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The purpose of this study was to find out the assessment of community participation in the administration of secondary schools in Ishielu Education zone, Ebonyi state. The respondents in this study were 17 principals and 310 members of school based management committee in the public secondary schools in the zone. To guide this study, 5 research questions and 3 null hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. In order to collect data for the study, an instrument titled, “Assessment of Community Participation in the Administration of Secondary Schools Questionnaire (ACPASSQ) was developed by the researcher and was used for the study after its validity and reliability was established. The data were collected and analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation while the t-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that community participates to a high extent in staff personnel administration, student personnel administration, funding of secondary school and supervision of instruction while to a low extent in provision of school buildings. The implication of this finding is that community should provide students and teachers with school buildings in order to create conducive atmosphere for learning.  One  of the  recommendations is  that  Ministry of Education  should  enlighten the community members through seminars, workshops and conferences on the importance of community participation in the administration of secondary schools and this will help in achievement of educational goals and objectives.



Background of the study

Education is the vehicle of development. So, responsibility of providing education is a concern of every member of the community. Community participation in school administration demonstrates importance of education and helps to influence the child’s attitude towards education (Johnson, 2014). The traditional practice of looking up to the government as the only provider of education is affecting the education system in achieving its goals and objectives.

Therefore, social, economic and political realities has made it necessary, indeed, imperative, that serious attention should be given to school administration especially in the face of rapid population growth, rising costs of education, ever increasing demand for skilled manpower and insufficient resources. As the Nigerian society becomes more and more institutionalized and  complex, effective  school administration becomes  more  important  and indispensable. Community participation in administration of schools has been fully recognized and extended systematically to a wider practice.

According to Manilla, (2013), administration is the co-ordination of human and material resources towards the attainment of some predetermined objectives. It is seen as the ongoing process of deciding policies and actions needed to achieve organization goals. Sequel to this, the central purpose of administration in any organization is that  of co-ordinating the effort  of members of the organization towards the attainment of some predetermined objectives. Anuna (2010) defined educational administration as the process through which available manpower,

funds and instructional materials are harnessed for the attainment of educational goals.


The key purpose of educational administration is the enhancement of teaching, learning and co-curricular activities for all round development of students. The administrator fulfils such demand by implementing policies linked to organizing, allocating, harnessing the human and material resources within the school system in order to achieve educational objectives.

School is a small community consisting of staff and pupils or students with their own pattern of rules and regulations and at the same time, it is an integral part of a much wider community that influences thoughts and actions. In other words, the school does not exist alone. It is a social institution, an agency by which desirable social needs may be met. Also, secondary school level occupies a very unique position in the education system in Nigeria because it is the level that determines the academic and professional career of students.

Secondary education is the form of education which children receive automatically after they have received primary school education and it serves as a link between primary and tertiary education. Secondary education in Nigeria is a six year programme, comprising of the lower basic  secondary  and  upper  secondary  school.  Each  level  is  of  three  years  duration.  The curriculum of the senior secondary school is comprehensive and diversified in nature while in junior level students are taught both academic and pre-vocational subjects.

Federal Republic of Nigeria in her National Policy on\ Education (2013:18) stated the broad aim of secondary education within the overall objectives as preparing students for useful living within the society and preparing them for higher education. The aim according to the same policy include:

To provide opportunity of qualitative education for primary school leavers, cater for the differences in talents of the pupils, develop Nigeria  cultural  heritage,  produce  a  generation  of people  who respect the dignity, foster Nigeria unity and inspire its student with

the desire for achievement and self improvement both at school and later in life.(FRN2013:18)

In order to achieve the wide educational aims and objectives as stated in Nigeria policy on education, the community participation in administration of secondary schools becomes very important. Educational planning must therefore reflect the societal and individual problems and needs. The educational planner in trying to solve and meet these needs has to ensure effective and efficient use of the available educational resources. Though, all planning are future oriented, it must draw information from past events and set a target period of accomplishment.

Experts in education, (Peretomode, Okunamiri, Ibiam and Okunamiri 2009) are seeking ways  to  utilize  limited  resources efficiently  and  effectively  in  order  to  identify  and  solve problems in the education sector and provide quality education for children. Their efforts have contributed to evolving ways of enhancing community participation as one of the strategies to improve education sector and quality. Oboegbulem (2013) defined community as a people living in the same locality and having a common cultural and historical heritage and the willingness to work together. It is referred to as a small localized, political, economic and social unit whose members shares values in common.

It is also clear that education takes place not only in schools but also within families, community and society. Despite the various responsibilities taken by each group, none can be the sole agent to take hundred percent responsibility for educating children.

