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The study sought to determine the effects of demonstration method and cooperative learning  strategy   on  secondary   school  students’  achievement   in   writing  and balancing of chemical equations in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State. To guide the  study,  four  research  questions  were  posed  and  answered  while  six  null hypotheses   were  formulated  and  tested  at  0.05   level  of  significance.   Quasi experimental  research  design specifically  pre-test  post-test non-equivalent  control group design was adopted for the study. A sample of eighty (80) SS1 students in secondary schools within the Zone was used for the study. Chemistry Achievement Test in form of essay was used as instrument for data collection. Data collected were analyzed  using mean,  standard  deviation  and analysis  of covariance  (ANCOVA). The  findings  of  the  study  were;  there  is  a  significant  difference  in  the  mean achievement  scores  of  students  taught  balancing  of  chemical  equation  using demonstration method and those taught using cooperative learning in favour of those taught using demonstration  method. there is no significant difference in  the mean retention   scores   of   students   taught   balancing   of   chemical   equation   using demonstration method and those taught using cooperative learning, Gender is not a significant factor in the students’ achievement as well as retention in balancing of chemical equation, there is no significant interaction effect of method and gender on the achievement and retention of students in balancing of chemical equation. One of the implications of the findings is that demonstration method of teaching is effective in  enhancing  the  achievement  of  students  in  writing  and  balancing  of chemical equation. It was recommended among others that science educators and curriculum planners should incorporate innovative strategies such as demonstration method into their various teacher education programmes.



Background of the study

Science is a body of knowledge that carefully and systematically collects data, verifies and predicts events about the natural world. Nzewi (2010) defined Science as the study of natural phenomena,  while Miller and Levine as cited  by Mandor (2002)  saw  science  as  a  body  of  knowledge  with  the  goal  to  investigate  and understand  nature,  to explain events  in nature  and to use  these explanations  to make useful predictions. In view of the above definitions, science therefore solves man’s    problems    and    improves    his/her    welfare    economically,    medically, technologically,  and  so  on.  There  are  so  many  branches  of  science,  such  as chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, etc.

Chemistry as an aspect of science studies the composition, properties  and uses of matter (Ababio, 2007). It probes into the changes  that matter  undergoes under  different  conditions.  Chemistry  focuses  on  the  properties  of  substances around us. Most of the things you can touch, taste or smell are chemicals. It is the explanation for everyday life, like why laundry detergent works better in hot water or how baking soda works or why not all pain  relievers work equally on a headache. Chemists can make informed choices about every product that they use. The study of chemistry is important in almost all fields of study but it is commonly seen in the sciences  and  medicine.   Chemists,   physicists,   biologists   and  engineers   study chemistry:   Doctors,   nurses,   dentists,   pharmacists,   physical   therapists,   and veterinarians  all  take  chemistry  courses:  science  teachers  study  chemistry.  Fire fighters  and  people  who  make  fire-works  learn  chemistry.  So  do  truck  drivers, plumbers, artists, hair dressers, etc. (Marie, 2011). Scientific and technological fields such    as    Medicine,   Pharmacy,    Biochemistry,    Agriculture,    Engineering    and

Microbiology  have  chemistry  built  into  them.  Students  need  sound  background knowledge in chemistry at least up to the school certificate level before undertaking courses in any of the fields mentioned above. There are some topics in chemistry that are regarded as difficult area of study in understanding chemistry. Such topics include writing and balancing of chemical equations, chemical bonding, electrolysis, etc.

Writing and balancing of chemical equations are topics in chemistry usually introduced to students at their first year of senior secondary education.  They are symbols  used  instead  of  words  in  describing  chemical  reactions.  Writing  and balancing of chemical equations are very important topics in chemistry and are the basis  for  understanding  chemical  language.  In  fact,  they  are  one  of  the  basic fundamentals  or stepping stone in understanding chemistry. Usoro (2007) defined chemical equations as changes that take place when there is breaking and formation of bonds during a chemical reaction. It is  a statement in formula which shows the relative number of moles of particles involved in a chemical reaction. Adigwe (2006) defined  a balanced  chemical  equation  as a cognitive  map  of  the  motion  of the reactants and products, their stoichiometric relationship, physical states and direction of the reaction, reversible or irreversible.

