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This study was carried out to identify the marketing strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State. The study adopted a descriptive  survey  research  design.  The  population  for  the  study  was  200 comprising of 100 each of wholesalers and retailers.   The study answered five research questions. Five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05.  The research instrument was validated by three experts, two business educators from the Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and one from the Department of Business Education Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island Bayelsa State. Chronbach Alpha reliability test was used to obtained the internal consistency of the instrument with the overall reliability index of .77. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions and t-test for testing the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that dealers (wholesalers and retailers) rarely adopt branding packaging, pricing, distribution and sometimes adopt promotion strategies in the state.   The findings also showed no significant difference in the mean ratings of dealers on branding, packaging, pricing, distribution and promotion in Bayelsa State.  Based on the findings of the study the researcher recommended that, branding, packaging, pricing, distribution and promotion should be adopted by dealers when designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State. Government and private investors should raise Crustacean and Molluskan  farms.  They  should  embark  on  some  market  base  strategies  for packaging locally harvested shellfish.  Promotional materials should be provided, point of sale advertising, suppliers directory, enhanced website and other materials developed and distributed to shellfish buyers.



Background of the Study

Marketing is a vital part of man’s life; it plays a significant role in determine the well-being of our economy and society. As finely put by Kotler and Armstrong (2006) marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong relationships in other to capture value from customers in return. Osuala (2008) defined marketing as the process of finding out the needs of customers or clients  and  channeling  a  flow  of  goods  or  services  to  meet  those  needs.  In explaining marketing Obi (2009) opined that marketing consist of a large number of business activities: gathering product information, designing and developing packaging, transportation, advertising and selling. Hence the need to provide want satisfying consumer products such as packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State has  necessitated  the  need  to  develop  a  marketing strategy  to  match  changing consumers need and preferences. Promoting specific brand to market segments with the appropriate price, distribution and promotion by dealers.

Marketing strategy in the opinion of Kotler and Armstrong (2013) refers to the marketing logic by which the company hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationship. The company decides which customer it will serve (segmentation and targeting) and how. According to Ferrel, Hirt and


Ferrel (2013) marketing strategy is a plan of action for developing pricing, distributing and promoting products that meet the needs of specific customers. This definition has two major components. Selecting a target market (the consumers of shellfish products in Bayelsa State) and developing an appropriate marketing mix to satisfy  that  target  market  (mix  of  product,  price,  distribution  system,  and promotion).

Product is defined as a thing produced by labour or effort or the result of an act or a process (Eniebi, 1986). According to Osuala (2008) product is an element of the marketing mix. It refers to matching the nature of the product to the target market.  Designing  new  products  is  part  of  that  process.  So  is  improving old products in response to feedback from users. In other words, branding the packaged shellfish product thereby creating an opportunity for it to be displayed in shops and supermarkets will make a good business sense.

Branding is the process of differentiating a product from similar ones.   It allows consumers to identify product of their choice from that of competitors. Branding is the art of distinguishing a product from others offered to buyers by a distinctive name, mark or symbol (Esu, 2013). Nwokoye (2004), asserts that a product should be given unique brand name to distinguish it from other goods offered to buyers. The brand name should be distinctive, easy to pronounce and it should capture the concept. Branding can add value to a product. Customers attach

meaning to brand and develop brand relationship. Marketers of Shellfish products in Bayelsa State should apply all diligence in branding product with names that should be easily identified and remembered. Hence short names that are easy to pronounce and spell are desirable. Yet it must be stressed that marketers should develop brand names that can be protected. A serious marketer will identify the company’s name or brand on the products package.

Packaging is the means of providing a container or wrapping for a product item. It is a highly visible part of the product and assumes a major role in marketing the products. Packaging as explained by Osuala (2008) is also part of the product element  of  the  marketing  mix.  Well designed  packaging can  benefit  both  the producer  and  consumer.  Three  major  aspects  of  packaging  are  promoting, protection and convenience. Brand and packaging are key marketing activities that help to position a product. Kotler and Armstrong (2006) states that modern companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of their brand. They assert that, in this highly competitive environment, the package may be the sellers’ last chance to influence the buyers. The significance of packaging cannot be overemphasized.   It has great influence on consumer’s package decision as regards items like drugs, cosmetics and toiletry product. According to Charles (2011) the package must be highly attractive in other to command the consumer’s attention.   This attractiveness may come as a result of

colour, design or quality of materials used in the package.  Contrary to the above, shellfish dealers in Bayelsa State do not bother to package the products which will rather pave way for its acceptance into stores and supermarkets. May be it could add to production cost which could lead to price increase.

