The main purpose of this work was to Evaluate the Implementation of the Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu State. Out of the six educational zones in Enugu State namely, Agbani, Awgu, Enugu, Nsukka, Obollo-Afor and Udi, Nsukka educational zone was selected for the study. Using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques, 25 social studies teachers in 20 schools in the educational zone were selected. Structure Systematic Observation Schedule (SSOS) and Social Studies Evaluation Questionnaire (SSEQ) were used for data collection. Data collection comprised of 25 teachers used for observation while 200 teachers were given questionnaires. Therefore, a total of 225 teachers formed the sample of the study. The data were analysed using mean as standard deviation to find out the responses of social studies teachers. Results from the study showed that level of qualification can make a difference in the teachers who teach social studies and most importantly on the Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools. Social studies teachers employ discussion, discovery, problem-solving, inquiry and expository method while teaching. The teachers employed the students’ activities in the curriculum, geared towards critical reflective thinking that is learner based while most students have many other things to do, either in the school or outside the school which cause them to get easily distracted from their school work. Based on the findings, recommendations were made which include that government should organize workshops and seminars to re-train teachers in proper implementation of the social studies curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools and that social studies teachers should endeavour to use learner centered strategies like students activities in teaching and learning so that students will contribute in the process and thus make learning more concrete.
Background of the Study
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Education is an aged-old concept that has existed since man inhabited the universe. It is a process of transmitting what is worthwhile from generation to generation. The primary purpose of education is to produce effective members of the society whose three ‘Hs’ – head, heart and hands have been well developed to enable them live as effective and acceptable human beings. An effective education should be one that prepares members of the society to be able to fulfill their personal needs and to perform their civil obligations. (Azikiwe, 2009).
Education as an instrument of change seeks to change the environment through the thoughts of human beings and events in the environment. It is a process by which the individual is enabled to develop his knowledge, skills, values and attitudes both for his own benefit and for the benefit of the society. The process by which every society attempts to preserve and upgrade the accumulated knowledge, skills and attitudes in its cultural setting and heritage in order to foster continuously the well-being of mankind and guarantee its survival against the unpredictable at times hostile and destructible elements and forces of man and nature. (Okafor, 2000).
Education can be considered as a major tool for the systematic and sustainable human and material development of nations. It is a priority sector in every well-meaning society. It can be considered as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, interests, abilities, competencies and the cultural norms of a society by transmitting it to the coming generations so as to enhance perpetual development of the society. To actualize the above mentioned educational benefits, curriculum is developed for every school subjects in various educational levels. Recognizing the role of teachers in the implementation of any educational policy, Ukeje in Ebiringa (2012) observed that education may unlock the door to modernization but it is the teacher who holds the key. It is the teacher who determines what happens in the classrooms especially in the social study classroom. Successful implementation of any educational programme can only be assured through teachers who have acquired necessary competencies in terms of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.
Education is generally acknowledged as a vital tool for sustainable development. This position is clearly supported by the National Policy on Education (NPE) which perceives education as an “instrument per excellence for effecting national development in Nigeria. (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). Thus, the propriety of Education as a vital tool for development in predicated on its relevance to the needs, problems and aspirations of human society.
Indeed, throughout history, societies both developed and under developed, complex and non complex have used education as a relevant instrument for effecting desirable social, economic, political and technological changes. (Obanya, 2002). This trend no doubt has influenced the philosophy of education pf many countries of the world including Nigeria.
Naturally, the relevance of any school subject in the educational system is primarily based on its potentials in achieving the overall goals of education of that society. This is largely so because both the goals of education and those of the various school subjects are derived from the needs, problems and aspirations of the wider society. Social Studies is one of the core school subjects at the basic education level in Nigeria which is expected to contribute significantly to national development if effectively taught. (FRN, 2004).
