This study determined the effect of demonstration technique on achievement of students in keyboarding in polytechnics. The study used four research questions and four null hypotheses. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design, specifically non- equivalent control group design. The study was carried out in two polytechnics in Nasarawa State: Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia and Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa. The control and treatment groups were taken from each of the polytechnics. The treatment group was taught using demonstration method lesson plan for their learning. The control group was taught using lecture method lesson plan, for their learning, which did not require demonstration technique application. The data used for the study was collected using a Keyboarding Achievement Test (KAT). The KAT was face-validated by experts in education. The reliability coefficient of 0.56 was obtained for the KAT. Mean was used to answer research questions, while ANCOVA was used to test the hypotheses at P < 0.05. From the result obtained, it was found that students in the treatment group had a higher achievement level than those in the control group, and significantly too. In addition, male students had a significantly higher achievement level in keyboarding than female students in the treatment group when using lecture method and demonstration technique. The ability level of students which can be high or low had a significantly effect in keyboarding. Based on the findings, it was recommended that keyboarding lecturers in polytechnics should adopt demonstration technique for instructional purposes. Polytechnic administrators should support and mobilize funds needed to provide facilities that are for use in keyboarding instruction class. Ministries, Departments and Agencies that oversee education matters of polytechnics should improve the funding in their budget for provision of training and learning facilities in the polytechnics. Curriculum experts in the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council should review the Secretarial studies curriculum for polytechnics to include teaching techniques for instruction.
Background of the Study
Keyboarding is the gateway to all computer operations. Keyboarding helps to get all inputs into the computer. Techniques have become the essential basis for the development of keyboarding speed and accuracy. Erthal (2003) defined keyboarding as the manipulation of the computer keyboard by touch. Bartholomew (2003) explained keyboarding as the art of placing information into various types of equipment through the use of a typewriter-like keyboard. Keyboarding is a psychomotor skill that involves mental processes as well as finely coordinated muscular movement. Keyboarding requires stimuli to sensory receptors (eyes, ears, fingertips, muscles, tendons and joints) which are screened, transformed and organized by a neural process known as “selective perception” into modified mental images of the original stimuli. It is this modified images that are further processed mentally to trigger muscular responses (Ownby 2008). This suggests that keyboarding is a complex skill made up of finely discriminated movement patterns that depend upon interrelated sensory, perceptual, mental and motor inputs and outputs occurring together at the same time.
Keyboarding, as a skill, is typically discussed in terms of working on a computer. With the introduction of the personal computer (PC) in educational settings, interest in the area of keyboarding skills in secretarial studies programme increased significantly. Whoever aspires to become a manager or teacher in the field of secretarial studies needs a thorough understanding of the knowledge of keyboarding. It constitutes the most fundamental and indispensable skill subject taught in higher institutions including polytechnics. There are Federal, State and private polytechnics. The polytechnics are staff by male and female lecturers, technical and administrative staff and support staff. Students are admitted into educational institutions to accomplish a particular purpose or achievement.
Achievement is the act of accomplishing a task successfully. Brady, Showers and Fullan (2002) stated that achievement connote final accomplishment of something noteworthy after much effort. Enyi (2004) stated that achievement refers to the degree of success reached or attained in some general or specific area of study. It is the extent of success reached or attained in some general or specific area of study. It is the extent of success attained by a student on a task he is exposed to. Achievement in this study refers to students’ attainment in school courses or subjects. It includes students’ excellence in academic pursuit, behaviour, confidence, communication skill, punctuality, assertiveness, social skill and the likes. Students’ achievement is commonly measured by their success in classroom assignment, exercise, continuous assessment test or examination
Unfortunately, the results of students’ performance in keyboarding examinations in polytechnics in Nasarawa State indicated that most of the students perform poorly. This is supported by the Head of Department, Secretarial Studies, Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia that the four years keyboarding result summary in the Department of Secretarial Studies indicates that 45% of the students performed above average while 55% performed below the average level (see appendix F). It is evident, therefore, from the summary of results that majority of the students perform poorly in keyboarding which may have been caused by the teaching methods and techniques adopted by lecturers in instructional delivery. These should cause teachers to adopt teaching methods and techniques to achieve instructional objectives. In carrying out instruction, keyboarding teachers mostly use traditional teaching methods and techniques.
