The main purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi L.G.A., Bauchi State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, eighteen research questions were formulated and nine null hypotheses postulated and tested for significance at .05 level. Quantitative data were collected from 185 food handlers using knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using frequency distribution percentages and means to answer the research questions while Chi-Square, ANOVA and t-Test was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study showed that the food handlers had very high knowledge of food and personal hygiene but possessed negative attitude regarding food and personal hygiene. The findings further indicated that the food handlers practice food and personal hygiene occationally. Restaurant food handlers’ knowledge of personal,food and restaurant hygiene was not dependent on their level of eduation,there is no significant difference in the responses of food handlers’ knowledge regarding personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to age and there is no significant difference in the responses of food handlers’knowledge of personal,food and restaurant hygiene based on location. Level of education had no significant influence on food handlers’ attitude regarding food and personal hygiene, age had no significant difference in the responses of food handlers attitude regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene and there is no significant defference in the responses of food handlers’attitude regarding personal,food and restaurant hygiene based on location.Restaurant food handlers’practices regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene was not dependent on their level of education,there is no significant difference in the responses of food handlers’practices regarding personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to age and there is no significant difference in the responses of food handlers’practices regarding personal,food and restaurant hygiene based on location in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State. It was recommended, among others, that there was need to develop a more effective means of imparting social mobilization, sensitization to food handlers and the entire community on the needs and advantages of food and personal hygiene education to a great extent.
Background to the Study
CHAPTER ONE Introduction
These past decades have witnessed the emergence of the trend of eating away from home. Many consumers eat out in restaurants, canteens, fast food outlets and street food vendors due to change of lifestyles. However, the high number of people eating out causes the emergence of food -borne illnesses arising from unhygienic preparation and lack of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers.
Hygiene refers to practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases (Araoye, 2009). It involves regular washing of the body, washing one’s clothing, washing the hair, brushing the teeth, and caring for the gums (Ilika & Obionu, 2009). Food handlers are particularly vulnerable to the neglect of basic personal hygiene (Postma et al,
2008; Oduntain; 2008; Enahoro and Orak, 2007) .Personal hygiene, according to WHO (2006), are practices performed by individual to care for his/her personal health and well- being, through cleanliness.The WHO added that motivation for personal hygiene practices include reduction of personal illiness, optimal health and sense of well-being, social acceptance and prevention of spread of illness to others.
Harrison (2010) defined personal hygiene practices in relation to food, as proper food management and cooking to prevent food contamination. This, according to him is called food hygiene.Food hygiene, according to Flizpatrick and Kappos (2009), are those measures that aim at preventing the contamination of food processing namely, collection, preparation,transportation, storage and sale.Food hygiene refers to the conditions and practices that preserve the quality of food to prevent contamination and food borne illnesses.It includes the production,processing, preparation and handling of food to ensure the safety of food.
The term food safety is increasingly being used in place of food hygiene and encompasses a whole range of issues that must be addressed for the purpose of ensuring the safety of prepared food. Food hygiene probably puts too much emphasis on cleanliness but food safety requires much more than a clean environment or premises (Food Hygiene and Safety). The high incidence of food borne illnesses has led to an increase in global concern about food hygiene (Van, 2007). Several food borne diseases outbreaks have been reported to be associated with poor personal hygiene of people handling foodstuffs.
Food borne diseases are increasing in both developed and developing countries. Diarrheal diseases, mostly caused by food borne microbial pathogens, are leading causes of illnesses and deaths in the developing countries, killing an estimated 1.9 million people annually at the global level (Schlundt, 2004).
An estimated 76 million food borne illnesses occur annually in the United States. These food borne illnesses result in estimated 325,000 hospitalization and 5000 deaths every year in the United States. The cost of the most common food borne illnesses in the United States is estimated at $6.5-$34.9 billion annually (Mead, 2004). In the past few decades, the epidemiology of food borne diseases has changed with several emerging pathogens. Some of them may pose a low risk to most individuals, but may be life threatening to others (Maizun, Mohd & Zain, 2003).
