The study sought to find out the differential effects of sudents’ achievement in ecology using concept mapping. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design, specifically, the non-equivalent control group design. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The study was conducted in Colleges of Education in Yobe State. Two classes of Preliminary Nigeria certificate in Education (Pre-NCE) science students were selected for the study. Federal college of Education Potiskum was taught ecology with cooperative learning mode using concept mapping. College of Education Gashua was taught ecology with competitive learning mode using concept mapping. Ecology achievement test (EAT) was used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the three research questions while ANCOVA was used to test the three hypotheses at 0.05. The result revealed that cooperative learning mode was more effective in students’ achievement in ecology. The female students benefited more significantly than their male counterparts with regard to cognitive achievement in ecology using concept mapping. Based on the findings, it was recommended that teachers should be trained on the proper use of concept mapping strategy under cooperative and competitive learning modes.
Background to the Study
Biology as a discipline has influence on the entire sphere of life. Biology can be defined as the science of life. It is a science subject offered in all the senior secondary schools in Nigeria which attracts the greatest patronage of both science-oriented and arts based students (Nwosu, 2006). Biology as a subject is of paramount importance to any nation, including developing ones. A sound working knowledge of biology is a pre-requisite for entrance in such professions as medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, nursing, (Nzewi, 1990). Biology education is important in nation building considering the role it plays in various aspects of the economy and public life such as health, manufacturing, teaching, agriculture, crime detection, disease and pest control, population control, food production and research. It is important in many ways for both individual and societal development as seen in biotechnology and genetic engineering (Bena, 2010).
An important aspect of biology is ecology. Ecology is the science of relationship between organisms and their environment (Bramwell, 1989).The study of ecology also helps one to understand the impacts of human action on the environment (Pollan, 1993). According to Begun (2006) ecology is the scientific study of the distributions, abundance, and relationship of organisms and their interaction with each other in a common environment. It is the scientific study of interaction among organisms and their environment. Through the study of ecology, awareness is created for conservation of natural resources needed for national building, through avoidance of acts that degrade the environment. Studies show that students still perceive ecology as difficult to learn (West African Examination Council WAEC, 2006). This difficulty in learning ecological concepts is often reflected in poor performance in tests and examinations involving the concepts. This may probably be as a result of poor teaching strategies adopted by the teachers, such as lecture and anology. In
using these conventional methods the students are not sufficiently challenged to be at the centre of instruction through carrying out activities. Consequently the poor performance is carried over to the Pre-NCE when students continue to record low grades. This study intend to use an innovative teaching strategy, concept mapping under two learning modes (cooperative and competitive) to see if the students improved in ecology can be established. When students are engaged in activities, their interest is generated, thereby leading to enhanced achievement.
Achievement connotes final accomplishment of something noteworthy, after much effort. It could mean, something accomplished by means of skills or practice (Onah, 2008). It also means something, accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage and perseverance. In teaching/learning process students’ achievement could be enhanced through the use of innovative teaching strategy such as concept mapping.
Concept is an abstract idea or principle which is not limited to one place or time. It could be defined as perceived regularity in events or objects designated by label. Inomiesa (1997) defined concept as an idea generalized from particular relevant experience. Map is a kind of visual network showing some of the pathways (Novak and Gowin, 1984). Concept mapping therefore is a process of constructing concept maps. It involves mapping out logical relationships among concepts in a hierarchical order, such that the most general concept at the top of the map (Novak and Gowin, 1984). Bayerbach and Smith (2002) employed concept mapping to help teachers to become effective in their teaching. Concept mapping was used as evaluation tool (Moreieca, 2003). It encourages students to learn difficult concepts. It is based on the idea that meaningful occurs when new knowledge is consciously, explicitly and deliberately linked with relevant concepts which the learner already knows. Concept mapping could be used to investigate the effectiveness of two learning modes (cooperative and competitive).
Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject (Kagan, 1994). Okebukola (1992) suggested that in using concept mapping under a cooperative learning situation, the learner’s environment kindles the improvement of students in their cognitive and emotional learning. Under cooperative learning mode, students work in small heterogeneous groups of three to five, with members of the same group helping one another to accomplished assigned tasks. Heterogeneity in grouping can be achieved by combining students of different sexes, academic ability levels, ages, religion etc. so that students get beyond their initial stereotypes and be able to treat each other as fellow group members. Students are more positive about each other when they learn cooperatively than when they learn alone, competitively – regardless of differences in ability, ethnic background, handicapped or not.
Competitive learning is one in which students work against each other to achieve a good grade (Johnson and Johnson, 1999). In competitive learning students study independently and try to learn the materials better than others in the group. They (students) wage a “win – loose” struggle to be the best. Competitive learning is most appropriate when students need to view learning materials (Johnson, Johnson & Holubec, 1998).
Kagan (1994) and Johnson and Johnson (1999) were of the view that cooperative and competitive learning modes could enhance students’ performance in sciences. This study seeks to find possible effect of cooperative and competitive learning modes on Pre- NCE students’ achievement in ecology when taught using concept mapping. It may also be possible to investigate gender dimension of using concept mapping to determine the effectiveness or otherwise of cooperative and competitive learning modes.
