This study determined Effects of Concept Mapping on Higher National Diploma (HND) Students’ Achievement and Retention in Marketing communication in Polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. The study was carried out in Benue and Kogi States, Nigeria. The population for the study comprised 228 HND II students offering marketing in the four polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select two polytechnics, which are Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo, with 35 HND II marketing students, and Federal Polytechnic, Idah, with 30 HND II marketing students, making the total sample frame to be 65 HND II marketing students. The criteria for the purposive selection of the two polytechnics was based on polytechnics with approved marketing programme with marketing communication components, available qualified marketing lecturers with degrees, approved required facilities. The instrument for data collection was 80-items multiple choice Marketing Communication Achievement Test (MCAT). The instrument was subjected to face and content validation. The Validation was done by five experts. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Kuder Richardson 21 (K-R 21) formula which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.78. Before the commencement of the experiment, all students in both experimental and control groups were subjected to a pre-test in order to obtain the pre-test scores for the study. On completion of the experiment, post-test scores were collected while the post-post test scores were collected two weeks after the post-test. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used for testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Based on the data collected and analyzed, and results interpreted, the study found that the concept mapping technique significantly increased students’ academic achievement and retention of learning in advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations/publicity (marketing communication). There was significant difference (p < 0.05) in the mean achievement scores of students taught with concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only. Based on these findings, the study recommended among others that: seminars, workshops and conferences should be organized by educational administrators and ministry of education where polytechnic lecturers will be trained on the use and application of concept mapping technique for effective teaching and learning.
Background of the Study
Marketing is a pervasive activity that impacts on all spheres of life. It has become the basic element of development in the Nigerian economy because it involves production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and ideas. Marketing is defined by Kotler and Keller (2012) as a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need or want through creating offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. As recorded by the American Marketing Association (AMA) (2007), marketing is the set of institutions, activity and processes, for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large. In the same vein, Kotler (2003) described Marketing as getting the right goods and services to the right people, at the right place, at the right time, at the right price, with the right communication and promotion. Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of products and services from producers to consumers or users to satisfy customers’ demand and accomplish the company’s objective (Obi, 2002). The author further explained that marketing consists of a large number of business activities which include gathering products, information, designing and developing, packaging, transportation, advertising and selling. In this study, marketing is the process of exchanging goods and services between producers and consumers.
Marketing is important in many ways. In the view of Nwabueze (2006), marketing creates different kinds of utilities which are beneficial to consumers or users. These include form, place, time, information and possession utilities. Form utility is making a product available in the right shape, size or when it is packaged in a convenient way that will ease its usage. Place utility means making a product available at the right place, that is, where it is needed by the target consumers. Time utility is making a product available at the right time, when the target consumers want it. Information utility is providing information about a product such as information about how to get
the product, what to gain from it, and how to use the product; while possession utility is created
when the buyer pays for a product and takes possession of it. This implies ensuring that exchange of product ownership is completed. The product could be a book, laptop among others. Furthermore, marketing creates jobs for trained graduates from tertiary institutions and other individuals (Olayinka and Aminu, 2006). For marketing to be beneficial to human beings and institutions, it must aim at certain objectives which must be fulfilled by marketers.
The objectives of marketing as contained in the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE, 1991) curriculum are as follows: produce middle level management personnel with relevant knowledge for the solution of marketing problems in business and commerce, provide training necessary for the acquisition of skills to individuals who shall be self-reliant economically, provide training necessary to conduct product planning for manufacturing organizations, and provide training necessary to organize sales and distribution of goods and materials. Marketing has different aspects which include marketing research, sales management and marketing communication among others.
Marketing Communication according to Kotler and Keller (2012) is the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade and remind consumers directly and indirectly about the products and brands they sell through their trained marketers. Olayinka and Aminu (2006) posited that marketing communication is basically an attempt by marketers of a company to influence the recipient’s feelings, beliefs, or behaviours about the goods put for sale by a company. The availability of goods produced by a company is made known to customers through marketing communication, to enable customers patronize them. In this study, marketing communication is a vocational course in marketing, offered in the Polytechnic at HND level to give relevant training to students for the achievement of the objectives of marketing programme and with a major purpose of equipping students with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes on how companies inform, persuade and remind their customers about the products and services they sell. Students are expected to among others, acquire knowledge and skills to enable them understand the principles and operations of marketing.