The origin of the teaching of social studies in form of three traditional subjects Economic, Geography and History separately could be said to be dated back to the early history of education in Nigeria. The knowledge being passed to Nigerian pupils under these three subjects was foreign and British oriented. The Nigerian child was being educated out of his immediate environment, out of his society and culture. The knowledge being gathered was totally irrelevant to the child in the Nigerian society. Social studies of those days could not inculcate in the Nigerian child an awareness of his local environment, national consciousness, national pride among others, all of which are the basic objectives of the present day social studies. (Mezieobi, 2002).
The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS, 1994) an apex professional Body for the Social Studies education in United States of America (USA) defines Social Studies as the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Okeke (2003) describes social studies as the study of an organized group of
people living together in an area with developed ways of getting along with one another and the ways of serving as a group.
Social studies is one of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) core school subject which can contribute to nation building efforts in Nigeria (Ezudu and Ezegbe 2005). They agued that social studies ensures acquisition of relevant body of knowledge which can develop in students positive values, attitude and skills. Supporting this assertion, Ezegbe and Nwaubani (2009), observed that social studies objectives are meant to achieve the national objectives in Nigeria. As an integrated holistic approach to learning, social studies offers effective citizenship training needed for national cohesion.
According to the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), (2004:10), the following objectives and goals are to be achieved for the nation through the study of social studies:
* The development of an understanding of the relationship between human beings and their environment in past and present.
* The development of an understanding of the interrelationships and effects of beliefs, values and behavioural patterns and the application of this knowledge to new situations.
* The development of the ability to examine one’s own beliefs, values and behaviours and the relationship between them.
* The development of human relations, skills and attitudes that enable one to act in the interest of self and others.
* The development of positive self concept.
* The development of the competencies to acquire, organic, assess and present information of the purposes of problem solving and issue classification.
Global objectives of social studies includes:
* The development of an understanding of their social, physical, economic, scientific and technological environment.
* The development of an awareness and appreciation of their cultural heritage beliefs, values, behavioural patterns, skills for their role in the society and to enable them apply such knowledge, to new situations.
* The development of an understanding of innovations in social political and economic spheres as well as in science and technology to enable them function effectively in a global world.
* The development of independent, self reliant and democratic living in the school and society.
* The development of honest and morally upright citizens.
Akubue (1994), identified problems encountered in the implementation of Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) social studies curriculum like non availability and use of instructional materials, inadequate qualification of teachers, non-use of appropriate methods among others as factors militating against the effective teaching of social studies at this level. The major problems remain as how the teacher could be groomed not only to teach the content but also to use appropriate behaviour of reinforcement to put his subject matter across to the students. Other problems affecting the effective teaching and learning of social studies include: poor attitude of the public towards the subject, restriction of the subject at the basic education level, threat of disarticulation, lack of career prospect of the subject, poor evaluation of the implementation of the social studies curriculum.
In summary, one may be right to conclude from the above that the rationale for introducing social studies in schools is to have a single and robust subject discipline whose content is concerned with development of social competence for profitable living. With the current introduction and implementation of the Universal Basic Education by former president Olusegun Obasanjo on 30th September, 1999, social studies have been made compulsory for primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the country.
Statement of the Problem
Social studies deals with the realities of life, the society is dynamic, this means that the society is ever changing. One of the major problems facing social studies today is the inadequacy of the implementation of the social studies curriculum in junior secondary schools. This has led to incessant demand for textbooks by both social studies teachers and students, excessive dependence on textbooks for social studies instruction and fear as to whether the objectives of the social studies would be attained. In terms of the teaching methods and instructional materials, teachers often use lecture method in the classroom,
thereby neglecting other methods of teaching like dramatization, role-playing, construction, creative activity, inquiry, discovery, simulation, expository, questioning method. Creative activities and learning experience develop not only the creative abilities of the learner but also their intellectual skills. It also arouses the interest of students, sustains their attention and motivation to learn. The lecture method is often in cognitive domain, thereby neglecting the other two domains which are very important in the implementation of social studies curriculum in junior secondary schools. Poor implementation of social studies curriculum has led to poor performance of students, with specific reference to the output of social studies both internal and external examinations. Results from junior secondary schools examination released by Enugu State Ministry of Education 2010, revealed that students performed below average in social studies. Questions from current affairs and geography were found difficult by student leading to a very poor performance.