Pre-NCE programme of the Colleges of Education have aims and objectives is prepare those that have completed secondary education, and have gotten full combination
passes required to offer science courses. The one year programme is to remedy the students’ deficiency in science subjects (biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics), to enable them undertake the full NCE programme. School record shows that the Pre-NCE students do not perform creditably well in ecology and this affect their final grade in biology hence the chance of the concept of this study using concept mapping to determine the relative efficacy cooperative and competitive learning modes.
The word gender is a derivative of the Latin word “genus” meaning kind or group. Earlier than now, word gender was more common in English language where it was used as classificatory functions to refer to masculine, feminine and neuter hence we talk of masculine gender (Abonyi, 1998).Some studies on gender and achievement have indicated different views; with regard to gender and achievement in science. Nwosu (1991) opined, that cognitive ability and type of exposure may relate more strongly to the general achievement level in science than gender. According to Okoye (1987), gender differences in science achievement arise from differences in the individual’s cultural setting and environment which impinge on the individual rather than differences in the intelligence make up of male and female.
Although several studies have been conducted on concept mapping as an instructional strategy (Bayerbach and Smith, 2002; and Moreieca, 2003), some important factors were either not investigated or insufficiently reported. For instance, the use of concept mapping in determining the effectiveness of cooperative and competitive learning modes in ecology. Furthermore most studies on concept mapping were carried out among primary and secondary school pupils/students, but none to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, has been carried out among College of education students, hence the need for this study.
Pre- NCE programme of the Colleges of Education have aims and objectives is to prepare those that have completed secondary education, and have gotten full combination
passes required to offer science courses. The one year programme is to remedy the students’ deficiency in science subjects (biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics), to enable them undertake the full NCE programme. School record shows that the Pre-NCE students do not perform creditably well in ecology and this affect their final grade in biology hence the chance of the concept of this study using concept mapping to determine the relative efficacy cooperative and competitive learning modes.
Statement of the Problem
Research reports have shown that most teachers prefer to use conventional teaching methods in curriculum delivery. This invariably leads to poor achievement, particularly in biology. Ecology as an aspect of biology has been identified as playing important role in nation building through environmental sustainability and preservation of world biodiversity. Despite these important roles the results of students in examination involving these concepts leaves much to be desired. This has been attributed to poor teaching strategies adopted by the teachers. It is being advocated that teachers should use variety of strategies including innovative ones such as concept mapping in delivering their lessons. Reports on concept mapping showed that biology teachers adopt it as an instructional strategy for effective teaching and learning of science generally and biology in particular. In spite of these, achievements in ecological aspect of biology continue to be poor.
This poor achievement in ecology is also reflected in Pre-NCE results probably due to poor foundation laid at the secondary school level. The researcher therefore sees the need to us an innovative teaching strategy like concept mapping under cooperative and competitive learning mode to see how achievement can be enhanced. One wonders if the problem is with learning modes created by the teachers such as cooperative and competitive learning modes or with other extraneous variables. The Influence of gender on students’ cognitive
achievement under the two learning modes using concept mapping will also be investigated in this study.
Purpose of the study
The study investigates the effects of cooperative and competitive learning modes using concept mapping. Specifically the study intends to find out:
1. The effects of cooperative and competitive learning modes using concept mapping.
2. The influence of gender on the mean achievement score of students under cooperative and competitive learning modes when taught ecological concepts using concept mapping.
3. The interaction effect of learning modes and gender on students’ cognitive achievement in ecology when taught using concept mapping.
Significance of the study
It is hoped that findings of this study will be useful to the followings: students, educational teacher/lecturers, educational theories and researchers. Since the study if enhanced on social constructivist theory, the result of the study will enable the students to work more cooperatively to achieve higher cognitive skills like problem solving and critical thinking that will enable them tackle societal problems.
Furthermore the concept mapping teaching strategy use for the study based on Gagne’s cognitive learning theory which advocate organisation of the learning tasks in hierarchical order. The students will benefit from the result of the study since presentation of the ecological concepts in hierarchical order (from simple to complex) will facilitate better understanding of the concept.
Teachers /lectures will benefit from the findings of this research work, as it would enable them know to organise the students for under cooperative and competitive learning modes, to better academic achievement.
The result of this study may also be of benefit to educational planners/administrators who would know how to organise seminars, conferences and workshops for teachers on the use of concept mapping under the cooperative and competitive learning modes.
The findings of this research could be used by researchers as a valuable reference material, in libraries in universities and colleges of education for further researchers in science education.
Scope of the study
The study will be limited to Pre-NCE science students in Colleges of Education in Yobe State. The effect of learning modes (cooperative and competitive) on students’ cognitive achievement in ecology using concept mapping strategy will be investigated. The content is limited to Basic ecological concept Bio. 021-Ecology Only PRE – NCE (sciences) students in colleges of Education across the state will be used.
Research Questions
The study will be guided by the following research questions:
(1.) What are the mean achievement score of students under cooperative and competitive learning modes when taught ecology using concept mapping?
(2.) What is the influence of gender on the mean achievement score of students under cooperative and competitive learning modes when taught ecology using concept mapping?
(3.) What is the interaction effect of gender and learning modes teaching strategy on students’ achievements in ecology when taught using concept mapping?
1. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught ecology under cooperative and competitive learning modes using concept mapping.
2. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught ecology under cooperative and competitive learning modes using concept mapping.
3. There is no significant interaction between gender and learning modes on students’
achievement in ecology when taught using concept mapping.
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