Between 1999 and 2002, an average of 1329 food borne diseases outbreaks were reported to the Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) each year. Approximately
52% of these were attributed to service establishments or restaurants (Jones, 2006; Lynch,
2006). During the same period, the Oregon Public Health Division reported 62 food borne outbreaks or approximately 5% of the national total (Emilo & DeBess, 2009). Another study conducted in Malaysia also showed that approximately 10-20% of food- borne outbreaks are due to contamination by the food handlers (Zain, 2002).
Food contamination may occur at any point during its journey through production, processing, distribution, and preparation (Green, 2005; Honnessay, 2004). The risk of food getting contaminated depends largely on the health status of the food handlers, their personal hygiene, knowledge and practice of food hygiene (Mead and Slutsker, 2004). Infection can also be acquired through contaminated unwashed fingers, insects, circulation of bank notes and by wind during dry conditions (Isara, 2009). Contamination of food with eggs and cysts especially those sold by hawkers may also serve as a source of infection to consumers of such items (Umeche, 2009). Therefore, food handlers, i.e, any person who handles food, regardless of whether he actually prepares or serves it, play an important role in the transmission and, ultimately, prevention of food borne diseases (Isara, 2009).
Food handler, according to WHO (2008), is a person in the food trade or someone
professionally associated with it including an inspector who, in his routine work, comes into direct contact with food in the cause of its production, processing, packaging or distribution. South African National Health Regulation (2009) defines a food handler as anyone who is engaged in any of the processes which make up or are ancillary to food processing, even though such a person might not handle food directly. Food handlers refer to anyone who
directly prepares, cooks, stores, or serves food and drinks. For the purpose of this study, food handlers refer only to those who are cooks, servers, cash collectors, plate washers and cleaners in the restaurant.
Hornby (2008) described restaurant as places where meals can be bought and eaten. Brook (2008) referred to restaurant as public commercial food eating establishment. Shaw (2003) declared that restaurants are commercial public eating places, away from home, and therefore should be planned and operated to achieve the highest degree of hygiene in order to ensure the safety of the consumers as clients. From the foregoing definitions, restaurant as used in this study are food establishments away from home where food is consumed on commercial basis.
There are eighty one restaurants in both urban and rural areas of Bauchi Local Government Area, some of these restaurants offer only eating facilities while others offer temporary residential facilities. In addition, it is common knowledge that there are also illegal or unregistered restaurants or public eating places characterized by improvised or substandard structures scattered all over the urban areas. Some operate in temporary or improvised structures attached to buildings and some even operate in mobile stands. All the restaurants, including those with improvised or substandard structures scattered all over the local government, both registered and unregistered will be used for this study. The restaurant shall permit good hygiene practices, including protection against harmful cross-contamination or food-borne diseases.
Good hygiene practices encouraged through health education has been reported to be associated with low prevalence of communicable diseases in restaurant (Long-Shan et al,2003). Good hygiene practices, therefore, plays and important role in preventing spread of respiratory infection, helminthiasis, skin infection, food-borne disease and spread of new pathogens as in epidemics (Oduntan,2003). Understanding the knowledge, attitude and practices related to food and personal hygiene among target population is needed to plan and design behavioural interventions. According to this researcher, when food and personal hygiene knowledge, attitude and practice are promoted, they go a long way to prevent food poisoning. Consequently, knowledge, attitude and practice of food and personal hygiene among food handlers at an early stage can help in preventing further deterioration of general health (Nwobodo, 2007).
Adequate knowledge, positive attitude and correct personal hygiene practices have been identified by WHO (2004) as the major and most important measures in the prevention of food-borne diseases. Knowledge, according to Carter and Winifred (2005), is accumulated
facts, truth, principles and information to which the human mind has access. Comfort (2005) further described knowledge as the sum of our conceptions, views and predispositions which have been established and tasted. Food and personal hygiene knowledge in the context of this study refers to understanding or learning that one has acquired as regards to food and personal hygiene in the restaurant. The present study was set to investigate these dimensions of food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi State.