Marketing Communication is an important activity in the marketing system where commercial and non-commercial organizations employ substantial field forces to promote and distribute products or services, to service and assist prospects, clients and middlemen, to report on consumer preferences and competitive activities. Commenting on the importance of marketing communication, Kotler and Keller (2012) asserted that marketing communication provides jobs to a large number of people in factories, offices and within the society, links producers and their products with consumers and potential consumers, represents the voice of a company and its products, establishes dialogue and builds relationships with a company’s publics and increases product sales through the use of incentives and other promotional strategies by marketers. According to Anyanwu (2000), marketing communication provides opportunities to trained marketers to present the product or service in the most appropriate manner. It informs, persuades and reminds the public of the existence of a company and/or its products, and influences consumers’ feelings, beliefs or behaviours. Marketing communication is intended to produce competent polytechnic graduates in marketing that can serve as marketers in companies. It has objectives which must be achieved by both the lecturers and students of marketing.
The objectives of marketing communication as contained in NBTE curriculum (1991) are to: understand the concept of advertising,sales promotion, appreciate the importance of personal selling, understand the evaluation and control of the promotion programme and understand public relations/publicity (NBTE, 1991). In order to achieve these objectives, the NBTE prepared the relevant content for study by HND students and lecturers to teach the same content to students. The content of the course as contained in NBTE document for HND programme, is clustered and covers: Cluster 1 (one) which comprised advertising. Its content covers definition of advertising; types of advertising; objectives of advertising; roles of advertising; advantages and disadvantages of advertising; advertising media; types of advertising media; advertising media selection; advertising media scheduling; advertising agency; roles of advertising agencies; criteria for selecting advertising agency. Cluster 2 (two) consists concept of sales promotion. The content of sales promotion include: nature and scope of sales promotion; sales promotion methods;
importance of sales promotion; consumer and dealer promotion; techniques essential to consumer and dealer promotion; reasons for the increase in sales promotion activities (popularity factors of sales promotion); and problem areas of sales promotion. Cluster 3 (three) involves personal selling in the communication mix. Its content include meaning of personal selling; types of personal selling; types of personal selling sales people; personal selling process; personal selling channels; importance of personal selling; and conditions for utilizing personal selling. Cluster 4 (four) contains public relations/publicity in the communication mix, and it comprised public in public relations; types of publics in public relations; meaning of public relations; objectives of public relations; public relations channels; types of public relations channels; and publicity in public relations (See Appendix Y, p. 336). Communication mix is an important aspect in marketing.
Communication Mix is a way companies/organizations use a variety of marketing communication tools and media to convey particular messages and encourage their target audiences to favour their products or brands. Communication mix according to Kotler and Armstrong (2010) are specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations/publicity that a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives. These are promotional tools applied in the marketing process to achieve a purpose. Nwabueze (2006) defined marketing communication mix as a set of controllable promotional and communication variables that an organization adopts in achieving its marketing objectives. The author explained further that marketing communication mix refer to the key components of marketing communication which the marketer employs in creating awareness for and promoting his products, persuading customers to buy and retaining their loyalty to his products.Communication mix is called different names by different authors. Kotler and Keller (2012) calls it marketing communication mix, while Belch and Belch (2012) calls it promotional mix. In this study, communication mix is referred to as components of marketing communication. This is in agreement with Anyanwu (2000) who calls communication mix, components of marketing communication. It is the specific methods used to promote a company or its products to targeted
customers, and it comprised advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations/publicity for marketing (MKT 413 and 423) as stipulated by NBTE (1991) (See Appendix Y, p. 336).
