The study was carried out to investigate the material resource management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi State. Six research questions were developed and six null hypotheses were formulated. A survey research design was used. The population for the study was 91 woodwork teacher and supervisors in woodwork industries in Kogi State. The entire population was used for the study and there was no sample. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. Cronbach alpha reliability method was used to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaire items and reliability coefficient value of 0.82 was obtained. Mean was used to analyze data for answering research questions while t-test was used to test hypotheses of no significant difference at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the following number of planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, monitoring and evaluating responsibilities were required for material resource management: planning responsibilities 20, organizing responsibilities 12, coordinating responsibilities 16, controlling responsibilities 10, monitoring responsibilities 12 and evaluating responsibilities 16. The finding also revealed that there was no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, monitoring and evaluating responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges. It was recommended that State or federal government should organize workshop and seminars for woodwork teachers and instructors on various management responsibilities for effective management of material resources in technical colleges in Kogi State.
Background of the Study
There are many technical colleges established by State and Federal? Government in Kogi State. They offer woodwork technology in order to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes, but most of the material resources meant for training students in woodwork are bad, which seems to convey the impression of lack of proper management of these material resources in woodwork.
Woodwork is one of the courses in the curriculum of technical colleges in which students learn skills. Olaoye (2001) viewed woodwork as a subject which deals with activities or skills of making things from wood. In technical colleges, woodwork students develop skills in using machines for carpentry and joinery, furniture making and upholstery works. According to the Report of National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) (2001) woodwork at technical college level is designed to produce competent craftsmen, who will use the skills learnt to either make or repair damaged materials made from wood. Kelvin (2010) stated that woodwork is a vocational area where furniture are built, made or carved using wood. The skills, knowledge and attitudes in Woodwork are transmitted to students by Woodwork teachers in technical colleges.
Nwachukwu, Bakare and Jika (2009) explained that technical colleges are institutions where students are trained with the relevant and adequate knowledge, skills and attitudes for employment under the guidance of teachers in related occupations (woodwork inclusive). According to Ede, Miller and Bakare (2010), technical colleges are institutions where vocational subjects are offered by students in
order to acquire skills. Students in Technical Colleges are expected to be trained with relevant tools and equipment for skill acquisition under the guidance of teachers. Okoro (2006) stated that technical colleges are regarded as the principal vocational institutions in Nigeria that give full vocational training intended to prepare students for entry into various occupations. Nigerian technical colleges according to the report of Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) train students in technical and vocational courses such as Auto mechanics, Plumbing, Electrical installation and maintenance practice, Computer studies, Building and Woodwork. These vocational courses are taught by teachers who have been certificated as technical teachers and qualified to teach the technical courses like plumbing, electrical/ electronic, building, woodwork and several others.
A woodwork teacher is a person who is trained in pedagogy and technical skills and knowledge of woodwork and is charged with the responsibility of teaching skills and attitudes to students in technical colleges. These teachers are sometimes called instructors. They also instruct the students on what to do during practical classes. Other roles and responsibilities of Woodwork teachers apart from teaching of woodwork skills to students under their control include maintaining and managing all the material resources in the workshop.
Material resource is an asset in the form of possession. Nzewi (1995) described material resource as a range of resources, which the teachers frequently use and are more familiar with. Material resources according to Olaitan, Igbo, Ekong, Nwachukwu and Onyemachi (1999) are those facilities, equipment and machines used in the laboratory and factory for production purposes. In educational sector, material
resources required for effective teaching and learning include books, films, pictures used by teachers and students to provide information in addition to other valuables like computers and projectors. In woodwork, material resources include wood, planks, plywood, relevant hand tools, machines, and portable power tools, chemicals, paints, consumables like adhesives, abrasives and nails. These resources need proper management for acquisition of skills through practical activities and effective teaching and learning purposes. They are also monitored by the woodwork teacher which will invariably make room for effective teaching and learning in the workshop if properly managed.
Management according to Anyakoha (2010) is a planned activity directed towards realization of values, the satisfaction of wants and accomplishment of desired end. Weihrich and Koontz (2003) also referred to management as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which people work together efficiently accomplishing selected objectives through planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. It may involve the art of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating tools, equipment, and consumables by teachers in order to achieve the objectives of woodwork programmes in technical colleges. Management of material resources is necessary to ensure the realization of the objectives of woodwork. Management of material resource according to Lilaroja (2010) is the efficient and effective deployment of? An organization’s resources when they are needed. Olaitan, Igbo, Ekong, Nwachukwu and Onyemachi (1999) said that prudent management leads to the exercise of control, to ensure effective usage of available resources.