Adamu in Fidelial (2012) defined teaching method as the procedure by which a goal is reached, a purpose accomplished or result achieved. It is the practical application of teaching principles based on the nature of the learner, nature of subject and need of the
lecturer. In other words, teaching method is a medium through which the teacher disseminates the contents of instruction to the learners in order to achieve teaching objective. There are various methods of teaching students in schools and the choice of which depends largely on the information or skill to be taught, learners aptitudes and interest and the attainment of learning objectives. According to Cantrell (2004), teaching methods are in a continuum ranging from exposition to inquiry. The exposition methods include lecture method which is the most predominantly used in teaching students in polytechnics and other higher institutions.
Lecture method affords the teacher the opportunity to cover as much ground as possible within the time allocated and does not allow learner to react overtly through questioning. The characteristics of lecture method are teacher-centred, teacher-active, learner’s-passive and content emphasis (Cantrell, 2004). Adunfe (2004) reported that the features of lecture method include: large class size, wide content of instruction, minimal use of chalkboard and low level of student-teacher interaction. However, the lecture method also places students in a passive role rather than active role. Passivity can hinder learning and students’ attention may be lost. Since it is a one way communication, the teacher should make a conscious effort to become aware of student’s problem and understanding of the content. This may require a considerable amount of guided practice in the classroom to achieve understanding and long-term retention of content.
The search for more effective means of teaching and learning in schools has been intensified over the years. To enhance students achievement in school, teaching methods that emphasize students’ involvement and opportunity to communicate, reason to develop self- confidence to solve academic problems are required and should be effectively utilized (Zakaria, Chin and Dauda 2010). One of the means through which this can be achieved is through the use of demonstration technique to teach students especially keyboarding.
Demonstration is defined by Fleming (2002) as a physical display of the form, outline or a substance of object or events for the purpose of developing knowledge and skills of such objects or events. Nieman (2006) stated that demonstration involves showing what or how. Demonstration is a relatively simplified process because it does not require extensive verbal elaborations. Demonstrations are done to provide an opportunity to learn new exploration and visual learning tasks from different perspectives. Demonstration is best used in teaching how to perform manipulative operations (Odundo 2013). Manipulative skills such as keyboarding when taught through demonstration requires that the presenter should allow the learner to understand the logical step-by-step procedures in doing the job/task, the principles that are applied and the related information involved. Exercises in keyboarding require skill practice involving real problems and comprehension of the principles underlying the practice. Most times, students are not adequately taught the step-by –step actions of keyboarding because of overuse of the lecture method by teachers and instructors.
In order to enhance the teaching method, a teaching technique is applied. A teaching technique is a strategy employed by the teacher to enhance his teaching (Obi, 2005). Technique seems to be a subset of a teaching method, and instructional technique is simply what can facilitate learning (Ogwo and Oranu, 2006). Teaching technique is the display of teacher’s disposition and professionalism in learning. Techniques are adjuncts to methods to ensure their effectiveness. Effective teaching technique entails the use of different styles, methods and strategies. The technique utilized depends to a large extent on the subject matter to be taught. Therefore, a method of teaching like demonstration is used as a technique in keyboarding.
Demonstration technique according to Blandin and Proteau (2000) is used to identify the details of specified tasks, including the required dispositions, knowledge and skills required for successful task performance. Demonstration technique allows the teacher to
perform an experiment in the class and to go on explaining what he does to the students. In the same vein, Decker (2006) stated that demonstration technique is generally understood as the observation by the learner of another person (teacher) performing the tasks, components of the tasks or characteristics of the task. Demonstration technique takes into account the active participation of students and is thus not a lopsided process like the lecture method. During demonstration process, students observe the actual equipment operations as utilized by the teacher thereby increasing the interest of the students. Davidson and Kochmann (1996) maintained that demonstration technique helps students to observe critically, to draw inferences on how to keyboard with the computer. Thus with the help of demonstration, students’ power of observation, reasoning and practice is greatly developed. Apart from teaching method adopted by lecturers in teaching, gender is another important factor to be considered when discussing the effect of demonstration technique on achievement of students in keyboarding.