A well-balanced  chemical equation  is important  because  it carries  a lot  of information  about  chemical  reactions.  Example,  a  simple  reaction  such  as  that between hydrochloric acid and calcium trioxocarbonate (IV).

2HCl(aq) + CaCO3(aq)               CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

73               100                     111            18          44

This provides us with such information as : the chemical nature of both the reactants and products, the nature of the individual element and radicals (or groups) involved in the equation;  a mental picture of the movement  of the  elements  and radicals

during the reactions;  the stoichiometry  of the reaction  i.e. the relationship  of  the mass of the reactants and the products in terms of  (a) the mole ratio and (b) the mass ratio of the reactants and products involved in the equation, the direction of the reaction and whether the reaction is reversible, the states of  matter in which the substances  are present, etc. writing and balancing of  chemical equations are the basis  for  the  operation  of  the  chemical,  pharmaceutical,  food,  textile,  polymer, plastics, detergents, paper and pulp, and cement industries etc. chemical process design utilizes information  provided by chemical equation, calculation of input and output  (yields)  are  primarily  based  on  the  writing  and  balancing  of  chemical equations.

In  spite  of  the  indispensable  nature  of  writing  and  balancing  chemical equations  in the  learning  of chemistry  and the contributions  of  chemistry  to the learner and the needs of the society, most chemistry teachers  and students have difficulties in teaching and learning the concepts. The balancing of chemical equation has been regarded as a difficult area of study in chemistry and more so since it is not practically observable  and demonstrable  in the chemical process (Adigwe, 2006). Chemical  equations  are abstract in  nature. Teachers  and students  find it difficult because of their inability to predict the products of a reaction. Some in attempting to balance an equation may change the formula of the compound/element in order to suit them. They equally encounter difficulty especially when they do not know the valency of  the  combining  elements  which is one of the first steps  in writing  and balancing  chemical  equations.  Students  experience  difficulty to balance  chemical equation  due  to  their  formal  reasoning  abilities  and  cognitive  styles  since  the

balancing of chemical equation is usually introduced in schools in senior secondary


one (SS1), when students concrete operational thought process are giving way or has given way to formal operational thought (age range 13-17).

These   learning   difficulties   result   in   poor   achievement   in   chemistry examinations.  Since  the roles  of chemical  equations  are  innumerable,  emphasis should be given to its teaching in schools and more effort should be made on the quality of its teaching, hence the search for more effective methods for its delivery is deemed necessary. Thus, the effects of these two teaching methods (demonstration and cooperative) for the teaching of writing and balancing of chemical equations is undoubtedly  important.  In  recognition  of  the  above  observation  as  well  as  the indispensable  nature  of  chemical  equations  in the learning  of chemistry  and the contributions of  chemistry to human and national development, there is the need to determine the effects of demonstration and co operative methods of teaching on the learning of the writing and balancing of chemical equations.

Teaching  methods  are  strategies,  techniques  or  systems  used  by  the teachers in guiding the students to learn. They are important instruments  that the teacher uses in performing  his/her basic  functions  of teaching.  In  science, some effective  methods  of  teaching  are  employed.  Such  methods  of  teaching  include experimental  method,  demonstration,  lecture  method,  problem-solving,  field-trip, discussion, inquiring, peer-teaching, cooperative learning, etc.

The aim of any good teaching is to effect a change in the behavior of  the learner. The learner’s change in behaviour otherwise known as learning, takes place when a learner is exposed to different learning experiences  (Nnachi, 2007). The learning  experiences  are presented  to the learner  through instructional  methods. Effective teaching ranges from the most basic transmission of factual knowledge to a process  that transforms  both the teacher  and the learner through critical thinking (ADPRIMA, 2009). The choice of any instructional method depends on many factors

such  as  age,  and  developmental  level  of  the  learner,  the  previous   learning experiences of the learner, subject matter content, the objectives of the lesson, the available resources (human and materials), time, space and the  physical settings (Rusbult, 2001; & Maduabum, 1989). It is a difficult problem to select instructional methods that best fit one’s particular teaching style and  the lesson, but there are some criteria that pertain to each method that can  help a teacher make the best decision.   From the forgoing, it is necessary to  make a comparative study of the effects of these two methods (Demonstration and Cooperative) with a view to finding out which of them will better enhance students’ achievement and retention in writing and balancing of chemical equations in the study of chemistry.