Woodwork teachers require skills and knowledge’s in determining types and quantities of materials needed in the workshop, stock and supplies, storage of materials, inventory control and automation. The management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in types and quantities of materials needed include stating the types of materials for a job, specifying maker, types, size and quantities of equipment and materials such as tools, machines and consumables for proper running of the workshop. Their responsibilities in stocks and supplies include checking the level of stock to determine when to reorder. Woodwork teachers apart from their teaching role have responsibilities in proper storage of materials. They carefully select material resources for practical activities in order to avoid damage, arrange and organize tools and machines according to their uses or functions, name, type, and colour for safety and easy identification at a glance. Among the management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in inventory control are check up stores to ensure that items are received according to specification, maintain stores and stock registers up to date and ready to furnish all the required information about stores as at when asked. Periodically checking the rotating parts of a machine, servicing and maintenance of power tools and machines to ensure running of wood work laboratories is also part of the management responsibilities of teachers. Management of material resources cannot be effectively carried out in any organization without someone taking the responsibility of doing it.
Responsibility according to Jeremie (2008) is a social force that binds somebody to a course of action demanded by the force. Marriam (2008) stated that teacher responsibilities are the duties the teacher obligatorily perform using
educational resources for effective teaching and learning. Responsibility of woodwork teachers in the management of material resources meant for teaching and learning woodwork in technical colleges in Kogi State becomes imperative. One of the objectives of woodwork at technical college level is to equip students with skills and knowledge’s to design, construct or repair damaged structures and furniture made from wood. This objective cannot be realized with total dependence on only human resources without good management of material resources. It is the responsibility of the woodwork teachers to manage these material resources in order to avoid damages, wastages and accidents in the workshops. Muhammed (2006) observed that most of the workshop facilities in many technical institutions are poorly managed for instructional activities. The implication of this is that the woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi state who are involved with handling material resources ought to possess management responsibilities of planning, organizing, coordinating, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, controlling and material automation for the attainment of instructional goals.
Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. It is a systematic thinking about ways and means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning according to Microsoft (2009) is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human and non-human resources. It is all pervasive and intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks and wastages. According to Koontz (2010), planning is deciding in advance – what to do, when to do and how to do. The author further added that planning bridges the gap from where one is and where he/she wants to be. Osuala (2004) also said that planning entails deciding what
work is to be done and plan to accomplish it. Woodwork teachers require planning responsibilities for effective material resources management. Planning responsibilities of woodwork teachers include plan a practical work based on the available material resources in the workshop, set standard for woodwork practical activities, determine type of material resources meant for practical in the workshop and state clearly the role to be performed by the students in a practical lesson.
Organizing is the function of management which follows planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of human, physical and financial resources take place. It refers to how work is to be divided and coordinated. Microsoft (2009) stated that organizing is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. Henry (2010) said that to organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning, that is, raw material, tools, capital and personnel. Chester (2010) also described organizing as a function by which the concern is able to define the role positions, the jobs related and the co- ordination between authority and responsibility. Hence, a manager always has to organize in order to get results. Organizing responsibilities of teachers therefore involves arrangement of material resources, handled and coordinated for teaching and learning purposes and to avoid damages.
Controlling refers to setting standards, measuring performance against standards and taking corrective action as needed. It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that
everything occurs in conformities with the standards. According to Theo (2008) controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation. Koontz and O’Donnell (2009) also said that controlling is the measurement and correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished. The authors further stated that controlling involves; establishment of standard performance, measurement of actual performance, comparison of actual performance with the standards and finding out deviation if any and corrective action. Controlling in this study therefore involves guiding individuals in the proper handling of woodwork material resources meant for training to prevent misuse or damages in the workshop.
Coordinating involves synchronizing the activities of various persons in the organization in order to achieve goals. Coordinating according to Microsoft (2009) involves making different people or things work together to achieve a goal. Coordinating deals with the task of blending efforts in order to ensure successful attainment of an objective. It is accomplished by means of planning, organizing and controlling. It is a part of all phases of administration and that is not a separate and distinct activity. Robert (2010) described coordinating as management activities related to achieving an efficient use of resources to attain the organization’s goals and objectives. Coordinating therefore entails how individuals should be guided or supervised for proper uses of material resources for practical activities in the workshop to avoid damage or misuse in order to achieve stated learning objectives.
Monitoring is a way of looking after the activities of somebody in order to meet stated objective. Monitoring responsibilities of woodwork teachers therefore include duties to be carried out to make woodwork material resources management achievable. These duties include monitoring the activities of students or supporting staff when working on machines, checking for functionality of each machine before use, checking whether individuals observe safety precautionary measures while working in the workshop, give approval to students or supporting staff before using any material resources and making sure all the material resources given to students are returned after practical classes.
Evaluation, in the context of management activities, is carefully collecting information about something in order to make necessary decisions about it. Evaluation according to the Report of Free Management Library (2010) is closely related to performance management (whether about organizations, groups, processes or individuals), which includes identifying measures to indicate results. Evaluation often includes collecting information around these measures to conclude the extent of performance. Evaluation responsibilities also involve determining the adequacy of available woodwork equipment for practical lesson, examining how each of the woodwork machines is used during practical activities, conducting process evaluation of students in the use of material resource for practicals in the workshop, determining the quantity of wastage of material resources during practical lessons for possible correction of errors and determining the level of damage of tools and machines in the workshop for possible retraining of students on their uses. Management responsibilities are needed by woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi State.
They are supposed to know their responsibilities in managing woodwork material resources.