Community participation in education means involvement of community in the upbringing, socializing and educating of their children, Shaeffer, cited in Ogbonnaya (2013). It is clear that government alone cannot single handedly provide adequate education for the entire citizen. Community either in form of the town or village association, old boys association or parent  teachers  association  participate  fully  in  the  running  of  schools.  Akubue  cited  in

Oboegbulem (2013) stated that school derives its existence and life blood from the community which often support it with materials and human resources.

School Based  Management  Committee  is  the  strongest  agencies of community that influence school administration. It is an organization which promotes mutual understanding and co-operation  between  school  and  home.  School  Based  Management  Committee  consist  of parents of students of particular schools and the schools teachers forming a group with the objectives of improving  the  running of such  schools (Abdullahi, 2012).  The  school based management committee assist the board of governors or the school committee to ensure cordial relationship between the school and  the entire community. Therefore, it is important to establish and continuously attempt to develop partnership between schools and community. The goal of the SBMC project  is to give pre-eminence to strengthening community involvement in the administration of the secondary schools so as to provide unfettered access for all children to free quantitative and functional education in tandem with the National Policy on Education and other relevant policies such as: Education For All (EFA), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Vision 20:20:20.

The SBMC, therefore, becomes a grass-root level body, empowered to play a pivotal role in enlisting community participation for education and bringing community and schools closer to establish an interactive and effective school management system. This body is expected to assume leadership to inspire and influence community thinking and guide their decisions in favour of their children. It is also envisaged to motivate the spirit of community ownership of schools and the education system to the extent of mobilizing community resources for school improvement.

Good school-community relationship motivates the members of the community to participate in school administration. The school as an organization is a social invention designed to serve the need of the community, society and individuals that make it up. Also, the school derives most of its strength and support from the community in which it is situated and this dependence on the community makes it difficult for the school and its professional staff to function effectively without the support of the community.

Mgbodile cited in Ogbonnaya (2013) stated that the principal should endeavour to effect meaningful school-community relationship by getting to know and socialize with important people in the community. Most importantly, effective communication between the school and community will enhance and strengthen their relationship thereby helps in implementation of school progammes and activities.

Therefore, the effective communication, interaction and cordial relationship that exist between the school and the community actually encourage the community to participate in staff personnel administration. According to Oboegbulem (2013) staff personnel administration is a manpower activity of any organization which embraces recruitment of staff, staff maintenance, training and development, compensations, personnel as manpower or human resource management  in  an organization. Staff  in  the  secondary school includes teaching  and  non- teaching staff but teachers are the most potent weapons in the hands of the administrator in achieving educational objectives. Ajayi (2009) stated that the school and community are interdependent and interrelated and for the relationship between them to be meaningful, worthwhile and productive, they must be willing to assist each other to achieve their respective goals in atmosphere of love, mutual trust and co-operation.

Moreover, in a place where teacher absenteeism and poor performance are critical issues, community and parents can be  part of the  system of monitoring and supervising teachers, ensuring that teachers arrive at the classroom on time and perform effectively on the classrooms. Community actively contributes and functions effectively in improvement of student personnel administration. Student personnel administration involves forecasting, planning and organizing the pupils and other resources such as manpower, capital, equipment and financial resources necessary for effective teaching and learning. It involves decision making and implementation of policies of the school with regard to student education.

It is clear that the chief role of the school administrator in student personnel area of administration is that of integrating the personnel functions with instruction and co-coordinating the personnel services. The school administrator and his staff direct, organize and co- coordinating the personnel services. The school administrator and his staff direct organize and teach the students in such a manner as to ensure the achievement of the desired objectives of education. Ade (2015) also submitted that active parent involvement and positive home school community relations have been shown to positively influence effective schooling and students achievement.  It  has  actually  brought  about  effectiveness of any  parent  teacher  association participation in the school administration.

According to Ezeocha cited in Ogbonnaya (2013) the organization of the school based management committee provides the school principal easy avenue for achieving supervisory objectives. The principal of a school is a planner, director, controller and coordinator, organizer, adviser and a problem solver (Maduabum 2012). The principal identifies and set goals and objectives of the school which of course must be in line with the national objectives, analyses tasks and share responsibilities to the staff according to specialization and expertise (Uyanga,

2007). In view of Okendu (2009), the principal is referred to as the educational administrator of the school who occupies a central place in ensuring effective administration. He develops and implements  the  educational  programs of  the  school,  procures staff,  provides  facilities  and equipment, keeps school records including records of school funds as well as create a conducive teaching and learning atmosphere in schools.