Price is a strong determinant on the choice of a product by customers. It is the value assigned to the utility one receives from products or services. Usually price is the amount of money that is given up to acquire a given quantity of goods and services (Bush and Houston, 1985). Setting the price for a new product is critical. The right price leads to profitability; the wrong price may kill the product (Ferrel, Hirt and Ferrel, 2013).   In designing shellfish products in Bayelsa State, pricing must be well utilized. Bearing in mind that, business has to continue for some years before the revenue accruing from it is high enough to cover expenses and provide good profit (Udeh, 1999). Not minding the cost on developing marketing strategies, marketers within any business organization focused on providing adequate distribution system.

Distribution is the process of making goods, physically available to buyers. This bridges the gap of space and time between production and use or consumption. Distribution according to Charles (2013) is an element of the marketing mix which describes the function of delivering goods and services to the market place and to customers. Distribution is part of an overall supply chain which connect the overall

production of the goods, or the origination of the service, to the packaging, storage, wholesaling, retailing, transportation and selling to the end customer.

In his opinion, Nwokoye (2004) explained that product can only get to the final consumer through established logistic system for storing, handling and transporting the product. Channels for consumer products are handled by wholesalers and retailers before getting to the final consumer. Despite the even distribution of products, creating awareness via promotion is very necessary.  The best product at good price that is readily available will still fail to succeed if it is not made known to the target market through promotion.

Promotion seeks to inform buyers of the availability and nature of a product. When a new product is introduced to the market, an initial major marketing task is to  make  buyers  aware  of  its  nature  and  existence.  The  information  role  of promotion is not restricted to new products (Bush and Houston, 1985). The set of activities that a firm employs to communicate to buyers in an attempt to stimulate their demand compose its promotional strategies. As further explained by Osuala (2008) a promotional strategy is a plan that states what the content of a promotional message will be, how it will be delivered and whom it will be delivered to.  On the above premise, consumers of shellfish products in Bayelsa State has to be informed about the improved product benefits and carefully positioning it in consumer’s mind through skillful use of the mass promotional tools by dealers.

Dealers are middlemen who buy from producers and sell to other resellers. Kotler and Armstrong (2006) described the dealer as one who is out there, making sure that when a product is delivered it is in the condition it is suppose to be. According to Charles (2011) a dealer is a general name for someone who trades, purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold.  He can be an individual, a middleman, or a franchisee operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company’s goods or services.   Nwokoye (2004) did affirm that the dealer may perform wholesale or retail function. The key characteristic is that, this middleman has been formally selected or recognize by the producer.  The producer regularly sends them relatively large stocks for resale either to final buyers or to other sellers. They create the image of a company that doesn’t just stand behind its product but with its products, anywhere in the world.

Shellfish dealers in Bayelsa State are mainly middle women (fish mammies) who buy directly from producers (Fishermen) and sell to wholesaler. Fish mammies are female fish dealers who are the only approved buyers by the fishermen. This is as a result of the financial support rendered by the fish mammies to the fishermen in other to  facilitate the  fishing process. The people of  Bayelsa State are  mostly farmers and fishermen. Producers (Fishermen) of shellfish products reside in the creeks  in  various  local  government areas  of the  state.  In  the  bid  to  meet  the

demands of the market, urban and rural dealers move into the creeks to buy these fishery products from the fishermen.

Shellfish is  defined  as  an aquatic creature  having a  shell,  as  the  oyster (mollusks), lobster and other crustaceans (Gouin and Fady, 1997). They are very important perishable consumer goods in the Niger Delta. According to (Oginike,

2004) shellfish are small edible sea creatures. They are in the group of seafood. Seafood refers to any sea creature or plant that is served as food and eaten by humans.  Some are of commercial importance and contribute to the economic well- being of the rural populace. Most of these products decompose as soon as they are taken out of the water. The shrimp (Atyidae) is the most consumed crustacean within and outside the state.

In the present, the fishery products sold in the local markets within and outside the city of Yenagoa include shrimps, periwinkle, oyster, mussel clam etc. The unpackaged method of selling fresh shellfish sometimes repels customers from accepting the product.  Hence, adopting some marketing strategies in other to add value; from it native and traditional appearance to a packaged product.  This will enhance visibility in stores for greater sales and profitability.

As stated by Nwokoye (2004), the natural resources and climate of a country partly determine the products and services marketed. For example, a petroleum industry would not exist without oil deposits. Nwokoye further explained that,

technology is  a  major  agent  of  change  in  modern  society.  It  determines how products are designed and manufactured, distributed, and promoted.  It also affects how  the  consumers  go  about  meeting  their  need;  for  example,  by  having refrigerators they can store perishable food for longer period of time. Marketing in turn affects technology, for it is through marketing that the fruits of technology in the form of new products and methods are brought to serve human needs. From the foregoing branding,  packaging, pricing,  distributing and  promoting the  already existing but unpackaged shellfish product is a right marketing decision.