Gender, according to Erich in Abdul (2007), is the socially defined capabilities and attributes assigned to persons on the basis of their alleged sexual characteristics. It comprises of all those social and cultural distinctions that differentiate men from women. Lee (2002) defined gender as ascribed attributes that differentiate feminine from masculine. The gender of person could influence his behaviour, learning, interest, likes and dislikes. In the same vein the gender of a student can affect his level of learning and achievement in keyboarding.
There has been a general view supported by research that male students perform better than female in practical oriented courses. For instance, Anigbogu (2002) pointed out that some cultures see males to be more superior to females and that such feeling is manifested in every aspect of their lives socially, academically etc. Attesting to this, Kurumeh (1990) observed that boys perform better than girls in keyboarding and sciences while girls excel in languages. In view of this, gender sensitivity to instructional technique is key issue in teaching keyboarding. The use of lecture and demonstration method of teaching
may have gender based implication and there is need to find out the extent to which gender affects student’s achievement in keyboarding.
Although gender may have influence on students’ achievement in keyboarding especially in lecture and demonstration class, the student’s ability level is another factor that may contribute to varied students achievement in keyboarding. According to Okoji (2008), ability level is the mental and physical power of an individual to achieve something. Student ability level is the qualities that enable a student to achieve or accomplish his academic success. It is the rate at which students accomplish their academic purpose. Adesoji (2008) stated that learners are qualitatively different in their ability level and in learning problem especially with the rate at which principles and facts of subjects are being assimilated. The method of instruction can influence the academic performance of students of different ability levels. Similarly, Okebukola (2002) posited that some findings show that achievement of high ability students was higher than that of low ability students because some methods of instructional delivery favour certain ability than the others. More importantly, Apart from students’ high or low ability, secretarial teachers need to have an in-depth knowledge of keyboarding skills. The teachers should be able to inculcate in the students the competence to perform learned psychomotor activities which include manual or mental manipulation of data.
Dennee (2009) stressed that the expected outcomes of keyboarding skills is to be able to touch type. The emphasis with instruction should be on the position of the body and hands as well as keystroking techniques. In many cases, keyboarding is not taught using proper techniques and methods because of the teachers’ little understanding of how to develop keyboarding skills (Davidson and Kochmann 1996). According to Nieman (2006) most teachers have been well trained in child development while only few have adequate training in psychomotor skill development. In order to be trained efficiently, students must be guided
progressively through a series of movement of eye, arm, hand and finger sequences. This will help students to develop the movement or motion patterns that are expected for effective and efficient keyboarding. It is on this note that the researcher considered it necessary to examine the interaction effect of gender, ability level and demonstration technique on achievement level of students in keyboarding exercises. In addition, keyboarding teachers need to have proper understanding and use of demonstration learning technique in order to enhance student achievement in polytechnics.
Statement of the Problem
Computers have become an integral part of people’s life all over the world. The primary means for interacting with the computer is the keyboard. Keyboarding skills are no longer vocational in nature but necessary to be able to design, communicate, extract and disseminate information. Manipulative/typing technique underlies and becomes the essential basis for the development of keyboarding speed and accuracy. Experience has shown that the achievement level among secretarial students in keyboarding is generally low. This is evident in students’ inability to correctly type or produce mailable copies of information. Most students who perform fairly in keyboarding do so by looking at the keyboard and this has hampered their speed. Keyboarding is a psychomotor skill that requires proper teaching and guidance by a qualified instructor who is knowledgeable and can use appropriate methods. While appropriate instructional methods are likely to enhance learning achievement in keyboarding, inappropriate approaches would retard speed and accuracy. The preliminary investigation carried out by the researcher through interactions and conversations with both lecturers and students in the polytechnics in Nasarawa State revealed that students are rarely taught with demonstration method. The result of the preliminary study also showed that the method mostly used by teachers is the lecture method. The students were exposed to some keyboarding instructions in which teachers do not often reinforce the typing
technique required as soon as the students begin to learn computer/typewriter keyboard. The methods and techniques adopted by the teachers would to a great extent affect the learning and achievement of keyboarding by students. This study, therefore, seeks to determine the effect of demonstration technique on achievement of students in keyboarding in polytechnics in Nasarawa State.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of demonstration technique on achievement of students in keyboarding in polytechnics in Nasarawa State. Specifically, this study seeks to determine the:
1. difference between achievement levels of students taught keyboarding with demonstration technique and those taught with lecture method.