The  principal  being  the  head  of  the  administration  makes  it  necessary to  know  the community, takes an active part in the progress of the community, facilitate community participation  in  the  life  of  the  school  and  interpret  school goals  and  programmes  to  the community. The principal should maintain a good channel of communication with the school- Based management committee for the purpose of getting new ideas and acquainting them with the problems of the school. He initiate parents workshops school visitation by parents, organizations for parents and teachers’ interaction

Ogbonnaya (2013) stated that financial management implies ability to be called upon to account or answer for funds entrusted to one’s care. It is concerned with decisions on how to procure, expand and give accounts of funds provided for the implementation of educational programmes and activities. It is closely related to accountability. The success of any school programme depends very much on the way the financial inputs are managed and this in turn, affects the overall performance of each school. Mgbodile cited in Ogbonnaya (2013) posited that without good financial management, the programmes of educational institutions will not be properly implemented.

The principal is the chief accounting officer of the school and also accountable to the school authorities of school finances. Hence, the community helps in management of finances of educational institutions  during  fund-raising activities  and  a  checking  of embezzlement  and

mismanagement  of  the  school  funds  and  as  such  it  is  important  that  the  school and  the community should have mutual relationship in order to foster cordial existence. As the PTA, SBMC, Community associations and other agencies of the community helps to raise funds for repairing of the schools, it is proper that, know what happens to the funds raised by them. This can link the school administrator with the stake holders, of the community. This of course exposes the school to supervision of instruction.

Furthermore, supervision of instruction is another phase of school administration which the community participates on. According to Afianmagbon (2009) supervision of instruction is a process of guiding helping, co-coordinating and directing the teachers and administrators so that school programmes and activities will be improved. The fundamental task of supervisor of instruction is to aid teachers to identify difficult problems and select appropriate instructional strategies to solve them. The function of supervisor of programme is effective co-ordination of school activities for optimum results through aspiration, guidance and direction of the teacher for purpose of improving his quality of work. There are two types of supervisor, the  internal supervisors and external supervisors.

The internal supervisors are those supervisors that work within the school environment such  as  principals,  vice-principals  and  head  of  department.  On  the  other  hand  external supervisors are designated officials from ministry of education, the school board and even the community. The school board helps to develop curriculum and learning materials that reflect children’s everyday lives in the society and exercise supervisory control by highlighting areas of weakness that require programme adjustment. It is obvious that every educational programme takes place in a natural and physical environment for the effective implementation of school curriculum which is geared towards effective achievement of the set educational objectives. Due

to the importance attached to education, it becomes necessary that the environment in which education  activities  take  place  should  be  a  conducive  one.  For  many  decades  when  the community  has  been  involved  in  the  running  of  the  secondary  schools  through  several community agencies such as SBMC, PTA, Age grades among others, the extent of the success of such participation has not been determined or defined.

Therefore, the need for assessment of community participation in management of school facilities  becomes  also   very  important.  School  facilities  management  is  provision  and maintenance of those material resources that facilitate effective teaching and learning. School facilities include school building and equipment as well as school records and books.

Now, for the purpose of this study the school buildings will be considered because they are tangible structure which serves as shelter for educational activities. They include among others classrooms, reading rooms, libraries, dining hall, assembly hall and so on. However, where there is good relationship between the school and community the management of school facilities become effective and educational programmes and activities are achieved.

The society expected the school administrators to quickly adjust or adapt to the changes and  innovations as  an  attempt  to  achieve  equilibrium. Consequently, pressure  is  mounting everyday on the school administrators to improve on the quality of their school’s graduates to meet the global trend. Parents and other education stakeholders accuse principals of not being conscientious  in  their  work.  The  teachers  are  not  even  left  out;  hence  some  parents  are employing the services of part-time teachers to enhance their wards’ performances at school. But this practice has not helped the matter either. Performance of students, especially in external examinations like Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) today continues to go down. A good example is the very poor performance of students at the recently released 2009 SSCE

result; and up to 2014, hence the wonder of many parents and other concerned Nigerians on whether school principals are effective in their day-to-day administration of schools. It must be appreciated that schools’ effectiveness depends on the nature of the school environment and largely on the quality of school administration provided by the individual school principal. The extent to which the community can help the school principals achieve the objectives of the school has not been realized. This is thrust of the matter.

Statement of the Problem

Currently, the demand for education by Nigerians has become progressively more widespread and complex. The aim and objectives for setting up educational institutions have widened and new subjects have been introduced with a view to meetings the critical need of the Nigerian society. There has been rapid explosion in the number of children eager and desirous to receive one form of education or the other. This rapid and unprecedented growth in all facets of the educational system calls for effective administration and supervision for quality output.