In a view of the importance or the roles that social studies play in Nigerian educational system and society, its curriculum deserves to be adequately implemented in terms of methods and instructional materials. Again, the performance of students in social studies examination is not encouraging, thus warranting the central problem, which this study seeks to address. What are the reasons for this? Could it be poor attitude to the subject, poor teaching methods, inadequacy of instructional materials and defective evaluation/ assessment?
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation of the social studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Enugu State. Specifically this study seeks to determine;
1. Teachers’ qualification.
2. Teaching methods effectiveness.
3. Availability of the instructional materials
4. Extent of utilizing students activities.
5. Extent of teachers’ coverage of syllabus.
Significance of the Study
The finding of this study will benefit teachers, students, other researchers, educational administrators, curriculum planners and the society. Theoretically, this study will be a vehicle for more knowledge since implementation which it promotes is the moving force of any plan without which a plan is only good intention.
The findings of this study will establish the need if any, for retraining of teachers’ through workshops and seminar to improve their knowledge of social studies, the strategies to use, the procedures and the skill need for good academic performance in social studies. It will help the teachers to make use of inquiry, discovery, problem- solving, individualized instructional method as methods of teaching while in the classrooms. When teachers become aware of these methods, their work will become easier since the student will take part in the teaching and learning process, also the teacher will take less time to teach concepts and allows the student to find out the rest with teachers support.
The student will benefit from the findings of this study if only the teacher uses the methods. Teachers’ use of the methods will improve student-student interaction, self esteem, academic performance , group affiliation, accommodation among students since they have to work in groups, tolerating each other’s mistakes so that success is achieved. Also the teachers’ use of this method on student will make student become responsible for their own learning and this will motivate them to learn more for better performance both intellectually, socially, physically and emotionally since they have to work with student of different ability, level, behaviour pattern and different background.
The findings of this study will encourage curriculum planners, to emphasis on proper implementation of the social studies curriculum in junior secondary schools. By so doing, the student will take major responsibility in their accomplishment of curriculum learning task. This will also make the curriculum task easier to accomplish since the students and the teacher will be involved.
The society could also benefit from the findings of this study. The essence of schooling is to make or build up students that will be functional and contributors to nation building. One of the importance of social studies learning is that it brings students to real life situation and enabling them to articulate and find ways of solving their
problems in collaborating with others. The much desired peace and unity in the country may be restored through this. Finally, findings could provide empirical research information for researchers that are interested in the area.
Scope of the Study
This study was restricted to evaluation of the implementation of social studies curriculum in junior secondary schools in Enugu State. The study focused on teachers’ qualification, teaching methods effectiveness, availability of the instructional materials, extent of utilizing students’ activities, extent of teachers’ coverage of syllabus and problems of teaching social studies. The study will be carried out in Nsukka Education Zone.
Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study:
1. What are the qualifications of teachers that teach social studies in secondary schools?
2. What are the methods used by teachers to implement the social studies curriculum?
3. To what extent do teachers’ qualification and subject of specialization determine their choice of instructional materials as stipulated in the curriculum?
4. To what extent do teachers utilize the students’ activities as stipulated in the curriculum?
5. To what extent do teachers’ qualifications influence the coverage of the social studies syllabus?
The following Null hypotheses were formulated to guide this study and were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
HO1: Teachers’ qualification is not significant factor in the implementation of social studies curriculum.
HO2: Teachers’ qualification is not a significant factor in the usage of instructional materials.
HO3: Teachers’ qualification is not a significant factor in the coverage of the social studies syllabus.
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