2. difference between the achievement levels of male and female students taught keyboarding with lecture method.
3. difference between the achievement levels of male and female students taught keyboarding with demonstration technique.
4. effect of ability level on achievement of students taught keyboarding with lecture method and demonstration technique.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would be of immense benefit to lecturers and instructors, students, curriculum planners, the ministries, Polytechnic administrators, National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), National Commission for Colleges of Education and researchers.
The findings of this study will be useful to lecturers of secretarial studies in polytechnics. The findings would provide the lecturers with the information on what techniques and methods to adopt in their attempt to improve achievement levels of secretarial students in keyboarding. The knowledge gained from the findings on the effect of lecture and demonstration methods would help the lecturers to know the best method for teaching keyboarding. The lecturers would through the findings understand the effect of gender and ability level on students’ achievement in keyboarding. This knowledge would assist them in the choice of the appropriate method and technique to use in keyboarding instructional delivering.
The findings of this study will be useful to students in secretarial studies department. This will help them to understand that when guided properly they will understand and master what they are taught.
The findings also will be of value to curriculum planners because they can use the information to know the specific areas of capacity building that needed to be in the curriculum and the method of teaching to adopt.
Ministries, departments and agencies of Federal and State governments concerned with polytechnic education matters may see the need to provide adequate funding in annual budgets for polytechnics. This shall enable polytechnics acquire, maintain and upgrade computers and ICT facilities required for instructional purposes. The acquisition and use of these internet facilities can facilitate the achievement of instructional objectives among keyboarding students who will use them for their keyboarding exercises. This can facilitate students’ personal practice and improve their achievement levels in keyboarding.
National Board for Technical Education and National Commission for Colleges of
Education will benefit from this study as it will guide them to see a need to modify its
minimum requirements for accreditation and approval for polytechnics and Colleges of Education programme. They can include the availability of computer and internet laboratories as part of the requirements for accrediting secretarial courses.
Researchers may find this study valuable as it would add to existing body of knowledge in teaching and learning secretarial courses. This can enable them to identify areas to carry out further research to provide needed solutions to the problem of low achievement in secretarial courses, especially keyboarding.
Research Questions
This study will be guided by the following research questions:
1. What is the difference between achievement levels of students taught keyboarding with demonstration technique and those taught with lecture method?
2. What is the difference between the achievement levels of male and female students taught keyboarding with demonstration technique?
3. What is the difference between the achievement levels of male and female students taught keyboarding with lecture method?
4. What is the effect of ability level on achievement of students taught keyboarding with lecture method and demonstration technique?
The following hypotheses have been formulated for the study and will be tested at
0.05 level of significance.
1. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students taught keyboarding using lecture method and those taught using demonstration technique.
2. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students taught keyboarding using lecture method.
3. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students taught keyboarding using demonstration technique.
4. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of low and high ability students when taught keyboarding with lecture method and demonstration technique.
5. There is no significant difference between the interaction effect of gender, ability level and demonstration technique on students’ achievement in keyboarding.
Scope of the study The study focuses on the effect of demonstration technique on achievement of students in keyboarding in polytechnics in Nasarawa State. The study will specifically cover the effect of demonstration technique, gender and ability level on achievement of students in keyboarding in polytechnics in Nasarawa state. The study is specifically concerned with the difference between achievement levels of students taught keyboarding with lecture method and those taught with demonstration method and any difference that may exist between these achievement levels. In addition, the study focuses on the differences between achievement levels of male and female. Only 144 Secretarial students who are in National Diploma II level will be involved because most of the courses offered are tech-based which need keyboarding knowledge and skills. The study will be conducted in the two government- owned polytechnics in Nasarawa State. They are Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Lafia and Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa.
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