The focus of this study is on the determinants of a successful human resource management in hotel operations, mostly in Enugu metropolis. Human resource management deals  mainly on  how  staff  are  being recruited,  selected,  trained, appraised and compensated. The population of the study consisted of management staff of selected hotels within the metropolis. A sample size of 140 was selected using the non parametric statistic formula. Based on the sample size a 12 item structured questionnaire was distributed, collected and analysed. Four (4) hypotheses were also tested. The major findings from the study include: That an ideal human resource manager must know how best to stock his organization with the  right  employees,  That  the  application of  human  resource  management strategies  is  important  in  hotel operations,  That  there  are  negative  effects associated with the application of poor human resource management strategies, That the human resource management strategies are poorly employed in hotel operations in Enugu metropolis, That the inexperienced job seekers are usually denied employment opportunities. Based on the findings above, the researcher came up with the following recommendations: Hotels, mostly within the Enugu metropolis, should start applying the human resource management strategies in their operations, Good recruitment, selection, training and motivation of employees helps organizations to achieve their vision and mission, as such hotel operators are advised to adopt it,  Hotel operators are also advised to employ and train the unskilled job seekers rather than reject them and by extension increase the unemployment rate,  Operators should  ensure  that  human resource planning is holistic and thorough, Finally, compensation packages should be inspiring and motivating.
Eboh (2001:1) defines management as the process which involves the co- ordination of organization’s resources towards the accomplishment of its primary
goals. According to Robbins and Coulter (2007: 282) management recognizes four basic resources- man, machine, money and materials. These resources are commonly called the 4ms of management and are vital in management. However, the most important is man which is usually referred to as human resources. Human resources encompass all the skills, experience, judgment, knowledge, risk taking and wisdom of individuals and associates employed for the smooth running of an organization. It is pertinent to note that the success of any organization is dependent, to a large extent on the quality of human resource employed.
Okorie (2009:110) Postulates that all training and manpower development programmes involve three steps: Assessing the needs of organization and skills of employees to determine training needs; designing training activities to meet the identified needs and evaluating the effectiveness of the training programmes.
He further states that training and human resource development programmes include employee orientation and initiation into the organization, on the job training, off the job training, online training, vestibule training networking etc.
Fredrick Taylor, the father of scientific management, acknowledges the importance of human resource in the workplace as he emphasized that, for the attainment of efficiency, the following four (4) principles should be employed: develop a science for each work; apply this science on the selection; training, teaching and development of the workforce, ensure that the execution of the
assigned tasks conform to the principles and procedures that have been laid down, there should be division of work, Eboh (2007:8).
Ugbaja (2002:78) also states that human resources management embraces those activities designed to provide and co-ordinate the human resources of an organization. It involves management decision and practices that directly affect or influence people who work in the organization.
The success of the human resource department lies greatly on the ability of the human resource manager, to handle the various functions. Nnadi (2010:122) states that some of the primary functions of the human resource manager are- Recruiting, Hiring, Training, Organizational development, Communication, Performance management, Coaching, Policy recommendation, Salary and benefits, Team building, Employee relations, Leadership.
Despite the sensitive nature of these functions and its negative effect to the organization, if poorly employed, some human resource managers still adopt sentiment, favoritism tribalism, nepotism, and sectionalism in discharging these functions.
Hotel specifically deliver services to their guests/customers, it is usually difficult for two different people to render service the same way. The employment of the various functions of the human resource manager is highly needed, to ensure uniformity in service delivery in hotel operations. It is therefore pertinent to note
that the difference between a well-managed hotel and a poorly-managed hotel is the adoption/employment of proper human resource management functions. This is simply because the human resource manager controls the entire feelings and presence of the whole hotel.
Human Resource Management is very important not only in business management but in every sector that involves the activities of people. It should therefore be given preference if the sector wants to grow. It is against this background that this study is designed to examine the various factors that determine a successful human resource management in hotel operations.
The study seeks to evaluate the various factors that determine a successful human resource management, mostly in hotel operations.
Nnadi (2010:17) states that management of people at work is dynamic and an evolving process that constantly strives to keep pace with the changes in the taste and complex demand of people. To organize people and work is the final job of management. In a related development he said that the first and second job of management is managing the business and managing the managers.
Human resource management is very important in every endeavor where humans are used as instruments to the actualization of the mission, vision and long term objectives. The question is ‘how often do the modern managers, mostly in the hospitality industry utilize the most important resource to achieve the mission, vision and objectives of their organization?
This work is therefore designed to outline the basic ingredients, characteristics, attributes and or features that determine a successful human resource management and strike the balance by putting the contemporary managers, in the hospitality industry, on the scale to ascertain to what extent they have been able to attain the required/expected height.
In view of the above, the objectives of the study will include;
• To ascertain the various factors/qualities that determines a successful
Human Resource Manager.
• To examine whether the Human Resource Management strategies are employed in hotel operations
• To determine whether there is a negative effect when Human Resource
Management strategies are poorly employed in hotel operations.
• To evaluate the importance of Human Resource Management in hotel operations.
The following questions will be useful in guiding this research work:
• What qualities/factors determine a successful Human Resource Manager?
• Do Hotels employ Human Resource Management strategies in their operations?
• Is there any negative effect when poor Human Resource Management strategy is employed in the hotel operations?
• To what extent is Human Resource Management important in hotel operations?
H0: There are no qualities/factors to determine a successful human resource manager.
Hi: There are qualities/factors to determine a successful human resource manager.
H0: Human resource management strategies are not employed in hotel operations
H2: Human resource management strategies are employed in hotel operations.
H0: There are no negative effect when poor human resource management strategy in employed in hotel operations.
H3: There are negative effect when poor human resource management strategy in employed in hotel operations.
H0: Human resource management is not important in hotel operations
H4: Human resource management is important in hotel operations.
In hotel operations, the desire top management is to ensure that the mission, vision and objectives are achieved.
This research will be of immense importance to hotel managers because it will provide an adequate guide on how best to select, train and motivate the right people in their operations and ensure enhanced quality service delivery and by extensive profitability in the organization.
This study will also be beneficial to the economic development of the nation because its emphasis on training which will definitely turn the unskilled labour to super skilled thereby making him a relevant contributor to the economic development.
The study is no doubt a remarkable input to the academic field of learning because it will guide future researchers who will adopt the findings and methods of this study as a foundation for their studies.
Finally, the government will also benefit because the more successful a firm is the more tax it pays to the government. More so successful organization have
chances of expansion and this will no doubt reduce the unemployment rate in the nation since the expansion will require the services of more people.
This study on ‘Determinants of a successful human resource management in hotel operations’ is designed to study the operations of selected hotels (Gold Value Hotels – New Haven, Mavis Hotels – Trans Ekulu, Golden Tullip – Bisala Road and the Hotel – Independence Layout) within Enugu metropolis to ascertain the extent they apply the human resource management strategies in their operations and how the application of the strategies have contributed to the success of their operations.
The successful completion of this research will be limited by the following factors:
• Finance available for the research
• Time frame and
• The willingness of the respondents to disclose vital information
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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