Advertising, according to Kotler (2003), is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. It is mass communication aimed at helping to sell goods and services. On the other hand, sales promotion involves the use of short- term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. Blotterg and Neslin in Kotler and Armstrong (2010) described sales promotion as a collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or service by consumers or the trade. Personal selling is the face-to-face presentation of a company’s product(s) to customers or potential buyers by the firm’s salesforce for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships. As viewed by Riley (2012), personal selling is where business use people (salesforce) to sell their products after meeting face-to-face with the customer. Public relations on the other hand, is a variety of programmes directed internally to employees of the company or externally to customers, other firms, the government and media, to promote or protect a company’s image or its individual products (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Public relations is defined as building good relationships with the company’s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good corporate image and handling or heading off unfavourable rumours, stories and events (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). These components are delivered to students by lecturers in polytechnics.
Polytechnics play a vital role in the educational, scientific and technological progress of Nigeria. They are established to train and produce the technical manpower necessary for the execution of the nation’s development plans, goals and strategies (NBTE, 1991). A polytechnic according to Simpson (2011) is an institution of higher education offering courses at degree level or below, especially in various vocational subjects. Barnes and Noble (2006) defined a polytechnic as an institution offering or dealing with instruction in many industrial art and applied sciences. Furthermore, the National Policy on Education (NPE) of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria (FRN, 2004) described a polytechnic as a tertiary institution which offers courses for a period of four years duration, two years of National Diploma (ND) and two years of Higher National Diploma (HND), with one year period of industrial experience, serving as one of the pre- requisites for entry into the HND programmes. The HND programme in Polytechnics is structured into four semesters of classroom, studio/workshop activities in the institution (NBTE, 1991). A polytechnic in this study is a tertiary institution designed to train and produce diploma graduates in various technical and business areas.
The National Board for Technical Education is responsible for developing programmes for polytechnics in many areas including marketing (marketing communication being a component). Marketing communication is taught to students by lecturers in the polytechnic. A student is an individual admitted into a course of study in a college or university (Quirk,2009). In this study, a student is an individual admitted into polytechnic to study marketing at HND level with special interest in marketing communication. Such student must obtain a minimum of lower credit pass before he is awarded the HND certificate. Students are taught the content of marketing communication by lecturers. A lecturer, is an individual who has been trained in the technical area of his subject and is delivering lecture in college of education, polytechnic or university (Bakare
& Owodunni, 2011).According to Okebukola (2007), a lecturer is a person who gives speeches and presentations, often as part of his or her profession. Most lecturers in marketing department in polytechnics are graduates of marketing programme in Business Administration Faculties in the universities who may not have been exposed to the methodology and pedagogy of instruction in education. Therefore, they teach the contents of their subject areas through the conventional method (lecture). This may be responsilble for the high anxiety of failure expressed by their students. Commenting on the methods of teaching used in teaching students by lecturers, the author posited that most higher education lecturers including polytechnics are inadequately prepared both in content and pedagogy, and therefore could not teach well, which have negative effect on the achievement of the students they teach. The method of teaching adopted by the polytechnic lecturers could be improved on through the integration of concept mapping in order to
produce competent graduates. This study adopts lecture. In this study, a lecturer refers to an individual that has acquired higher degrees from universities and is competent in marketing and is charged with the responsibility of delivering lectures in marketing communication to Higher National Diploma (HND) students in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria. Also, a lecturer is used in this study to represent Chief lecturers – Instructors in polytechnics and Professors – Instructors in universities. Polytechnic lecturers deliver lectures in marketing through the conventional lecture method. According to Quirk (2009), a lecture is a long talk on a particular subject that an individual gives to a group of people-especially students in colleges of education, polytechnics and universities.