Achievement can be said to be the extent of success attained by an individual on a task he or she has earlier been exposed.  Achievement refers to the degree of success reached or attained in some general or specific area (Enyi as cited by Eze,

2008).  Achievement  is  the measurement  of the effect  of specific  programme  of instruction  or training (Kulbiras  cited in Gimba,  2012).  It can also be  defined  as something that somebody has succeeded in doing, especially after a lot of efforts. It is an act of finishing something successfully. Relating this to academic achievement in this contest means success in writing and balancing of chemical equations when demonstration  and cooperative  methods  of teaching  and learning are used in the learning process. The problem of poor achievement of students could be attributed to poor foundation in basic science from junior classes. As a result, the students at senior classes find it difficult to  cope with the concept at this level. This difficulty could be connected with poor teaching methods employed by teachers. These poor teaching methods could lead to lack of retention on the part of the learner.

Retention on the other hand is the remaining expressions of experience. It is also the amount of earlier experience that is correctly remembered at later  times.

Retention is the continued possession of something or the continued existence  of something ( Hornby as cited by Eze,2008). Retention is the ability to reproduce the learnt concept when the need arises (Demirel as cited in Gimba,  2012). However, students’ retention could be aroused and released through an appropriate teaching method. Learning could be made more effective, lasting  and enjoyable and topics that are abstract to students could be made clearer, easer and meaningful for better achievement of the concept learnt. Other variables can also influence achievement. One of such variables is students’ gender.

Gender   is  the  different,   socially  constructed   roles   and   responsibilities expected  of  males  and  females.  Gender  is  a  factor  that  has  influenced  many educational attainments all over the world. Akinsola and Igwe as cited by Eze (2008) stated that gender issue is an important factor in educational setting and could be a militating factor to high achievement of learners in chemistry. There are also the long held view that gender difference in achievement in science in favour of the males is caused primarily by biological inheritance,( Nkpa as cited by Eze, 2008). However, Okeke as cited by Eze (2008) also argued that so far there is no biological evidence that boys have innate superior intellectual abilities over girls. Therefore, if differences in achievement occur, they may be caused by other factors. Some studies show that males and females respond differently to specific teaching methods, questions and discussion (West Virginia University for women studies, 1997).  This is in line with Okeke‘s  (2001.),  assertion  that  instructional  strategies   are  known  to  produce different effects on learners. Schwarz and Hanson as cited by Eze (2008) stated that females prefer to use a conversational learning style that foster’s group consensus and build ideas on top of each other. Therefore, any instructional strategy that lacks conversational learning style would put female learners at disadvantage (Eze, 2008). Statement of the problem

Writing and balancing of chemical equations is a difficult concept in chemistry because of its abstract nature. It is the foundation on which the understanding of chemistry is built. Emphasis should be placed on teaching it to give the students the good  foundation  for  understanding  the  learning  of   chemistry.  In  view  of  the usefulness   of  chemistry  in  nearly  all  fields  of   human  endeavour,   the  poor achievement  and retention  of students  in  chemistry  at both  secondary  and post secondary  levels  have been sources  of  concern  to education  stake  holders  and government at different times. Most of the time, poor achievement and retention is caused by poor teaching  methods  used by chemistry teachers.   Considering  the importance of chemistry in all round development, there is the need to make sure that  chemistry  is  properly  taught  most  especially  the  difficult  and  fundamental concept of chemical equations. The poor achievement of students in chemistry has been  associated  with  the  use  of  poor  teaching  methods,  lack  of  retention  and sometimes influence of gender. In view of these, researchers in science education have always been searching for better teaching methods that will enhance students’ achievement,   promote   their  retention   and  bridge   students’   achievement   and retention in chemistry. The problem of this study posed as a question is, which of demonstration and cooperative methods of teaching when used by teachers would enhance  students’  achievement  and  promote  retention  in  writing  and  balancing chemical equations?.

Purpose of the study

The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  determine  the  effect  of  two   teaching (demonstration and cooperative) methods on achievement and retention of students in writing and balancing of chemical equations.

The study specifically will seek to determine:

1.         The  effect  of  demonstration   and  cooperative   teaching   methods   on students’ achievement in the writing of chemical equations.

