  indigenous  coaches  in  FCT, Abuja.

5          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on coordination and job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT, Abuja.

6          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on reporting and job performance of indigenous coaches in FCT Abuja.

7          There  is  no  significant  difference  in  the  mean  response  of  coaches  and  sports administrators on budgeting  and  job performance  of indigenous coaches  in  FCT Abuja.

Significance of the Study.

The finding of this study will be useful from many perspectives. First, the youth of this country will be encouraged to take football as a career thereby reducing the rate of youth restiveness at the time unemployment is at the alarming rate in the country. The study will also help the following groups; sports administrators, government, coaches, and other researchers to improve on the administration of football in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja and the country at large.

The findings will be important to the sport administrators, Coaches, even the government in  identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and determining responsibility and authority for each job position, establishing relationship among various job positions, determining detailed rules and regulations of work for coaches and the supporting staff in the club.

Information generated on sports facilities, equipment and supplies may be useful to both managers of the clubs, the sports administrators, coaches and the FCT, Abuja sport council to the need of providing a standardized sports facilities and equipment.

The findings of this study will be of immense help to sports administrators as they assist in effective management of their clubs. It will also offer them opportunity of having good rapport with the coaches and other supportive staff of the club. It will enable them to involve their subordinates in decision making; thereby encouraging openness and emergent leadership.

The  findings of this  study will help  improve economic  status of the  indigenous coaches’ as their salaries, allowances and sign-on fees may help them to have more attention to their work.

The findings of this study will add value to qualification of coaches as it will review the type of coaches to be employed by the clubs managers.

Finally the study will help other researchers and to appreciate and understand the concept of administrative tasks as determinants of job performance of indigenous coaches better as it will greatly help them in their researches in the area of review of empirical studies.

Scope of the Study

The study will be delimited to the indigenous Coaches of Football clubs in the FCT Abuja. The study is also delimited to administrative tasks as determinants of job performance of Indigenous coaches  in  FCT  Abuja.  The  study covers,  planning,  organising,  staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting as they affects the job performance of the Indigenous Coaches in FCT Abuja Football Clubs

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