In this study, a lecture is a long talk in marketing communication given by lecturers to HND students in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States, Nigeria. This long talk (lecture), according to Ukoha and Eneogwe (2001) encourages self-study and research. Okoro (2004) asserted that lecture method of teaching has its use in large classes, that is, it is convenient for teaching large number of students at the same time, and it is useful to cover a considerable amount of lesson content in a very short time. However, lecture method is characterized and certified ineffective because of inherent limitations. According to Olaitan and Agusiobo in Melissa (2010), the lecture method has limited students’ participation and who are usually passive while some are observed to be absent minded or getting engaged secretly in other activities such as counting fingers or cutting nails under the desk. Some may be involved in vicarious experiences-typical of comparing the lecturer with something that appeal to them. At times, the passiveness or lack of attention by students is generally observed by most of the students stretching their body at the end of the lecture, signifying that they probably gain little from the lecture. In affirmation, Ogwo and Oranu (2006) stated that one disadvantage of lecture is the tendency for the students to become inattentive and passive. This occurs if they are not involved actively or if they do not understand what the lecturer’s exposition is all about. Moreover, Ale in Imoko (2005) noted that lecture method encourages rote learning or memorization, and lacks active participation of students, which sets in boredom.
The effect of the aformentioned on students of marketing communication is that many students graduate with very low grade in the course while some have to repeat the course several times before passing it. Most students develop high anxiety towards failure in the course that technically makes marketing uninteresting to them contrary to what it supposes to be. The data from the preliminary study agrees with this assertion (See Appendix T, p. 324). An interaction with the lecturers on excursion to one of the polytechnics revealed that lecturers lecture students the way they were lectured while in the university. This connotes that they lecture marketing communication to students. A change of strategy (a series of plan for accomplishing a mission) in teaching marketing communication in polytechnics, therefore, becomes necessary, if the objectives of teaching marketing courses in polytechnics are to be achieved.
Teaching is the process of giving instruction to an individual by a teacher in order to assist him or her acquires knowledge, skills and attitude. According to Owoso (2010) and David (2010), teaching is a systematic activity deliberately engaged in by the teacher to facilitate the learning of the worthwhile knowledge, skills and values by the learners. Moore (2000) is of the same view with the above authors about teaching. Clark and Star in Kanu (2015) stated that teaching is an attempt to assist students in acquiring or changing some skills, knowledge, ideas, attitudes or appreciation. Thus, teaching involves the setting up of activities to enable somebody learn something which can improve the person’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. The aim of teaching is to facilitate learning. In teaching, the content to be taught has to be worthwhile and the procedure has to be educationally acceptable for the activity to be classified as teaching (Onabanjo, 2000). In this study, teaching refers to the systematic activity engaged in by the teacher of marketing communication to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values by the students in the content areas. Teaching is carried out by all teachers.
A teacher in the view of Quirk (2009) is a person whose job/occupation is to teach in a school or college or other place of formal education. Okebukola (2007) defined a teacher as a trained invididual who has been exposed to the methodology and pedagology of instruction in education. A teacher could use various teaching methods and techniques in teaching.
Teaching methods are the various procedures adopted by teachers for inculcating the needed values, attitudes, ideas and skills to an individual in the classroom or laboratory. Teaching method in the opinion of Onyemerekeya (1998) is a procedure and means of communicating, conveying and inculcating ideas, skills, and values implied in the aims and objectives of teaching. Obodo in Okonkwo (2012) described teaching method as an approach, procedure, or a position which a teacher adopts to explain a subject matter to learners. Nwachukwu (2006) stressed that teaching methods are aimed at developing in the learners the ability to acquire knowledge and skills useful for work. They are viewed by Onwuka in Ogwo and Oranu (2006) as a way by which the teacher presents his/her materials to learners and engages them in the task of learning the curriculum content. The author further stated that teaching methods include lecture, demonstration, discussion, project, field trip. These are among the most used conventional methods in teaching and implementing the curriculum. In this study, the conventional lecture method only was adopted. This is because it is the method that is used by polytechnic lecturers in delivering instruction to their students. One or more teaching techniques can be adopted by the teacher to achieve a particular method of instruction.