2.         The  effect  of  demonstration   and  cooperative   teaching   methods   on students’ retention in writing and balancing of chemical equations.

3.         The influence of gender on students’ achievement means scores in writing and balancing of chemical equations.

4.         The influence of gender on students’ retention means scores in writing and balancing of chemical equations.

5.       The interaction effects of gender and the teaching methods on students’

achievement in the writing and balancing of chemical equations.

6.       The interaction effects of gender and the teaching methods on students’

retention in the writing and balancing of chemical equations.

Significance of the study

This  study  is  based  on  the  framework  that  the  findings  will  have  both theoretical and practical significance. It is hoped that the findings of this study will give credence to the social constructivist theory when the achievement and retention of the students change positively as a result of the application of demonstration and cooperative methods of teaching and learning used for this study. This is because the behaviourists see learning as imitation behaviour and the social constructivists believe that learning takes place through social interaction. These have been found

to  support  learning  which  is  in  line  with  the  introduction  of  integrated  teaching methods.

The    Nigerian    curriculum:    6-3-3-4    recommends    a    student-centered pedagogical method that can assist in achieving the national educational goal; the acquisition of appropriate skills, mental, physical and social abilities and competence that will equip  an individual  to live in, and contribute  to the development  of the society (Isiugi-Abanihe as cited by Aniaku, 2013). The findings of the study will be of immense benefit to the nation, students, science teachers, future researchers and curriculum developers.

To the nation, the findings of the study will improve students’  achievement and retention in chemistry and increase the number of students who will go into the study of important science courses like engineering, pharmacy, medicine, etc. This course  of  study  has  chemistry  as  a  pre-requisite  and  promotes  national  and economic development as well as increasing the number of scientifically skilled and literate citizens.

To the students, the findings of the study will help the students to achieve high in chemistry and promote their retention in chemistry which will make  them have interest  in  science  courses  in  higher  schools  of  learning  and  also  appreciate environmental sustainability.

To  the  teachers;  the  findings  of  the  study  when  applied  well  will  make teaching and learning process move effective because students’ achievement and retention will be enhanced thus enabling the realization of  the  stated instructional objectives which is the goal of any academic enterprise.

To future researchers; the results of this study will serve as a base line data for future researchers into other methods of teaching. It will also serve as a reference material for future studies.

Finally to the curriculum developers, the findings of this study will be used for suggesting/integrating    instructional   materials   and   implementing    the    use    of demonstration and cooperative methods of teaching and learning.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study will be limited to SS1 students in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu state. The study will be specifically carried out in Nsukka Urban. The choice of Nsukka Urban is to remove the interference of school location. The Senior Secondary one (SS1) students will be used because the topics are in their scheme of work. The content scope for the study is chemical symbol, formulae and equations which  includes;  chemical  symbol  of  elements  and  their  valences,  empirical  and molecular formulae, laws of conservation of matter, constant composition, multiple proportion  and  chemical  equations.  These  topics  are selected  because  of  their importance in understanding chemistry or in the learning of chemistry especially at the beginning stage.

Research Questions

The following research questions will guide the study;

1.         What are the achievement  mean scores of students  taught writing  and balancing of chemical equations using demonstration  method  and  those taught using cooperative teaching method?

2.         What  are  the  retention  mean  scores  of  students  taught  writing  and balancing of chemical equations using demonstration  method  and  those taught using cooperative teaching method?

3.         What are the achievement mean scores of male and female students  in writing and balancing of chemical equation?

4.         What are the retention mean scores of male and female students in writing and balancing of chemical equation?

Research Hypotheses

These null hypotheses were formulated for the study and will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1: There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught writing and balancing of chemical equations using demonstration method and those taught using cooperative teaching method.

HO2: There is no significant  difference  in the retention  mean scores  of  students taught writing and balancing of chemical equations using demonstration method and those taught using cooperative teaching method.

HO3: There is no significant difference in the achievement mean scores of male and female students in writing and balancing of chemical equation.

HO4: There is no significant difference in the retention mean scores of male  and female students in writing and balancing of chemical equation.

HO5: There is no significant interaction effect of gender and teaching methods  on students’ achievement in the writing and balancing of chemical equations. HO6: There is no significant interaction effect of gender and teaching methods  on students’ retention in the writing and balancing of chemical equations.

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