The extent to which teachers perform their functions depend on their exposure and possession of relevant management skills and knowledge’s in material resources in woodwork. Proper management of material resources by teachers is what guarantees the attainment of effective functioning/ utilization of hand and power tools, the inculcation of desired skills, knowledges and attitudes to the learners and thereby leading to the achievement of the stated objectives. The researcher is of the opinion that the identification of material resource management responsibilities of woodwork teachers will be panacea to the problems of poor management and control of material resources that have lingered in technical colleges in Kogi State. The question begging for an answer is whether woodwork teachers in Technical colleges in Kogi State are having these material resources management responsibilities in them.
Statement of the Problem
There are many technical colleges in Kogi State offering woodwork technology in order to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes. But most of the material resources meant for training students in order to acquire skills in woodwork are bad due to lack of management skills?. It is disheartening to say that woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi State are not properly managing the material resources meant for teaching and learning of woodwork. Could this be attributed to lack of management responsibilities on the part of teachers in the management of the material resources? Woodwork teachers in technical colleges are not effectively managing and utilizing material resources provided for teaching vocational subjects.
This could be attributed to ill preparedness and incompetence of these teachers in the management of material resources made available to Technical Colleges. This is made manifest in the abandonment of large number of imported woodworking machines, portable power tools and hand tools lying waste outside coupled with large number of laboratory equipment, machines and instructional materials scattered without proper organization.
Another disturbing aspect is the frequent cases of damaged tools and disappearances of some parts of power tools and hand tools from store/ workshop without any trace of their where about. Most of the available material resources have been damaged for so many years due to poor management by the teachers concerned. The inability of students to acquire relevant skills in woodwork subject before graduation paints the program as a failure. Some technical colleges in Nigeria have well – equipped laboratories but the teachers are not effectively utilizing and managing material resources in teaching.
Most of the material resources used in wood workshops are imported and very expensive, which informs the need to be properly managed as it may pose some difficulties to replace them immediately when they go bad. These practices make the achievement of objectives of technical education programme in woodwork impossible if it continues. Therefore the problem of the study is to determine material resources management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi State.
Purpose of the Study
The major purpose of this study is to investigate the material resource management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in technical colleges in Kogi State. Specifically, the study will determine:
1. The planning responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
2. The organizing responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
3. The coordinating responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
4. The controlling responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
5. The monitoring responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
6. The evaluating responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges
Significance of the Study
The findings of the study will be of great benefit to the teachers of woodwork, students, curriculum planners, teacher preparation institutions, students, parents, government and the society.
The findings of the study will benefit the teachers of woodwork. The findings of the study could be used to retrain teachers of woodwork in form of seminars and
workshop. This will build their capacities on how to manage resource materials meant for teaching woodwork in technical colleges in the state. Teachers themselves can also use the findings of the study to improve their management responsibilities in the woodwork laboratory to enhance teaching and learning.
Students of woodwork will benefit from the findings of the study if identified management responsibilities are used to retrain the teachers. The knowledge gained by these teachers will be used to manage all the material resources. This will then reduce the rate at which damages occur to the material resources. The students will now have enough materials for their practicals whenever situation demands. Students will gain the required skills and knowledge to establish their own woodwork businesses after graduation. Interaction of the students and material resources will then leads to proper skills acquisition.
The finding of the study will benefit the society. Well equipped graduates of woodwork will be turned out from Technical Colleges to solve societal problems. The society will be filled with skilled woodwork graduates who can make modern furniture, or repair most of the damaged furniture. Woodwork industries will also benefit from the findings of this study as they would have enough well qualified and skilled technicians, who can maintain, manage and utilize hand tools, power tools woodwork materials and machines for the production of woodwork articles.
Parents of the students or graduates of woodwork will benefit from the study as their children will be equipped with knowledge and skills to secure employment in society. The children will earn money to take care of their parents and the whole family at large.
The findings of the study will also benefit the government through its curriculum planners. The finding of this study could be integrated in the curriculum of colleges of education and universities that produce teachers for technical colleges and conventional secondary schools in Nigeria. This will help in preparing teachers with management responsibilities of material resources while in schools.
Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study:
1. What are the planning responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
2. What are the organizing responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
3. What are the coordinating responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
4. What are the controlling responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
5. What are the monitoring responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
6. What are the evaluating responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in technical colleges?
The following hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance:
H01: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the planning responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
H02: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the organizing responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
H03: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the coordinating responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
H04: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the controlling responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
H05: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the monitoring responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
H06: There is no significant difference in the mean responses of woodwork teachers and supervisors in the industries on the evaluating responsibilities for material resource management in technical colleges
Delimitation of the Study
The study was conducted in Kogi state and covered material resources management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in technical colleges. The study specifically covered planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, monitoring, and evaluating responsibilities of woodwork teachers for material resource management in
technical colleges in Kogi State. Other management responsibilities of woodwork teachers in the types and quantity of materials needed, stocks and supplies, storage of materials, inventory control and automation were not determined by the study.
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