Teaching technique according to David (2010) are ways or processes, which teachers use to help students become independent, strategic learners. Similarly, Ukoha and Eneogwe in Ogwo and Oranu (2006) defined teaching techniques as processes adopted by veteran teachers to inject variety in their teaching in order to improve and maintain the learners’ achievement in a particular course. Imoko (2005) described teaching techniques as a set of unique activities that a teacher employs to implement a particular teaching method. In this study, teaching techniques refer to the processes which marketing lecturers adopt to inject variety into their teaching in order to improve and maintain HND students’ achievement in marketing communication. Various teaching techniques have been adopted in teaching by some authors. These include: task analysis technique (Kanu, 2016), mind mapping technique (Shodeinde, 2013), simulation – game technique (Okonkwo, 2012) and vee and concept mapping techniques (Fakorede, 2011). The concept mapping technique is being considered in this study, to enhance the method of teaching adopted
by the polytechnic lecturers. The choice of concept mapping for this study is hinged on the fact that it has been reported by Ogwo and Oranu (2006) that, it is a teaching technique that organizes information piece by piece so that it is easy for students to comprehend, simplifies complex ideas, and represents information visually. Moreover, concept mapping technique has been shown in other deciplines to: be more effective than conventional teaching method only in fostering students’ achievement in learning (Imoko, 2005; Asan, 2007; Manjula, 2010); discourage rote learning which means little or no integration of new knowledge with the existing knowledge that promotes meaningful learning (Novak, 2002); promotes meaningful learning and enables students to take notes easily,sumarise and synthesise what they read (Asiya, 2005); encourages high level of critical thinking and aids meaningful learning (Eurasia, 2008); improve long-term information retention, reduce verbatim retention of non-meaningful information, improve transfer of knowledge in future problem activities, and promote the development of critical thinking skills which can be used for other meaningful learning activities (Mayer and Small in Ezeudu, 2013); help individuals to regulate their cognitive activities and become meta-cognitively, motivationally and behaviourally active participants in the learning process (Zimmerman in Eneasato, 2014) among others. The conventional teaching method only often subjects the learner to the position of passive recipient of the facts. Could the above be true for this study?
Concept mapping, according to Novak and Gowin in Ezeudu (2013) is a schematic device for representing a set of concept meanings embedded in a framework of prepositions. Prepositions according to the authors are terms used when two or more concepts are connected with linking lines and linking words, phrases or symbols to form a meaningful statement. Olaitan, Igbo, Ekong, Nwachukwu and Onyemachi (1999) explained concept mapping (CM) as an approach to represent sets or words graphically in order to systematically understand all aspects of the characteristics of those sets or words. The authors added that concept mapping follows a hierarchical order in which the major concepts called primary concepts,are placed on top of a map, with the less inclusive ones that is, secondary and tertiary concepts placed below. The authors further stated that in preparing concept mapping, major programme concepts are arranged
from the general super-ordinate to sub-ordinate order, in keeping with the logical structure of the content. This implies that the larger or major units of contents are immediately followed by smaller contents. In addition, Canas, Coffey, Carnot, Feltovich, Hoffman, Feltovich and Novak (2003) defined concept mapping as a graphical representation of knowledge that comprised of concepts and the relationships between them. Furthermore, Asiyai (2005) stated that concept mapping is a graphical arrangement of key concepts to show meaningful relationship among selected concepts or ideas being studied. In this study, concept mapping is the hierarchical diagrammatic representation of marketing communication showing its concepts and the relationship between them. (See Appendices M, N, O, P and Q pp. 317, 318, 319, 320 and
321).Concept mapping is important in many ways.
In the opinion of Atkins (2009) concept mapping is important to both the teacher and the student in the following ways: guides teachers in formulating useful channels of information; helps them to decide how best to organize and negotiate the meaning of concept with students; helps teachers to correct students’ misconceptions of words or sets of words and help teachers in drawing valid conclusion using functional examples. Novak (1998) stated that teachers use concept mapping to: Organize the materials they want to use to teach their students during the planning stage and assess knowledge gained by their students by testing them during the assessment stage. The author further stated that concept mapping facilitates the learning of material by students in a meaningful and structured way by organizing information piece by piece so that it is easy for them to comprehend and they help students to easily make connection between what was previously learnt and what they are presently learning for the purposes of retention and future use. In this study, concept mapping will be used as a technique for teaching marketing communication to HND II marketing students to create a change in acquiring skills in marketing communication activities such as sales promotion, personal selling, public relations/publicity among others. This study identified effects of concept mapping technique on the achievement and retention of the polytechnic students in marketing communication in the study area.
