The purpose of this research was to assess security and crime prevention strategies in DELSU and UNIBEN libraries. In line with this, the study focused on the various kinds of security strategies in the library which help prevented loss of materials through theft, verbal/ physical assault, overdue, mutilation and misuse. 5 research questions was design based on the 5 objectives of the study. This study was a case study that involve one University each in Delta and Edo State respectively. The population of the study is 95 and this includes only librarians with at least first degree from both university under study, 33 librarians from DELSU and 62 librarians from UNIBEN. The instrument for data collection which was developed by the researcher was a questionnaire; Assessment of security and crime prevention strategies in DELSU and UNIBEN library questionnaire (ASCPSDULQ). This instrument was first validated by the researcher’s supervisor with her comment that led to the reconstruction and adjustment of some part and corrections were made accordingly. The instrument used for the collection of data was administered by the researcher and with the aid of research assistants who were assigned to various operational units in each sampled university libraries. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the five research questions. The study revealed that some of the culprit of this offence in the library were much more members of the organization, not just students. Recommendations to solve the problem include: the use of electrical devices, one entry and exit point by users. Findings revealed that the various university librarians always assess the extent of security in the libraries and that their various management team are highly interested in the security of the library and that some of the culprits in the library are library staff, others are that security personnel are always available in the library.
Background of the Study
University libraries can be regarded as the name implies as an organized arm of the university that brings academic materials to aid students and researchers to meet with the various standard of its curriculum. Reitz ( 2004 ) defined the library as a system established , administered, and funded by university to meet the information, research, and curriculum needs of students, faculty, and staff. It was further explained that large universities maintain separate undergraduate and graduate libraries. From this meaning it was observed that the university library has a large heart of accommodating many users which has made it a father of all. And since its services is large, there is bound to have conflict of interest. Madu and Adeniran ( 2005 ), identified the university library services to include:
i. Provision of materials for undergraduate instruction term papers and projects as well as for supplementary reading.
ii. Provision of materials in support of faculty, external and collaborating researches. iii. Provision of materials in support of postgraduate research.
iv. Provision of expensive standard works especially in the professional disciplines. v. Provision of materials for self-development.
vi. Provision of specialized information on the region within which the university is situated.
vii. Cooperation with other academic library resources that are at the disposal of all scholars. And because of its status, and since different kinds of persons comes into the library for consultation of one material or the other there is every room for theft and other security vices. Hence Aguolu and Aguolu (2002), opined that
“Insecurity and Crime in Nigerian Universities are as old as the Universities and that the worry of book theft, mutilation and other devices continued until the 19th Century though security and crime involvement in the old was not as high as this modern times. They went further to note that in modern times, instances of book theft and mutilation are so rampant that librarians are sometimes accused of negligence of their duties.
It should be noted also that the primary function of the university library is to contribute to learning, teaching and research by providing library resources, facilities, and services to meet the needs of users. Ozioko (1996) took his time to analyse the academic library objectives as providing information materials in support of the learning process to meet the requirement of faculty specialist and post graduate students who are doing research; and provision of materials to assist the library users in their own personal self development. Despite the fact that the libraries strive to be responsive to current and future developments in the provision of information services in the University, security strategies are crucial issues that these libraries need to tackle with a high sense of duty or commitment.
Since crime and insecurity is on the increase, Reitz ( 2004) defined crime as unlawful behaviour, including theft of materials and equipment, verbal abuse and assault on patrons and sale by patrons and staff, mutilation of materials , vandalism of equipment and facilities, arson and more recently, computer crimes. Studying the meaning of crime critically, if no prompt measure is taking, library materials will be affected drastically, since Reitz study show that crime is increasing the entire library and its budgeting providing adequate security, this could be tend as one of its greatest needs in preventing crime and the securing of library resources. Library security and crime prevention strategies worldwide mostly involved the adoption of security audit which involve a trained and experienced in library security by critically examine and analyse all existing security systems and procedures used in library to
ascertain current status, identifying deficiencies or excesses, and make recommendation based on findings, also security gates where a devise is installed near the entrance and or exit of a library, usually in the form of swing arm or pair of uprights positioned in such a way that persons entering the or leaving the library/ premises must pass through a magnetic detection system designed to trigger an alarm if an attempt is made to remove library materials without checking them out, in addition to the traditional system of security and the Security guard strategy, which involve an employee responsible for patrolling the premises of library to discourage disruptive behaviour and illegal activities, such as vandalism and the unauthorized removal of materials (theft) and to deal with individual who do not comply with library policies and rules and lastly, security system that involve electronic alarm system at the entrance and exit of a library facility to which is synonymous with security gate. But these security and crime prevention strategies are not common in Nigerian universities especially in DELSU and UNIBEN libraries except in some areas mentioned before, but if these strategies can be adopted their resources’ will go along way to be preserved. Based on this, it was discovered that the most prevalence of insecurity of the library resources’ centered on theft of materials and equipment, verbal abuse and assaults on patrons and staff, mutilation of materials, vandalism of equipment and facilities, arson, and more recently, the computer crimes which has placed additional burden on library budget in providing adequate security. The researcher observed that staff sometimes aid crime in the library, these are people that ought to be the eyes of the library. Ozioko (1996) in his study identified the following as some major crimes in the library. They are: mutilation, theft, espionage, assault on library staff, which are all sharp practices by users and staff. Safia, (2003) noted that the security and protection of the library is any of the various means or devices designed to guard persons and properties against a broad range of hazards, including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subvention and attack.