Moronkola and Okanlawon (2003) opined that knowledge helps to create a change in attitude and then proper practice towards health, which in this case is personal hygiene. Knowledge in the present study refers to understanding which the food handlers have acquired with regard to food and personal hygiene. Opera (2003) declared that knowledge and attitude must be present for a desired behavioral change to take place.
Attitude does not have a universally acceptable definition. Murdary (2003) viewed attitude as a feeling tone directed towards a person, object or idea. Dighton (2001) also viewed attitude as a predisposition to classify objects and events, and to reach to them with some degree of evaluative consistency. Kerlinger (2002) perceived attitude as an organized predisposition to think, feel, perceive and behave towards a referent or cognitive object. In his well-known perspective, Bolan (2001) stated that attitudes about food and personal hygiene help to determine what an individual does in a given situation.
Attitude in the context of the present study is that which predisposes food handlers to respond either positively or negatively towards food and personal hygiene practice.. On the other hand, practice refers to a way of doing something regularly (Hornby, 2001). With regard to the present study, practice refers to the most common actions taken by food handlers in order to enhance their positive food handling practices.
There are demographic factors that are associated with food and personal hygiene knowledge, attitude and practice. Arowojolu (2001) identified age, sex, occupation, educational status and location as the factors that affect food and personal hygiene. In their own view, Nuamah and Annah (2008) identified age as a factor, while Arowojolu, Aderinokun, and Arowajolu (2008) listed age, occupation and educational status. Furthermore, Al-Shadan (2005) identified gender, age and number of children as factors affecting food and personal hygiene while Ettinger and Mulligan (2008) observed genetic dispositions, lifestyle, socialization, environment, culture, psychology, education, social life, economy, diet and age all influence one’s personal hygiene. In this study, age, location and educational status will be investigated to determine whether and how they influence the
knowledge, attitude and practice of food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, hence the need for this study.
Bauchi LGA is located at the southern part of Bauchi State and made up of twenty (20) political wards with population of 316,173 (National Population Census, 2006). The local government also has 74 health facilities including public and private hospitals and 81 registered restaurants.
Statement of the Problem
An ideal food and personal hygiene has been extolled as a potent instrument for ensuring wholesome and palatable food by the application of sanitary measures designed to keep food clean through its production,processing,distribution and preparation to ensure that it is safe and free from contamination.The risk of food getting contaminated depends largerly on the health status of the food handlers,their personal hygiene (Mead,2009). Infection can also be acquired through contaminated unwashed fingers,touching raw food,touching the hair,face,or body:sneezing,coughing or using a tissue, smoking, eating or chewing gum or tobacco:handling chemical:touching clothing or aprons and touching any thing else that may contaminate hands (National Restaurant Association Education Foundation[NRAEF],2008)
Evidence by WHO (2006) revealed that there is increasing prevalence of food-borne
illnesses in developing countries. WHO reported that in the year 2000 alone, 2.1 million people died of diarrhoea diseases. A great proportion of these cases, the report indicated, can be attributed to contamination of food and drinking water. Food prepared at restaurants under unhygienic conditions has been identified as a major source of food poisoning.
Unfortunately, in Nigeria, Idowa and Rowland (2006) conducted a study on oral fecal parasite and personal hygiene of food handlers in Abeakuta. The stool sample was collected from sampled restaurant food handlers and taken to the laboratory to rule out the parasite. Questionnaire was also used. The result showed high prevalence of fecal orally transmissible parasites. Cases of multiple infections were recorded in 67 food handlers with diarrhoea, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, worm infestation, and indicative of a high level of fecal contamination of the environment and low level of sanitation.
In Bauchi State, the State Ministry of health, Disease Surveillance and Notification
Office (DSNO 2010) reported the outbreak of diarrhea and vomiting, resulting in 11,742 hospitalization and 193 deaths. Much as the source of the outbreak was not established, these figures call for studies to confirm what really obtains in each situation.