An effect, according to Quirk (2009) is a change that is caused by an event or action. Houghton (2009) defined effect as the power to produce an outcome or achieve a result. Effect in this study is the change in knowledge, skills and attitudes of students in marketing communication, caused by the use of concept mapping (CM) technique to teach them as compared with conventional teaching method only. This change may be expressed inform of achievement in a marketing communication test or examination which will be given to students before and after they are taught through concept mapping as compared with conventional teaching method only.
Achievement refers to what an individual has succeeded in doing usually by effort and skill. It may be regarded as behaviour exhibited at the end of a given period of time or within a given time range. Students’ achievement has become the key factor for personal progress. Achievement in the opinion of Wilson and Tan in Manjula (2010) refers to the level of success attained in some general or specific area. It represents the acquirement of knowledge or skill and may imply the ability to make appropriate use of such knowledge or skill in a variety of present and future situations. According to Anene (2005), achievement is quantified by a measure of the student’s academic standing in relation to those of other students who were exposed to the same material. In an academic setting, achievement connotes performance in a school subject as symbolized by a score or mark on test or examination. On the part of Olaitan and Nwoke (1999), academic achievement refers to knowledge and skills attained by a student in school subjects, designated by a score obtained in an achievement test. The authors further stated that an achievement test is an instrument administered to an individual to elicit certain desired and expected responses as demanded in the instrument, performance on which the individual is assigned a score representing his achievement. Olaitan and Nwoke (1999) also explained that academic achievement is always denoted by a score which represents the amount of learning acquired, knowledge gained or skills and competence developed in the school subject. Achievement in this study refers to a score representing amount of learning acquired by a student in marketing communication achievement and retention tests when taught through concept
mapping technique or conventional teaching method only. The scores obtained by students in a test on marketing communication helped to justify the superiority or otherwise of concept mapping over conventional teaching method only in their effectiveness.
Statement of the Problem
Lecturers of marketing in polytechnics in Nigeria are employed to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to students in their subject areas. These lecturers are expected to teach the content of their subject areas to students towards the achievement of the objectives of HND marketing as contained in NBTE curriculum. Therefore, the system accorded the teachers, the sole responsibility of teaching the contents of marketing communication to students for the achievement of its objectives after graduation.
The researcher had the opportunity of participating in an excursion of students of Business Education Department, College of Education Oju, to Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo in 2015 to understudy their marketing programme (Appendix R, p. 322). In an interactive session with the HND final year students on the prospects and challenges in their programme, it was discovered among other things that, marketing is a good course, but they dreaded marketing communication aspect because they found it most difficult to learn and pass examination well in it (See Appendix T, p. 324). They stated that many of their past seniors (graduates) had very low grade level as a result of low scores in marketing communication which reduced their pass grade to lower credit. The final year marketing students further complained of lower credit in marketing that it is not favourable in employment and further studies as upper credit and distinction. They also lamented that many graduates with lower credit had to go to universities for a three year undergraduate course (bachelor’s degree) while those who had upper credit and distinction go for post graduate diploma, and at the same time, have an edge in employment over those with lower credit.
With these experiences, the researcher conducted a preliminary study in the area of study, that is, Benue State Polytechnic, Ubgokolo; Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko; Federal Polytechnic Idah; and Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, to find out whether the students in these other polytechnics
have similar experience of finding marketing communication, the most difficult to learn and pass examinations among all the courses in the marketing programme (See Appendix T, p. 324).
Sixty (60) randomly selected students; made up of fifteen (15) students from each of the polytechnics stated above were involved in the study. Sixty copies of a structured questionnaire on the level of difficulty in learning marketing courses by students of polytechnics in the study area, were administered on the sixty students in the respective polytechnics, with the assistance of four regular marketing lecturers, one from each polytechnic (Appendix S, p. 323). Data collected were analyzed using percentages.
The data in Appendix T, p. 324 revealed that marketing communication (MKT 413 and
423) scored 98% and ranked first, as the most difficult course to learn and pass by the students. This is followed by marketing problems and cases (MKT 424) which scored 8% and ranked second in terms of high level of difficulty. Other courses scored averagely, slightly or not difficult, as can be observed in the data.This information revealed that the most problematic course of study to learn and pass well by students of marketing in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States was marketing communication.