Unfortunately, secondary school education which is the pivot of the entire education system in Nigeria is fast loosing relevance, as it is not fulfilling the national objectives as set down in the Nigeria policy on education. The  result  is that  numerous problems are easily discernible in the sector such as poor infrastructural facilities in schools, and even lack of funds for effective administration of secondary schools. This is why the government approved community participation in the running of the educational system. But there is doubt about actual participation by the community. Are they really involved? To what extent are they? In what areas do they participate? These are the basic questions the researcher wants to establish. It is in view of these concerns that this study is being carried out.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate assessment community participation in the administration of secondary schools in Ishielu education zone, of Ebonyi state, Nigeria.

Specifically, the study intends to:

1.  ascertain the extent of community participation in staff personnel administration of the secondary schools.

2.  determine the extent of community participation in student personnel administration of the secondary schools.

3.  find out the extent of community participation in funding of the secondary schools.

4.  ascertain the extent of community participation in provision of school buildings of the secondary schools.

5.  investigate  the  extent  of  community  participation  in  supervision  of  instruction  of secondary schools.

Significance of the Study

The theoretical significant of this study is hinged on human relation theory. This theory emphasizes that human factor is important on the achievement of organizational goals. It was assumed that workers will achieve better if their personal welfare was taken into consideration. This shows that school staff and student will perform effectively when adequate attention is given  to  their  welfare  and  needs  and  this  will  help  to  achieve  educational  goals  when government, school administrators and community take responsibilities in running secondary school. Staff welfare will be taken care of which will in turn boost their effectiveness in teaching exercise. The ability to perform depends on how the worker is satisfied with his work.

The  implication of this  theory  is  that  community should  pay adequate  attention  to teachers and students welfare as well as the achievement of set educational objectives, as basis for effective educational administration. Also educational goals and objectives will be achieved when community and schools administrators work together. The findings of this study will be useful to the following groups, ministry of education, government, policy makers, school staff, community and other researchers.

The findings of this study call for the need for organizing workshops, seminars and conferences  by  the  ministry  of  education.  The  ministry  of  education  will  enlighten  the community members through seminars and workshops on the important of community administration and various ways which the community should be involved in the school administration thereby this will help to improve the standard of education.

The result of this study will help the government and its agencies to appreciate the contribution of community in achieving effective school administration thereby assisting them in addressing the educational challenges of the twenty first century. Also the study will help to unite both government and community in solving problems that are facing each other.

The finding of this study will be of immense benefit to policy makers for making policies that aim at encouraging community participation in running schools in order to improve effective school administration. Also, it will help policy makers to make policies that aim at encouraging both the government and community to work together towards achievement of educational goal and objectives.

The findings of this study will help to boast the moral of school staff to maintain cordial relationship with the community thereby seeking community support in achievement of school programmes and activities. It will help to bridge the gap in relationship between the teacher and

the community thereby promoting effective communication between them. It will also help the school staff to see the need to perform effectively in community programmes and activities like new yam festival, inauguration of council of elders, chieftaincy title.

The finding of this study will help to enlighten the community on its role as an external supervisor to provide infrastructures in order to improve classroom performance of teachers. It will help the community to know different areas where it  should be involved for effective administration. Also, it will help the community to see the welfare of both the teachers and students as their responsibilities thereby giving them appropriate attention. The students, school and society will be helped marvelously through this research work by making them to rise up to responsibilities for the achievement of worthwhile educational objectives.

In summary, the  finding of this study will help other researchers to understand the importance of community participation in school administration and help in their researches. It will help other researchers to find out other areas which the community should be involved in school administration. It will assist them in their review of empirical studies.

Scope of the Study

This study covered Ishielu education zone of Ebonyi state. It  involved all the principals and members of school based management committee of the thirty-one government secondary schools currently operating in the zone.

On  the  content  dimension,  the  study  focuses  on  the  assessment  of  community participation in the administration of staff personnel, student personnel, funding of secondary school, supervision of instruction and provision of school buildings.

Research Questions

The following research questions are posed to collect data for the study.

1.  What is the extent of community participation in staff personnel administration of the secondary schools?

2.  What is the extent of community participation in student personnel administration of the secondary schools?

3.  To what extent does the community participate in funding of the secondary schools?

4.  What  is  the  extent  of community participation  in  provision  of  school  buildings  in secondary schools?

5.  To what extent does the community participate in the supervision of instruction of the secondary schools?


The following null hypotheses were formulated to be tested at 0.05 level of significance. Ho1:    There  is  no  significance  difference  between  the  mean  responses  of  principals  and

members  of  school  based  management  committee  on  the  extent  of  community

participation in staff personnel administration of schools..

Ho2:    There is no significant difference between the mean responses of principals and members of school based management committee as regard the extent of community participation in student personnel administration of schools.

Ho3:    There is no significant difference between the mean responses of principals and the members of school based management committee on the extent of community participation in funding of secondary schools.

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