It should be noted that libraries seek to meet the intellectual and cultural needs thereby having access to information, and by this making library staff useful as everyone else in the society. The issue of theft, mutilation, destruction of library materials and assault of library staff is always regarded as an offense and they could be by readers, colleagues and library staff. Human being cannot be predicted, hence security and crime in every academic library should not be taken for granted, since materials in the library both books and non-book materials are to be treated like wives to every librarians.
Karen, (2005) asserted that if collections are to be protected against loss, libraries and archives must consider security as a management issue deserving a serious investment of resources. Security of library materials begin with the structure of the building since the architectural design tells about how to secure the collections and probably how to provide easy access to these materials by users. Once these materials are vandalized, it is not always easy to replace them.
The University of Benin library was established shortly after the establishment of the institution in November,1970. The library system comprises John Harris library (the main library), Ekenwa Campus library and faculty libraries. The library has over 206,000 book volumes in all disciplines offered in the University as well as other areas of human knowledge.
There are also a large collection of pamphlets, non-book materials, microfilms, audio- visual materials etc. The library has back-files of 344 journal titles and presently subscribes to over 174 titles. The library has a sitting capacity of 4,000 which include both staff and students users. The staff strength is about 251, which has put the library as one of the largest in the present day Nigeria. The staff strength comprises the 62 librarians with at least first degree. The John Harris library which is the main library of the institution is situated at Ugbowo Campus along the main drive between the Students Centre Complex and the student
halls of residence and opposite the new Clinical student’s hostel.
The library building has three levels namely: basement, the ground floor and first floor. Various sections of the library like the reference, circulation, serials, independent study centre, readers convenience, the work room (which is out of bounds to readers) as well as the University librarians office are located in the ground floor, while the special collections, the text book collection and the Law collection are on the first floor. The library has some measures for the discipline and security of staff and library materials. (Extract from w.w.w. uniben.org, 2005 and University of Benin, orientation brochure, 2002/2003 session).
The Delta State University library has equally grown along side with the university which has various stages of establishments, until 1992 when the University attained full status and the library was not left out, its collection are over 100,000 book volumes in all disciplines within the institution. The management of the library graciously stated its main objectives or mission as to acquire and disseminate information to staff and students for teaching, research and learning. In order to achieve this Oleh and the Anwai Campus have their own libraries. The library has ensured that text books, reference materials, journals and non-book materials necessary to meet the needs of the entire library clientele are provided in sufficient numbers.
The main library which is in Abraka has a sitting capacity of 2,500 which includes both staff and student users. The staff strength which comprises of all campuses libraries is
200 which have put the library as one of the knowledge acquisition centers in Nigeria
Universities. Within this staff strength is the 33 librarians with at least first degree.
The university library has various Units which are: the University librarians office, readers services division, special collections division, serials collection division, reference services division, collection development division, technical services division as well as the Anwai (Asaba) Campus library and Oleh Campus library, with qualified professionals manning the various divisions and campus libraries. (Extract from Delta State University
Student information handbook and library handbook 1996/1997 session).
Statement of the Problem
The university library based on its activities can be accepted as the heart of the education enterprise, hence any effort made at improving the quality of academic libraries would definitely result in improving the teaching and research of these institutions. It should be noted also that library collections are of great importance to teaching, learning and research, therefore any attempt to expose these collections to any form of insecurity will affect its purpose in the library. Reize (2004 ) affirm that statistics has shown that crime is increasing in libraries making the library budget to be affected generally. Since materials are expensive there is need for efficient security of library materials especially in Nigeria that there is scarcity of intellectual resources for the constant acquisition of new tittles not to talk of replacing stolen collections since most collections are of foreign authors.
However, it does appear that the services of academic libraries are affected by some misconduct and deviant behaviours, such as vandalism, theft, arson, mutilation, anti-social behaviour, assaults and fire outbreaks. It was observed also that improper security of library materials would definitely have an adverse effect on library materials and services, that is, instead of the stock to increase, they will be deteriorating especially now that financial support to libraries might not be enough to replace them. There is therefore an urgent need to put mechanism in motion to safeguard the library materials so as to achieve the purpose for which they are meant. In view of the foregoing, the problem of this study is to assess the security strategies in DELSU & UNIBEN Libraries.
Objectives of the Study
The overall aim of this study is to assess the various strategies of securing library
collections in university libraries.
The specific objectives are:
(i) To determine the kinds of security problems in DELSU and UNIBEN libraries. (ii) To identify measures employed to combat security problems in both University
(iii) To assess the effectiveness of security measures in place at the university libraries.
(iv) To examine factors affecting security in the libraries.
(v) To identify the best methods in controlling security in the libraries.
Significance of the Study
The study will be of help to libraries because it will help them to identify various security lapses in the library. It will also help them on how to reduce theft and deviant behaviours in the library. It will also help policy makers to formulate policies especially in the area of library security. It will equally help to identify measures in assessing security effectiveness in the library.
In view of the above, it is the opinion of the researcher that this research work will serve as a reference point to other researchers who may be working in a related area.
Scope of the Study
In this study, assessment of security strategies will be looked at. However, the study will be limited to the Delta State University Library; this covers all campuses, that is, Abraka, Oleh and Asaba campuses respectively and John Harris Library and the Ekenwa Campus library of the University of Benin, Benin City.
Research Questions
The research will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions:
1. What are the kinds of security problems in DELSU and UNIBEN Libraries?
2. What are the various measures employed to combat security problems in both
University libraries?
3. How effective are the security measures in place?
4. What factors are affecting security problems in the libraries?
5. What are the best methods in controlling security Problems in the University libraries
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