From the data, it can be deduced that if problem of marketing communication, in terms of teaching and learning is solved, many students are likely to obtain higher grades in marketing than is being experienced presently.
The data also supported the complaints of HND II marketing students from Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo during the focused group discussion reported earlier, that marketing communication was very difficult for them to learn and pass well. During the focused group discussion, as mentioned earlier, the students were asked the probable cause(s) of their inability to learn marketing communication and pass it very well, the students claimed that it was the way by which the lecturers taught the course to them in a very hard way to understand, which is talk and note taking(lecturing).
The researcher therefore, had a discussion on this issue with lecturers of marketing in three of the polytechnics during the preliminary study exercise about the complain of the students on
their mode of teaching generally. The lecturers interviewed stated that they taught the students the way they were taught while in the university, which was using conventional teaching method only. Therefore, this study determined the effects of concept mapping on HND students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria.
Purpose of the Study
The major purpose of this study was to determine the effects of concept mapping on HND students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi states of Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined:
1. the mean scores of HND students taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
2. the mean difference in retention scores of HND students taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
3. the mean scores of HND students taught sales promotion using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
4. the mean difference in retention scores of HND students taught sales promotion using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
5. the mean scores of HND students taught personal selling using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
6. the mean difference in retention scores of HND students taught personal selling using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
7. the mean scores of HND students taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
8. the mean difference in retention scores of HND students taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only;
Significance of the Study
This study has practical and theoretical significance. The findings of this study would be of practical benefit to lecturers/ teachers of marketing, students of marketing, curriculum planners, educational administrators, industries and entrepreneurs, National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and other researchers/text writers. The findings of this study would be of immense benefit to the lecturers/teachers of marketing communication because it will expose them to an innovative way of teaching the cource to their students. The teachers of marketing could adopt the concept mapping technique in instructional process, as this could be useful in enhancing their effectiveness in the teaching of marketing communication skills in the polytechnics. The information this study provided would open-up new ways of helping teachers to stimulate and sustain students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication. Furthermore, through the findings of this study, teachers of marketing could use this technique to accomplish the following: develop the content of what he/she would teach into concept maps, teach marketing communication to students through concepts and their relationships and develop examination questions for evaluating students. Moreover, lecturers/teachers by using concept mapping would see teaching less boring and stressful, making students become more proficient and focused during instructional process. This might motivate lecturers to show more commitment to their instructional works which might improve students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication.
Students’ of marketing would benefit from the findings of this study since it would enable them to have full/better understanding of what they are taught, as concept mapping involves pictorial representation and students’ active participation. This would eliminate rote memorization of information and enhance increased achievement and retention of learning in marketing communication. The findings of this study would be of benefit to students because concept mapping organizes information piece by piece so that it is easy for students to understand, simplifies complex information and represents information visually. Hence, students would learn meaningfully and this would lead to greater achievement and retention of learning.
The findings of this study would provide information to curriculum planners on the effectiveness of the technique in the provision of work related skills which is necessary for the onward review of the marketing curriculum. If the curriculum planners find the results useful, they might include concept mapping in the polytechnic curriculum as a new teaching technique that would improve student’s achievement and retention of learning in marketing communication that students find difficult. The curriculum planners might even recommend the concept mapping technique to other courses in the polytechnics and beyond. The information derived from the study would be utilized by curriculum planners to organize seminars, workshops and conferences on the use of concept mapping for the training and re-training of lecturers/teachers.
The findings from this study would be of benefit to educational administrators. It would provide them with information on the effects of concept mapping technique in instructional delivery. The educational administrators would use the findings from the study to organize conferences, workshops and seminars to train teachers in order to improve their instructional delivery and bring about greater achievement in teaching and learning.