Statement of the Problem

The system of marketing shellfish products in Bayelsa state has remained the same, that is in their native and traditional form, (unpackaged) not minding the dynamic nature of the society. Consumers taste is changing every day, they have become more sophisticated, more informed and as such would want convenience in all  their  dealings.  However dealers  in  Bayelsa state  have  ignored the  need to package shellfish products thereby increasing customers’ dissatisfaction and frustration in shellfish usage.

The  inabilities of dealers in Bayelsa state to design shellfish as desired; processed and in suitable packages are causes for the unavailability of shellfish in stores and supermarkets. Usually as a result of its native and traditional form, they are not commonly found in shops and supermarkets for easy accessibility and

consumption. Retailers of shellfish products fail to process it as desired because they want much profit and would not want to take off the non edible part of the product i.e. periwinkle because they lack the patience to do a proper work. Sometimes, it comes with plenty of sand and other impurities. Since change is possible, marketing strategies should be adopted to develop branded and packaged shellfish products that match modern marketing standards. Innovative marketing if adopted will create more shelf attention, enhance visibility in stores, boost sales and increase profit margin Therefore, this work is intended to eliminate the causes of unavailability of packaged shellfish products in stores and supermarkets and its consequent frustration on consumers in Bayelsa State.

Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State. Specifically, the study sought to:

1.       determine branding strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State.

2.       determine packaging strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State.

3.       determine  pricing  strategies  adopted  by  dealers  for  designing  packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State.

4.       determine distribution strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State.

5.       determine promotion strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State.

Significance of the Study

The finding of this study would be of immense benefit to Bayelsa State government, Ministry of commerce, trade and Industry,  Bayelsa State Seafood Company, private investors, fishermen, dealers, promotional agencies, consumers, business educators, business students, library, and universities.

Bayelsa State which is the origin of the product will enjoy the benefit of the packaged shellfish products since the indigenous shellfish will also be canned and displayed for sale in stores, the products will revamp the fishing sector to boost the economy of the state. It will generate employment. It will also foster less dependence on foreign canned sea food products imported from other nations

The findings of the study will provide useful information to private investors, Bayelsa state sea Food Company and the ministry of trade, commerce and industry, on the need to fund researchers into local technologies for production of modern storage and processing equipment and establishing processing industries in various locations where sea foods are harvested in large quantities. It will necessitate the need for government to construct roads that will link up villages and towns for easy

movement of shellfish products from one location to another.  The findings of the study will be of benefit to the dealers on the usefulness of marketing strategies (branding, packaging, pricing, distribution and promotion) which when adopted will bring out the  features that customers value in shellfish products, in relation to cost thereby boosting sales and profitability. It will also benefit the dealers because they will be encouraged, being aware that, they are the ones converting the natural resources (shellfish) into packaged products  for economic purposes capable of moving the state to the next level. It will boost trade. It will motivate the fishermen to fish massively for domestic and commercial quantities, economic gain and other purposes beneficial to them.

The findings will also be beneficial to promotional agencies because dealers being aware of the key role of promotion strategy will patronize the agencies for dissemination of their promotional campaign. They depend on the agencies for ads designing and production, cute slogans and jingles, print and TV commercials getting to the target audience.

The findings will also benefit the entire consumers in Bayelsa State, since shellfish product will be made available to them in stores, supermarkets and urban markets rather than water front and some small markets in the suburbs. Consumers will get the products packaged at an affordable price to fit into their busy lifestyle.

The clumsy method of sometimes processing fresh shellfish products will be a thing of the past.

Finally, the findings will provide useful information to business educators, business students, libraries and universities for it significant contribution to the existing body of literature in this field of study.   It will provide information to students of marketing on marketing strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products and others.

Research Questions

This study will answer the following research questions:

1.       What are the branding strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State?

2.       What are the packaging strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State?

3.       What are the pricing strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State?

4.       What  are  the  distribution  strategies  adopted  by  dealers  for  designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State?

5.       What  are  the  promotional  strategies  adopted  by  dealers  for  designing packaged shellfish products in Bayelsa State?


The following null hypotheses were formulated for the study and will be tested at the probability level of 0.05.

H01:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of wholesalers and  retailers  on  branding  strategies  adopted  by  dealers  for  designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State.

H02:  There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of wholesalers and retailers on packaging strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State.

H03:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of wholesalers and retailers on pricing strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State.

H04:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of wholesalers and retailers on distribution strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State.

H05:   There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of wholesalers and retailers on promotion strategies adopted by dealers for designing packaged shellfish product in Bayelsa State.

Scope of the Study

The  study  is  restricted  to  marketing  strategies  adopted  by  dealers  for designing packaged shellfish product in  Bayelsa State.  The  study will identify branding, packaging, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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