Such studies actually have been conducted on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene among food handlers in many parts of the world
including Nigeria. Incidentally, none of such studies, to the best knowledge of the investigator, has been conducted in Bauchi Local Government Area. As a result of that, the need arose to study knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of
food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi Local Government
Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain:
1. food handlers’ level of knowledge regarding personal hygiene;
2. food handlers’ level of knowledge regarding food hygiene;
3. food handlers’ level of knowledge regarding hygiene of their restaurants;
4. attitude of food handlers towards personal hygiene;
5. attitude of food handlers towards food hygiene;
6. attitude of food handlers towards hygiene of their restaurants;
7. practices of personal hygiene by food handlers ;
8. practices of food hygiene by food handlers;
9. practices of food handlers regarding hygiene of restaurants;
10. influence of level of education on food handlers’ knowledge of personal,food and restaurant hygiene;
11. influence of food handlers’ attitude of personal, food and restaurant hygiene;
12. influence of level of education on food handlers’practices towards personal,food and restaurant hygiene;
13. influence of age on food handlers’ knowledge of personal, food and restaurant hygiene;
14. influence of age on food handlers’ attitude towards personal, food and restaurant hygiene;
15. influence of age on food handlers practices of personal,food and restaurant hygiene;
16. influence of location on food handlers’ knowledge of personal, food and restaurant hygiene;
17. influence of location on food handlers’ attitude towards personal, food and restaurant hygiene;
18. influence of location on food handlers’ practices of personal, food and restaurant hygiene ;
Research Questions
The following research questions have been posed to guide the study:
1. What is the food handler’s level of knowledge regarding personal hygiene?
2. What is the food handler’s level of knowledge regarding food hygiene?
3. What is the food handlers’ level of knowledge regarding the hygiene of their restaurants?
4. What is the attitude of food handlers toward personal hygiene?
5. What is the attitude of food handlers toward food hygiene?
6. What is the attitude of food handlers toward hygiene of their restaurants?
7. What is the extent of food handlers’ practice of personal hygiene?
8. What is the extent of food handlers’ practice regarding food hygiene?
9. What is the extent of food handlers’ practice regarding the hygiene of their restaurants?
10. What is the food handlers’ knowledge of personal, food and restaurant hygiene according to level of education?
11. What is the food handlers’ attitude towards personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to level of education?
12. What is the food handlers’ practice of personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to level of education?
13. What is the food handlers’ knowledge of personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to age?
14. What is the food handlers’ attitude towards personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to age?
15. What is the food handlers’ personal, food and restaurant hygiene practices according to age?
16. What is the food handlers’ knowledge of personal, food and restaurant hygiene according to location?
17. What is the food handlers’ attitude towards personal,food and restaurant hygiene according to location?
18. What is the food handlers’ personal, food and restaurant hygiene practices according to location?
The following null hypotheses are formulated to guide the study. They will be tested at .05 level of significance;
1. Restaurant food handlers’ knowledge of personal, food and restaurant hygiene is independent on their level of education .
2. Restaurant food handlers’ attitude regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene is independent on their level.
3. Restaurant food handlers’ practices regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene is independent on their level of education.
4. There is no significant difference between the mean responses of food handlers’
knowledge regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene according to age.
5. There is no significant difference between the mean responses of food handlers’
attitude regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene according to age.
6. There is no significant difference between the mean responses of food handlers’
practice regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene according to age.
7. There is no significant difference between the mean responses of food handlers’
knowledge regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene based on location.
8. There is no significant difference between the mean responses of food handlers’
attitude towards personal, food and restaurant hygiene based on location .
9. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of food handlers’ practice regarding personal, food and restaurant hygiene based on location .