Industries and entrepreneurs would benefit from the findings of this study. If concept mapping technique is put to use by the teacher, students will be actively involved in practical skills learning which will motivate them to learn and acquire skills. Furthermore, the students will attain the proper and efficient technique in solving marketing problems they will encounter in the real world of work upon graduation. The graduates of polytechnics in marketing will also become competent in marketing communication operations and there will not be any need for industries and entrepreneurs to spend resources in retraining them for efficiency, except there are innovations for capacity building. This would lead to greater achievement in the objectives of the industries.
The findings from this study would provide the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) information on the effects of concept mapping technique on students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication. This information could help the board to advise the curriculum planners which teaching techniques to adopt for training of polytechnic lecturers in
marketing. This technique would be integrated into marketing curriculum as one of the techniques of instruction. Other stakeholders like the corporate organization, and the nation in particular will also benefit from this study. This is because well-equipped marketing graduates will contribute to organizations’ success and economic advancement of the nation.
This study would be of great relevance to researchers in the world of academics in the sense that the findings generated from the study will contribute immensely to existing body of knowledge and also assist subsequent studies. It is expected that this study will be one of the references for other researchers to get information about teaching through concept mapping technique. Interested researchers could use the findings of this study as a background for research in other geographical areas or by studying other variables that are not covered in this study. The research findings would help text writers. If the text writers find the result useful, concept maps would be used in writing new texts or in improving on the existing ones.
The theoretical significance of the findings of the study is based on its relevance to Brunner (1966) theory of instruction. Brunner’s theory concerns how learning takes place. His theory was based on meaningful learning, discovery and spiral curriculum. The author emphasized on understanding the structure of the subject which means understanding its basic or fundamental ideas and how they relate to one another. These ideas can be represented as a diagram, picture, verbal statement and formular. Brunner stated that when students are helped to grasp the structure of the field of study, they are more likely to retain and remember what they learnt. Brunner stated that an instructor should take into consideration the nature of the learner, the nature of the knowledge and the nature of the learning process. He emphasized that knowledge as it appears in our curriculum be put into the context of action and commitment. The learning environment of students including methods and strategies should be organized in such a way they can provide opportunities for explanation, discovery and discussion.
Theoretically, based on Brunner’s Theory of Instruction, the outcome of this study will strengthen the theory by supporting that learning should be organized from simple to complex. The findings of this work which proved that concept mapping enhances students’ achievement
supports Brunner’s theory that condemns rote learning. Concept mapping through this work showed that Brunner’s idea of relating ideas to another promotes achievement.
Research Questions
The following research questions were answered by this study.
1. What are the mean achievement scores of HND students taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
2. What is the mean difference in HND students’ retention scores when taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
3. What are the mean achievement scores of HND students taught sales promotion using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
4. What is the mean difference in HND students’ retention scores when taught sales promotion using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
5. What are the mean achievement scores of HND students taught personal selling using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
6. What is the mean difference in HND students’ retention scores when taught personal selling using concept mapping technieque and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
7. What are the mean achievement scores of HND students taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
8. What is the mean difference in HND students’ retention scores when taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only?
Null Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and were tested at p ≤
0.05 level of significance:
Ho1: There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho2: There is no significant difference in the mean retention scores of students taught advertising using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho3: There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught sales promotion using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho4: There is no significant difference in the mean retention scores of students taught sales promotion using concept mapping technieque and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho5: There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught personal selling using concept mapping technieque and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho6: There is no significant difference in the mean retention scores of students taught personal selling using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho7: There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of students taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Ho8: There is no significant difference in the mean retention scores of students taught public relations/publicity using concept mapping technique and those taught with conventional teaching method only.
Scope of the Study
The study was restricted to the effects of concept mapping on HND students’ achievement and retention in marketing communication in polytechnics in Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria. The choice of Higher National Diploma (HND) is based on the fact that marketing communication being focused is prescribed in HND marketing curriculum. The study also involved the following aspects of marketing communication: advertising; sales promotion; personal selling; and public relations/ publicity.The study is restricted to the use of concept mapping technique and conventional teaching method only as channels of instruction in two intact classes of HND II Marketing in the area of study. Multiple choice test was administered on the students to collect data on achievement and retention scores of the students involved in the study.
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