Significance of the Study
The findings from this study will be of immense benefit to restaurant food handlers in particular, and health workers and wider public in general. Specifically, data to be generated by determining the level of knowledge possessed by the food handlers regarding personal hygiene may help in exposing the knowledge which the food handlers possess in the area of personal hygiene. The data to be generated regarding their knowledge of food hygiene may be beneficial to the food handlers in Bauchi LGA and Health workers in the area. The data will highlight the food handlers’ level of knowledge in this area, thus may help the health workers to identify knowledge gaps to be filled in the course of their instruction. On the other hand, knowing the food handlers’ level of knowledge on hygiene of restaurant will help all the stakeholders in the field of health services to identify what remains to be taught.
The study will also provide results on the knowledge regarding food hygiene among food handlers. Results of the study are likely to help health educators, nurses and midwives in counseling mothers on the appropriate ways of food handling. The results of the study will also be of benefit to health policymakers since they will provide the basis upon which existing programs and health strategies may be re-examined and evaluated.
Information to be generated on the attitude of food handlers towards their personal hygiene will be beneficial to Bauchi LGA food handlers because it will help them to know the proper attitude to exhibit towards personal hygiene. Data to be generated on the attitude of food handlers towards food hygiene will be beneficial to the food handlers because knowing how people feel about individuals with poor food- handling attitude will motivate food handlers to improve on their attitude towards food handling.
Furthermore, data to be generated on the attitude of food handlers toward personal and food hygiene will help health care providers determine the need and techniques for changing the food handler’s proper practice. Knowing how the food handlers take care of their food handling will expose whether they are doing the right thing or not. This may be beneficial to health- care delivery planners who may need to identify and encourage sound practices.
Beyong the foregoing, data to be generated on the practice of food handlers on food and personal hygiene may likely sensitize the agencies responsible for food preservation in Bauchi State to encourage them to identify sound practices while engineering changes in the wholesome practices of the food handlers towards production, collection, processing, distribution, storage and sale. The data concerning this study may help to enrich the pool of data on the subject matter, such data may also be beneficial to both the health and education ministries in Bauchi State, and may form the basis for future policy formulation and modification
The study on investigation will influence the food handlers’ level of education, age, and location on their knowledge, attitude and practice of personal and food hygiene. The study will provide results that will reveal the influences of level of education on the food and personal hygiene among food handlers in Bauchi Local Government Area. The result of the study may give a clue as to the learning needs of these categories of food handlers. It may also guide the educators, environmental health officers, health programmers and curriculum planners in planning and execution of health education programs that will motivate such food handlers to adopt desirable practices.
The study also will provide data on the influences of age and location of food
handlers in Bauchi Local Government Area, the results on location may be useful to health care providers and may motivate them to design health education programs that may enable the rural and urban food handlers to be fit for food handling. The information may also help both federal and state ministries of health on the appropriate ways of distributing health services and facilities in such a way that older and younger food handlers in the rural and
urban settings may equally be addressed and counseled. The result may also help in effective delivery of social mobilization activities in the study area.
Generally, the results may serve as a source of reference for training health personnel in the community. Food handlers, students and NGOs may find the results of the study useful as they quest for avenues and strategies of improvement for hygienic food handling. Finally, the result of the study will help to verify the relevance of some knowledge, attitude and practice theories to personal and food hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices.
Scope of the Study
The study was delimited to restaurant food handlers in Bauchi L.G.A, Bauchi State. The Local Government was made up of twenty (20) political wards, namely; Birshi, Dan’Dango, Galambi, Dan’amar ‘A’ Gwaskwaram, Dan’amar ‘B’, Kangire, Kundum, Durum, Dan’Iya, Liman Katagum, Dankande, Tirwun, Mun-Mun-Sal, Yamrat, Dawaki, Hardo, Zungur, Makama ‘A’ Makama ‘B’ and Miri.
The study will investigate the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene among restaurant food handlers in Bauchi Local Government Area. The study also ascertained the food handlers’knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food and personal hygiene based on level of education, age, and location.
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